Tag archives for Metro Toronto Convention Centre

The 2023 Canadian International Auto Show / 2023年加拿大國際車展

The 2023 Canadian International Auto Show / 2023年加拿大國際車展(Canadian International Auto Show) (Scroll to the bottom for images /愈看照片請滑至頁底) (欲看中文版請向下滑 / scroll down for the Chinese version) The 2023 Canadian International…
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Dragon Ball 2023 in Support of the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation

Dragon Ball 2023 in Support of the Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation / 2023年龍宴年度慈善晚宴為大多倫多地區的老年人募款 (中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya) (scroll to the…
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Automobiles & Bikes

2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 – 2020年加拿大國際車展CIAS20

( 中文版向下看/ Scroll down for Chinese version) 2020 Canadian International AutoShow CIAS20 showcases over 1000 vehicles from Top Luxury Brands and Winning Race Cars / 2020年加拿大國際汽車展CIAS20展出超過1000輛名車超跑和獲獎的賽車 (photos by Sari Colt…
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Architecture & Interior

The Interior Design Show 2020 – IDS20 – Over 52k Guests Come Together for the Latest in in Interior Design

(photos by Sally Warburton, Chinese translation by Tanya) The Interior Design Show 2020 Toronto- #IDS20 - Over 52k Guests Come Together to Learn the Latest Trend and Technology from the…
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