Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Upcoming Event-Fonda Lola’s First Ever Tequila Made Me Do It Art Night

I’ve heard of drunken boxing. But have you heard of drunken art?
Join us on Tuesday, March 31st, 7pm at Fonda Lola‘s first ever Tequila Made Me Do It art night.

For $50, aspiring artists will sip tequila and join the 2-hour art tutorial where brushes, paints and canvases are provided. You don’t need talent; you just need a few shots of tequila to become the “drunken master” of art!

Tickets on sale on Eventbrite!

Tequila Made Me Do It- Fonda Lola


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2 Comments on “Upcoming Event-Fonda Lola’s First Ever Tequila Made Me Do It Art Night

  1. dferrea
    March 29, 2015

    This is amazing! What a great idea! Where is your location?

    • Fashion Ecstasy
      March 29, 2015

      The event will take place at Fonda Lola Restaurant located at 942 Queen Street West.

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