Last night, Mon Sheong Foundation held their annual fundraiser- The 2012 Cathay Ball: An Evening in Seoul at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre with all proceeds supporting the three long-term care centres and other services of Mon Sheong Foundation.
The event started with traditional korean street food tasting and dim sum passing around while guests bid on the silent auction items, followed by a sit- down dinner with entertainment ft. ‘Gangnam Style’ and Ms. Seo-hoo (Korean pop and soul singer). Guests were encouraged to go on the dance floor and learn some ‘Gangnam Style’ moves.

Watch the Gangnam Style performance:

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More about Mon Sheong Foundation
The Mon Sheong Foundation is a Canadian registered charitable organization, dedicated to the promotion of Chinese culture, heritage, language and philosophy through caring for the elderly, encouraging the young and providing programs and services in response to the needs of our communities.
For more information please visit:

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