Clothing expresses our personal style, whether we are interested in fashion or not. Even a simple t-shirt can tell the world a little bit of our personality and our taste.

Clothing makes an excellent gift for the coming holidays. However, choosing the right piece can be challenging. Shopping for yourself is easy because you know exactly what you like and dislike. But if you are considering buying clothes for a relative or a friend this Christmas, you will have to put in some additional effort and thoughts. Clothing is a very personal gift, and you want to choose something they are guaranteed to love. Follow these three tips to ensure a successful gifting for this holiday season.

photo credit: Csondy

1. Think carefully about their personal style

Remember, just because you like something does not guarantee they will like it too. Especially if it is not their usual taste. Those tunic tops women wear in the summer might be beautiful, but is it something this friend or relative would wear? Is it wise to go for a colour that is trendy for the season, or a colour that you know they like? Do they prefer a baggy fit or a tight fit? These are just some considerations you need to make when you do your shopping.
Think about the clothes you have seen them wear on previous occasions and what styles/colours they are. It should help you find something suitable for them.

If you are still unsure about what to get, stick to timeless classics that can be dressed up or dressed down to suit their tastes. A simple blazer or a pair of skinny jeans are versatile and will easily be appreciated by anyone. If they have a unique style that is hard to find on the high street, opt for a gift card from their favourite store/brand. That way they can choose what they like.

2. Check their size

If you want to buy a clothing piece as a surprise, you must always check what their current size is. One size fits all is ok with some clothing pieces, but it limits your choice drastically. Ask the recipients’ family and friends to help you determine the right size. Remember to check the sizing guide if shopping online. Clothing sizes vary for each brand and without being able to see it before buying makes it harder to get the size right. Read online reviews to see what other customers think about the fit of the brand or the items you are considering to buy. The last thing you want is to purchase something that does not fit your loved ones.

3. Get a gift receipt

Mistakes can be made, and the item you have bought may not be quite right. That is where gift receipts come in. A gift receipt will allow the recipient to exchange the item for something else from the same store. Don’t forget to ask for one while you do your purchase. Wrap it up with the gift.
With these tips, you can’t go wrong with the choice you make for Christmas gifts. Good luck with your holiday shopping!


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