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Tag Archives: #迷因達人招募

中風殘編抖音迷因挑戰人體做不到的動作 / Stroke-Survivor Tiktok Meme Body hack challenges

殘編中風病人挑戰抖音人體做不到的迷因 / Stroke-Survivor Tiktok Body hack challenges

May 16, 2020 · Leave a Comment

3 Things I learned from #COVID19 #StayHome week 2 / 3件殘編在新型冠狀病毒在家閉關隔離學到的事

Staying home #StayHome can be tremendously self-fulfilling. Try it; you may surprise yourself. Please, don’t be one of those bad apples, murderer! 待在家裡其實不難,殘編就意外的自我成長了不少。您不妨一試,也許也能跟我一樣受益良多。求求大家,不要成為老鼠屎、兇手! 跟殘編一起為Sophon和她的家人哀悼。

April 20, 2020 · 3 Comments

獻給劉真的 #迷因達人招募 #tiktok迷因達人招募 影片 / A Tribute TikTok Meme Video in Memory of Taiwan’s Recently Deceased Dancing Queen Liu Zhen (Serena Liu)

獻給台灣國標舞女王劉真的一段抖音迷因+YT影片 / A Tik Tok & Youtube video tribute to Liu Zhen (Serena Liu) the recently deceased Taiwanese Dancing Queen: ( 英文版向下看 /scroll down for English version) 最近病逝的劉真是咱們台灣的國標舞女王,也是我們台灣的驕傲。台灣藝人滿街跑,但是素質卻都。。。 英文版 / … Continue reading

April 14, 2020 · Leave a Comment