Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Uniikii Boots and Aarikka Jewelry Preview at Chill Ice House

Canada and Finland have so much in common with similarities in climate and appreciation of nature.
It makes sense that Uniikii, a Toronto based company founded by Susan Asunmaa and Joanna Walker, is proudly distributing in Canada two iconic Finnish product lines: Lahtiset footwear and bags, and Aarikka Oy jewelry and housewares.

At Toronto’s Chill Ice House, which is literally the coolest place in the city to be, we got to experience all of Uniikii‘s fashionable products. Lahtiset, a family-run company, manufactures wool felt boots and shoes.
Each boot takes eight days to make by hand and they truly are perfect for our cold Canadian winters.
We tried on a pair and they are warm, stylish, and quite comfortable.

The House of Uniikii boots preview chill ice houseLahtiset‘s line of felt bags designed by Jonas Hakaniemi also caught our eye.

Aarikka Oy Jewelry is made from wood and the pieces are quite colourful.

aarikka bracelet

Aarikka bracelet

As Susan and Joanna explained, all of the products that they carry are made from sustainable materials and come from companies that are socially conscious. In addition, a portion from each purchase is donated to charities like World Vision‘s

All of the goods are available at both and for the next two months at their Toronto pop up store at 2989 Bloor St. W.

Chill Ice House, located at 82 Bathurst, is also worth visiting on its own merits, where you get to experience an authentic ice bar.

(photos by Tanya)

Uniikii Boots and Aarikka Jewelry Preview at Chill Ice House- sustainable Finnish designs


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2 Comments on “Uniikii Boots and Aarikka Jewelry Preview at Chill Ice House

  1. janet
    November 14, 2014

    LOVE the pix of the red boots on the clear ( is it ice?) bar! Those are pix to use again.

    • Fashion Ecstasy
      November 14, 2014

      Thanks! Yes it is ice!

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