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WOWWAO1 令人驚艷叫哇哇的最新好用社交媒體APP/ WOWWAO1 – The Latest and easy to use Social Media that WOWs You
人人都想當網紅,就連川普、韓國「水」裡的那隻都是famewhore (因為不太好聽,在這不變質翻,殘編簡單解釋就是「很想紅的人」),單是社交媒體平台這麼多,咱們要全都趕上真ㄉ真的很難。
English version / 英文版:
With the rise of social media, almost everyone with online access craves for that online fame, even Trump and our own politician Han Kuo “You-know-who” are famewhores, I mean, earn their recognition through online social media. But thinking back how hard I tried to teach my mom to use a computer, I only have respect for them to go internet viral at their age. With so many new social media platforms, even I, a millennial, can’t keep up with the trend.
簡單解釋目前最多人使用的社交平台就是這樣 / The evolution of social media can be summarized as follows:
老人 @facebook (殘編有罪!)
網美網帥 @instagram
只想啪啪啪殺時間的人 @tinder
政治界、新聞界的人 @twitter
English version / 英文版:
Old people @facebook (guilty as charged!)
pretty people @instagram
people who kill time by smashing @tinder
politicians & journalists @twitter
young and body confident people @snapchat
殘編最近多加入一個:令人讚嘆叫「WOW」的人 @哇哇WOWWAO1 !
English version / 英文版:
For those who want to stay at the top of social media, there’s a new platform I call:
People who wow you @WOWWAO1
FB算是社交媒體的第一代,但是其實美加早已沒人再用了,時尚高潮有在用FB (@fashionecsta)、推特(@FashionEcstasy)、IG (@fashionecstasy)、但是現在年輕瞎趴的人都用稍縱即逝的 Snapchat。
Snapchat 的厲害之處就是它稍縱即逝的功能,送出的失態照10秒就不見,並且不留痕跡,因此深受還在愛玩階段的年輕人喜愛。身為時尚高潮的主編,一有新的社交媒體平台,殘編的工作就是要先用,但畢竟殘編已經是七年級的腦殘老人~><~
Snapchat我學了好久,在那發文有限時性的,時間過了稍縱即逝不留痕跡,這個功能有好有壞, 發文最長只能存10秒,我的記憶力只有3秒,如果不小心傳了不堪入目的照片,豈不是糗大了?但只存10秒,我如果不小心誤發文,又怎麼知道做錯什麼?反正怎麼用就是不習慣,最後還是決定服老,把它刪了。
English version / 英文版:
Let’s first admit that Taiwanese have long been unable to keep up with the latest social media trends. All we know is Facebook, IG, Twitter…etc. Most businesses even use Facebook as their official website.
Facebook is the first generation of social media, aka. Granny generation. As the editor-in-chief of Fashion Ecstasy, it’s my job to stay on top of all new social media. We’re on Facebook (@fashionecsta), Twitter (@FashionEcstasy), Instagram (@fashionecstasy).
Okay, I know Snapchat is the hottest, but let’s be fair; I’m 33 and old enough to suffer from a hemorrhagic stroke; so don’t judge me when I say Snapchat is just not my thing, and I tried.
The great thing about Snapchat is its 10-second disappearing function, hence making it ideal for the younger “sexting” generation, drunk sext all you want, and never leave a trace. For a person with defective brains, this function could be good or bad. Good because my goldfish memory only lasts for 3 seconds at times, so I definitely need more than 10 seconds to remember why all my followers are laughing at me or bitching at me after that.
新出的哇哇WOWWAO1社交媒體app算是Snapchat的合理版跟所有社交媒體的簡易綜合版(IG+ 推特),哇哇WOWWAO1 也是每天的公開限時發文,與周遭的世界產生互動!
公開的動態所有人都可以看到, 文章會在24小時候自動刪除, app的朋友設定有兩種: 追蹤 “Follow“及加好友” Add Friend“的功能,私人的發文只有加好友的才會看到,更有隱密性,也比較能與您真正關心的人互動。而且發文不只文字,也能附上圖片,讓只想看文或看圖的人都能互動。
English version / 英文版:
WOWWAO1 is not only a reasonable version of Snapchat but also an easy-to-use combination of all popular social media platforms ( Instagram + Twitter).
Public post (story) is only available for 24 hours before it self-destructs, allowing users to connect with the “now” and in the city around with just enough time for you to come back to your senses. Aside from Instagram‘s image and Twitter‘s text functions, WOWWAO1 also combines Facebook’s “Follow” or “Add Friend” features. So if you’re more of a private person, you can choose to post privately, which means only your friends can see these posts and more intimate interactions with those you care about.
應用程式有LBS(在地化)的設定, 公開發文是給同一個城市的人看, 但如果離開城市發文, 而其他用戶如果沒有追蹤妳的話, 將不會看到妳的公開發文除非追蹤!
English version / 英文版:
With LBS (location-based service) settings, public posts are only visible for users in the same city and your followers.
Human beings are visual creatures, hence the reason why Instagram can stay popular for so long. Who doesn’t like to see pretty no-brainer images? But the downside of Instagram is the mother f-ing data it uses once you open the app. I was also once a 500G monthly plan hobo in Canada. Since I downloaded Instagram, my $55 monthly plan started billing me $ 200-$300 CAD a month. With the localized function, WOWWAO1 will not break your bank with spam posts and images.
English version / 英文版:
By the way, WOWWAO1 only allows one account per one mobile number, no more spams & random revolting dick pics ; ) lol.
If you’re a social media junkie like me (I have a legit reason, it’s my job!), you most likely have received revolting dick pics or flappy taco/boob pics that’ll traumatize you for the rest of your life.
「時尚高潮」已經搶先加入了 ,記得追蹤我們: fashion ecstasy
English version / 英文版:
We called shotgun, Join Fashion Ecstasy on WOWWAO1 & don’t forget to follw us: fashion ecstasy
Wow to the world as one! A better world~
Download here:
iOS @ http://bit.ly/_wowwao1
Android @ http://bit.ly/wowwao1foru
Follow WOWWAO1 social media App’s official accounts:
Instagram @ www.instagram.com/wowwao1
Twitter @ www.twitter.com/wowwao1
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