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日韓超夯的2D CAFE爆紅網紅、網美、網帥打卡咖啡廳,超有創意!用黑白手繪漫畫風格打造出2D二次元的主題空間,是網美、網紅、網帥必踩點的咖啡廳,如今也在台灣火紅起來啦!一紅到台灣就從北開到南,一連開了好幾家,包括台北、台中、高雄都有。台北稍微受寵一點,開了兩家,一家在師大、一家在台北101。更厲害的是每家分店還有不同的主題,更讓網美、網帥們無法抗拒啦!
English Version / 英文版:
2D Cafe, the super instagrammable cafe that has earned its fame across Japan, Korea, and Asia with its creative 2D manga concept, has set multiple locations in Taiwan now! Using black and white drawing and sketches, this is a must-see & must-tag for all Instagram celebs, YouTubers, and social media gurus! The good news is, it has locations from North to South across Taiwan, including Taipei, Taichung, and Kaoshiung. Taipei earns a little more love and has 2 locations, one in Shida and one in Taipei 101. What makes them more irresistible is that each location is designed with a different theme. If that doesn’t intrigue you, you might as well get off social media for good.
English Version / 英文版:
Taipei 101’s location has an “airplane theme,” Shida’s location is a “Japanese lifestyle theme,” the Taichung store is the “amusement park theme,” and the Kaohsiung location has a “sportscar theme” that’s more catered to guys.
English Version / 英文版:
Initially, I thought 2D Cafe was originated in Japan because as soon as I posted a video on TikTok, a Japanese fan left a comment asking me if I was in Japan. Plus, who besides Japan can have the creativity to start a trend across entire Asia, right?
However, after some research, I learned that 2D Cafe was originated in Malaysia in 2018. It has been over 20 years since I visited Malaysia. It looks like Malaysia is worth a second visit after this whole pandemic.
旅遊控的殘編過去一年由於新型冠狀病毒疫情的關係,人生還是第一次這麼久沒出國旅行,都快悶壞啦!台北101店菜單不但有分店限定版的「飛機餐」($340元),每週口味不同(含麵包、沙拉、招牌奶酪),還有一樣該店限定版、超好拍的摩天輪造型的「航空馬卡龍($150元/2入或$400元/6入) 。原本想去店吃個「飛機餐」,過過「偽出國」的乾癮。但造訪日期正好是兒童節,童心未眠,心智年齡又不到三歲的殘編童心爆發,明明大嬸年紀了還硬要過「兒童節」,於是就臨時改變主意,換上cosplay學生服,改去比較符合「兒童」主題的師大店(日本生活主題),好好名正言順地當一天的孩子啦!
English Version / 英文版:
Y’all know I’m a travel junkie. However, due to the frustrating COVID19 pandemic, I have been stranded on the same island for almost a year! That’s the longest time I haven’t traveled in my life. I can’t tell you how unbearable and boring it has been! Hence, 2D Cafe‘s Taipei 101 location with the airplane theme intrigued me the most. Its menu includes a few Instagram-worthy items limited to the branch only, including the “Airplane Meal” for $340, which features a different dish each week and comes with bread, salad, and 2D Cafe‘s “signature panna cotta.” Another Instagram worthy item limited to Taipei 101‘s location is the 2piece ($150NT) or 6-piece ($400NT) macaron that is served on a Ferris wheel. Haven’t traveled for so long; I initially wanted to go to the Taipei 101 location to have a fake “aircraft meal” and pretend to travel. But the date of my visit just happened to be Children’s Day. I’m still a kid at heart, and my IQ agrees with that. So I insisted on celebrating “Children’s Day.” Shida location‘s “Japanese lifestyle” theme seems more kiddish than the airplane theme, so I changed my mind last minute, put on my high-school student uniform cosplay outfit, and head to 2D Cafe Shida to legitimately spend a day like a kid.
2D Cafe師大店是旗艦店,也是在台灣區發跡的第一間店。店面看似小,但是如果沒做好功課,打卡重點很容易疏忽MISS掉,以下殘編為您做重點整理:
English Version / 英文版:
2D Cafe Shida is the flagship store and the first location in Taiwan. The space looks small, but if you don’t do your homework, you can easily miss some super Intsagrammable selfie points. Here I list them out for you. You’re welcome:
English Version / 英文版:
The first stop is t the entrance and door to the cafe, which is designed into a comic version of Japan’s streetside vending machine! Here you can take a few selfies
English Version / 英文版:
The second stop is the window seat next to the door. This area is ideal for “artistic” photos where one can pretend to be deep thinking while staring out the window.
English Version / 英文版:
After entering the restaurant, you will be drawn from the 3D real world to the 2D flat graphic comic space. The experience is quite trippy and takes some time to get used to it. On the right-hand side is the order stand. There’s nothing special here, so you can head right to the seating area after ordering. Moving forward is the seating area, and to the right of the seating area is the 3rd stop, the “public bus/ MRT Area.”
English Version / 英文版:
Fortunately, this is not the Taiwan Railways, nor is it the real-life MRT, which nobody knows what the maintenance schedule is. There are hanging straps for standing passengers, seats, and handrails in the bus/MRT area. Here you can stand, sit, lie down and take a few hundred selfies with a piece of mind, since this is a non-life-threatening safe zone.
English Version / 英文版:
Ya think just because the cafe is designed into a 2-dimensional flat space, there is only a flat single floor? Think again. The space may look flat, but there is a basement! And guess what? The basement is where all the real fun hides.
English Version / 英文版:
The basement is laundry shop-themed. You can take a few selfies with the clothes hangers murals first when you go downstairs.
When we went downstairs, there was a group of tourist girls who were screaming with excitement and taking crazy selfies. After observing for a while, I knew that they didn’t know there was a secret selfie spot.
English Version / 英文版:
Yep, the fifth point is the “secret selfie spot,” the washing machine! You can open the door of this washer! Like those girls, it’s easy to miss if you don’t know. Photos took inside this washing machine look like being trapped in a washer. It’s super fun and cute! After I opened the washing machine’s door and took my selfie, the group of girls followed us right away, and it was another round of screaming and jumping with excitement. Again, you’re welcome!
English Version / 英文版:
So you think now that you’ve found the secret selfie spot, you win? It’s not over yet! the washing machine is actually a “secret tunnel” to a whole new world on the other side! Climbing to the other side is a comic book kitchen. The setting remains a flat 2D graphic comic. But the fun in this room is the real 3D spatulas and pots that you can pick up and play chef or “the good wife” or mom in the kitchen.
菜單每家分店雖大同小異,卻都有一點不一樣。如上述說的,台北的兩間店中的101店稍有創意。要注意的是,實際上造訪師大店時的價格跟網路上的不一樣,如官網上標記$110元的「檸檬塔」結帳時卻是$200元,其他甜點也似乎都是$200元,但是我們點的兩種蛋糕都有附上兩球冰淇淋,所以還能接受。 官網上的「四季如春」標價是$110元,到場時卻是$120元。就連網路標記$150元的「燻雞沙拉」到現場時都變成$200元
English Version / 英文版:
Menus of each branch are similar but slightly different. As mentioned above, among the 2 locations in Taipei, the Taipei 101 of the two stores in Taipei is more creative. However, mind you that the price on their website is different from the price at the Shida location when you actually visit. For example, the website shows that the “Lemon Tart” is priced at$110 NT when it was in fact, $200NT on our bill. Other desserts also seem to be $200NT each. But both desserts we ordered comes with two scoops of ice cream, so it’s acceptable. Another example is the green tea, which is priced at $110NT on their website but was $120NT on our bill. Even the “smoked chicken salad” labeled $150NT on the Internet becomes $200NT on our bill.
English Version / 英文版:
The menu read “salad,” and the photo shows ingredients on a bed of lettuce. When ordering, the staff says that salad comes with a choice of “bagel” or “focaccia.” “Focaccia” is a kind of Italian bread that is crispy and often baked with spices. I used to eat it often eaten when I was studying for my master’s degree in Italy, so I opted for that. However, there are no signs of “salad” when served, but a huge “focaccia” with a slice of lettuce, a few slices of smoked chicken, sliced boiled eggs, and a slice of tomato sandwiched in between. The “Focaccia” lacks spices, and although the outer layer is baked to crispy, it becomes soft and rubbery in the middle. The inner side is spread with mayonnaise and black pepper, causing the lettuce to become soggy and yellowish.
English Version / 英文版:
Initially, we wanted to order the “French lemon tart” in the shape of a rose, but it was unavailable when we visited, so we ordered the single-slice “old lemon tart.” Handmade lemon tart has a chocolate-flavor crust The tart has a rich texture and fruity fragrance. Savouring the tart and crust all in one bite, you can taste the crust transition from soft and loose into moist and rich when mixing it with the lemon tart. The sweet and sour taste gives you a sense of happiness. The lemon tart comes with two scoops of different flavoured ice cream, one is Mocha flavor, and the other is chocolate. The “Mocha” flavor is icier, and the chocolate flavor is rich.
English Version / 英文版:
The shape of the chocolate tart is similar to the “French lemon tart” we initially wanted to order, but chocolate flavoured and colored. The top is rose-shaped, sprinkled with three small pieces of gold leaves. The texture is tough and hard to cut. There is a layer of yellow filling in the middle. At first, we thought it must be some kind of fruit, but when we took a bite, it tasted like a layer of the lemon tart we just demolished. The two scoops of ice cream are the same as the “old lemon tower” mentioned above.
地址:101大樓 B1 (Sony隔壁)
English Version / 英文版:
Tel: 02-8101-8394
Address: 101 Building B1 (next to Sony)
Business hours: 11:00-21:30
Tel: 02-2366-0250
Address: No. 10, Lane 59, Shida Road, Taipei City
Business hours: 10:30-21:30
Tel: 04-2222-3043
Address: No. 208, Minzu Road, Central District, Taichung City
Business hours: 10:00-19:00
Closed: Every Wednesday
Tel: 07-552-0198
Address: No. 55, Changsheng Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
Business hours: 12:00-22:00 on weekdays
Holidays and weekends: 10:30-22:00
各位粉絲有踩點過2D Cafe的其他分店嗎?經驗如何?歡迎底下留言告訴殘編喔!
English Version / 英文版:
Have you been to 2D Cafe’s other locations? How was your experience? Let Fashion Ecstasy know in the comments below!「洗衣機with
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