“Da cuo che,” which literally translates to “Taking the wrong ride,” is the most classic tearjerker Taiwanese movie of all time. The film was shot in 1983, and the title was later translated to “Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing.” However, the theme song of this movie was equally tear-jerking and too good that it became one of the most famous Taiwanese folk songs, to the point that the film is better known as the song’s title, “jiu gan tang bue bo,” which literally translates to “Any empty bottles for sale?” instead of the original title, “Da Cuo Che.”
抖音詐騙廣告商品:號稱能治好白內障、青光眼及各種眼經疾病的「木鱉果茶」開箱試用總評價 :I got Scaammed so You Don’t Have to! TikTok Ad Product
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