Dragon Ball 2023 in Support of the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation / 2023年龍宴年度慈善晚宴為大多倫多地區的老年人募款

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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya)

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The 34 Annual Dragon Ball in support of the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation was held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, falling on Lunar Chinese New Year’s Eve for the Year of the Rabbit. One thousand guests at the sold-out gala returned more potent than ever, with attendees that included government dignitaries Minister of Long-Term Care Paul Calandra, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility Raymond Cho, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion Ahmed Hussen, Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Bob Rae, Mayor of Toronto John Tory, Mayor of Markham Frank Scarpitti, Deputy Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto Hongbo Cheng and Director of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) Emily Mo.


中文版 / Chinese version:
為支持Yee Hong 社區健康基金會而舉行的第 34 屆年,2023年的龍宴Dragon Ball年度慈善晚宴多倫多會議中心Metro Toronto Convention Centre)舉行,恰逢兔年農曆除夕夜。參加晚會的 1000 名賓客包括比以往任何時候都更加陣容浩大的政要。與會者包括政要長照護理部長保羅·卡蘭德拉(Paul Calandra)、老年人和無障礙部長 Raymond Cho住宿多元化包容事務部長加拿大移民部部長艾哈默得·胡塞因Ahmed Hussen)、多倫多市長莊德利(John Tory)、加拿大安大略省萬錦市Markham市長Frank Scarpitti中華人民共和國多倫多副總領事Hongbo Cheng香港多倫多經濟貿易辦事處處長巫菀菁)(Emily Mo)。

As one of the largest non-profit long-term care providers in Canada, Yee Hong has 805 long-term care beds in the Greater Toronto Area, a hospice residence and community programs and services that provide resources for 26000 seniors and their families. Yee Hong helps seniors (of various ethnic backgrounds) to have a better quality of life.

中文版 / Chinese version:
作為加拿大最大非營利長照護理機構之一,Yee Hong大多倫多地區設有805張長照護理床位臨終關懷住所和各種多元社區項目與服務,為26000名以上長者及其家庭提供資源Yee Hong幫助不同種族背景的老年人過上更好生活

Yee Hong started in 1987 when founder Dr. Joseph Wong saw the need to help Chinese seniors who faced language and cultural barriers in existing senior facilities. He began organizing fundraising to build a nursing home, and in 1994 Yee Hong Centre was opened.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Yee Hong 成立於 1987 年,當創始人 Joseph Wong 博士看到有必要幫助在當時老年設施中面臨語言文化障礙中國老年人,便開始籌款興建養老院,並於1994年開設Yee Hong中心

Funds are needed to increase capacity to meet the significant needs for long-term care beds. The “Love Gives” campaign has a goal of $80 million to start the construction of three nursing homes and add 800 more beds. The plan is to break ground in Fall 2023 with the first new centre.

中文版 / Chinese version:
增加空間以滿足對長期護理床位的巨大需求需要資金Yee Hong的「Love Gives」企劃案的目標是8000萬加幣,用於開建三所養老院並增加800張床位。計劃於 2023 年秋季於第一個新中心破土動工。

This year’s Dragon Ball had a pre-dinner reception with a variety of hors d’oeuvres and photo opportunities. Guests got to enjoy Iron Goddess Tea Soy Egg, Chinese Turnip Cake, Red& Gold Wealth and Prosperity Fritter, Eight Treasure Sticky Rice Balls, Mock Oysters of Crispy Tofu, Immunity Booster Herbal Soup and Bubble Tea.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的龍宴Dragon Ball募款晚宴辦有一場餐前招待會,提供各種開胃小菜和拍照機會。來賓們享用了鐵娘子茶葉滷蛋Iron Goddess Tea Soy Egg)、中式蘿蔔糕紅金富貴油條八寶湯圓脆皮豆腐生蠔、增強免疫力的藥草湯珍珠奶茶

Throughout the evening, there was a variety of entertainment with a dance show by KulKat Entertainment: “Guardians of the Ice Cave Ballet,” “Flight of the Butterflies,” and “Swing into Summer,” Lunar New Year dance by Chinese Collective Arts Association, “I Can Dance” fitness program featuring seniors with Parkinson’s disease together with active seniors, and the Interactive Magic Show by Magician Louis Yan (known as the David Copperfield of Hong Kong).

中文版 / Chinese version:
整個晚上,KulKat Entertainment舞蹈表演多彩豐富,為貴賓們表演了「Guardians of the Ice Cave Ballet」、「Flight of the Butterflies」和「Swing into Summer」曲目,中國集體藝術協會(Chinese Collective Arts Association)跳了一段農曆春節舞蹈、「I Can Dance」健身計劃邀請患有帕金森病的長者與活躍長者一同舞動。有著「港版大衛高柏飛」 (David Copperfield) 之美譽的魔術師Louis Yan秀出一系列的的互動魔術表演

There were silent and live auction items with a variety of items, including a diamond bracelet, a luxury mattress from Hastens and a lucky draw raffle to win a European vacation package.
It was a great evening, and the funds raised will make a massive difference in the well-being of seniors in GTA.

中文版 / Chinese version:

今年的的龍宴Dragon Ball年度慈善晚宴舉辦圓滿成功,籌集的資金將對大多倫多地區老年人福祉產生巨大影響。



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