食記 – 老淡水餐廳 – 活海鮮跟各式台菜大口吃 Review- Lao DanShui Restaurant – Live Seafood with A Vast Selection of Other Dishes

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English Version / 英文版:
When I finally moved from Mucha to Tamsui, a friend asked me, “Why did you move from the mountain to the sea?” Yep, Tamsui could be a bit far, especially now that I’m living out of the MRT range. You probably think we only eat A-gei, “iron eggs,” or “fish ball soup” (all Tamsui‘s specialties). But if you search thoroughly, there are quite a few excellent restaurants in this “new town” waiting for you to discover. Today, I’ll be introducing you to “Lao Danshui Restaurant” located at No. 166-1, Section 1, Danjin Road, Danshui (Tamsui) District, New Taipei City.


English Version / 英文版:
The restaurant has a big parking lot, so even if it’s out of the MRT range, guests can drive away. The entrance welcomes guests with the “Crazy Rich Asians“-style -flaunt-your-seafood aquarium with live crabs and lobsters, clams spitting bubbles, and swimming fish.

The seasonal dishes include four seafood dishes prepared with shrimps and crabs and one vegetable dish when we visited.
Don’t miss out on Lao Danshui‘s super check-in promotion, in which you take a picture with Lao Danshui‘s logo and post them on either Instagram or Facebook; you can get the “Red Cherry Shrimp” (originally priced at $280NT) “at a discounted $89NT price.

  • 老淡水餐廳內環境 / Lao Danshui Restaurant Environment:


English Version / 英文版:
Noble orchids decorate the entrance. The restaurant is bright and spacious, with seating designed for banquets. All tables are large round ones that seat about ten. Seats are comfortable.

  • 老淡水餐廳菜單 / Lao Danshui Restaurant Menu:

老淡水餐廳菜單 / Lao Danshui Restaurant Menu
老淡水餐廳菜單 / Lao Danshui Restaurant Menu


English Version / 英文版:
Lao Danshui’s menu is vast and diversified, items are clearly sectioned under “cold dishes“, “deep-fried food,” “rice and noodles“, “stir-fried dishes“, “vegetables“, “eggs“, “seafood“, “three cups (dishes prepared with sesame oil, Chinese rice wine, and soy sauce”, “beef” “, “Chicken“, “Pork“, and “Hotpot” . The owner strategically lists all items into one single simple page. Without the heavy pages, diners can understand and order food at a glance and effectively speed up the ordering process. Serving is also speedy; our ten dishes from completely different categories are served within 15 minutes of ordering. The owner’s ingenuity in designing the menu results in efficiency, no wonder he can make a triumphant comeback.


English Version / 英文版:
Vegetable dishes alone include over five kinds of “seasonal vegetables” priced at $120 NTD/$160 NTD. Among them are water spinach, Chinese broccoli, cabbage, Bird’s-nest fern, and so on. We order “cabbage” and “Bird’s-nest fern.” Lao Danshui‘s live seafood is relatively cheaper than other live seafood restaurants in Taipei. Crab dishes cost only $680. Since our group meets all Priority Seat criteria, We play it safe and order safer dishes, including a “steamed cod” ($360NT) a “Clams with Basil
($160)” the check-in special “Red Cherry Shrimp” (priced initially at $280NT)”, “Squid with Salted Egg Yolk ($380NT)” and “Shrimp Balls with fresh fruits ($280).” For chicken, we order “General Tso’s Chicken ($240).” For “Eggs,” we opt for the “Carrageenan fried Eggs ($180).” The owner highly recommends their signature dish, “String Bean Stinky Tofu ($280),” so we also ordered one of that. I’ll be introducing each item below.

  • 「冰梅蕃茄」/ “Marinated Plum Tomatoes”:
食記 - 老淡水餐廳 - 活海鮮跟各式台菜大口吃 Review- Lao DanShui Restaurant - Live Seafood with A Vast Selection of Other Dishes
「冰梅蕃茄」/ “Marinated Plum Tomatoes”


English Version / 英文版:
Marinated Plum Tomatoes” is a side dish compliments of the owner, but unlike any other marinated “plum tomatoes” on the market, Lao Danshui‘s “plum tomatoes” tastes natural like there’s no added sugar. The dish is garnished with a mint leaf for a refreshed touch. Lao Danshui has this ide dish packaged and available for sale in bottles for $250NTD/bottle. It is an excellent and healthy snack to have around at home.

  • 「山蘇」/ “Bird’s-nest fern”:


English Version / 英文版:
Bird’s-nest fern is a vegetable locally sourced in Taiwan. The leaves are large and emerald. The veins prominently protrude from the back of the leaves. The texture is crispy, and the taste is refreshing. Usually, “veggies” are the most unpopular dishes at gatherings. Today’s vegetables are gone fast. Maybe the freshness of the locally sourced ingredients does make a difference.

  • 「清蒸鱈魚」($360元)/ “Steamed Cod Fish” ($360NT)”:


English Version / 英文版:
Codfish is steamed whole, but it is not a big one. The fish is topped with shredded spring onions, some chili, and shredded ginger. The meat is tender and melts in your mouth. The dish is served with a metal rack under the plate with two burning candles to keep the fish hot, so you need to be careful when handling this dish.

  • 「塔香蛤蠣」($160元)/ “Clams with Basil($160)”:



English Version / 英文版:
Clams are stir-fried with basil and a large number of cut spring onions and stir-fried, each clam is open, and each clam meat is still in a plump, juicy state, showing the chef’s superb stir-fry skills. The presentation is shiny, and the clams are fresh and naturally sweet.

  • 「鮮果蝦球」($280) / “Shrimp Balls with fresh fruits ($280NT)”:


English Version / 英文版:
There are two types of “Shrimp Balls” on the menu: “Ghost Shrimp Balls” and “Shrimp Balls with fresh fruits.” After learning that as intriguing as the “Ghost Shrimp Ball” sounds, the ingredients are made of preserved eggs and fried dough sticks (youtiao), there seems to be no “shrimp” involved. So we order the “Shrimp Balls with fresh fruits.” Shrimp balls are fried until the batter’s skin is completely separated from the fresh shrimp in the middle. The batter protects the shrimp very well, so when you cut it open, you can clearly see that although the shrimps have been fried, they still look bright and fresh.

  • 「川燙紅劍蝦」 (原價:280元,打卡特價:$89元)/ “Red Cherry Shrimp (original price: $280NTD, discounted proce: $89NTD)”:


English Version / 英文版:
This dish is one of the favorites at our party. Red cherry shrimps are a kind of red, bright shrimp unique to Tamsui‘s freshwater. The owner claims that they simply blanch them, thus making them taste refreshing. I believe there is a secret recipe that he’s keeping from us, or maybe it’s just the species; the texture is crunchy can be eaten whole without peeling the shell, like it has been deep-fried but without the grease. Red Cherry Shrimps are served on a piece of lettuce and sprinkled with chopped green onions to add colour to the presentation.

  • 「四季臭豆腐」($280元)/ “string bean Stinky Tofu ($280)”:



English Version / 英文版:
String Bean Stinky Tofu ($280)NTD” is Lao Danshui Restaurant‘s signature dish. The owner personally recommends us to order it. Word is that the order rate is so high that the restaurant has to change it to a limited supply dish. Handmade stinky tofu is deep-fried first, then quickly stir-fried with string beans, fermented black soybeans (douchi), and “shichimi” spices. Usually, this dish includes black pork strips, but because a few of our guests have dietary restrictions, so ours doesn’t contain pork. The tofu in this dish doesn’t taste as strong as stinky tofu. The texture is similar to dried tofu, with a tougher outer layer but a softer texture in the middle. Tofu is then stir-fried with a bunch of string beans and some chili. The presentation is shiny and colourful. The string beans in this dish compete with the stinky tofu, and the portion is large enough to feed all. It reminds us of the famous Chinese dish “Dry Fried Green Beans, ” which we used to treat our foreign friends when living abroad. Dried green beans are thin and tasty but moderately salty.

  • 「左宗棠雞」($240元)/ “General Tso’s Chicken ($240NTD)”:
食記 - 老淡水餐廳 - 活海鮮跟各式台菜大口吃 Review- Lao DanShui Restaurant - Live Seafood with A Vast Selection of Other Dishes
「左宗棠雞」($240元)/ “General Tso’s Chicken ($240NTD)”


English Version / 英文版:
Chicken thighs are deboned, deep-fried, then stir-fried with scallions and bell peppers. The presentation looks somewhere between “Kung Pao chicken” and “Sweet and sour pork, but the taste is sweeter than Kung Pao Chicken. This dish is a children’s pleaser.

  • 「海鹿角炒蛋」($180元)/ “Carrageenan fried Eggs ($180)”:
食記 - 老淡水餐廳 - 活海鮮跟各式台菜大口吃 Review- Lao DanShui Restaurant - Live Seafood with A Vast Selection of Other Dishes
「海鹿角炒蛋」($180元)/ “Carrageenan fried Eggs ($180)”


English Version / 英文版:
Since my last trip to Fuji Fishing Port for live seafood, I have been craving sea vegetables that remind me of Okinawa‘s superfood “sea grapes.” When I learn that “Carrageenan” is a kind of sea vegetable, how could I resist it? So I order this “Carrageenan Fried Eggs.” This dish tastes very natural with no extra flavoring added. It is a nutritious and delicious dish. “Carrageenan” is not as salty as other sea vegetables, the taste is closer to ordinary seaweed, so the dish is very light.

  • 「金沙中捲」($380元)/ “Squid with Salted Egg Yolk ($380NT)”:
「金沙中捲」($380元)/ “Squid with Salted Egg Yolk ($380NT)”


English Version / 英文版:
Squid is deep-fried first, then stir-fried with salted egg yolk until the egg yolk rises, then stir-fried again. The batter is completely made with salted egg yolk, making it tasty. The texture is mushier in comparison to the “Shrimp Balls with Fresh Fruits” mentioned above. Salted egg yolk melts into your taste buds. Even if when the squids are all gone, we also finished every piece of batter crumb as it tastes just as delicious on its own.

  • 「老淡水」飯桶 / Lao Danshui’s rice bucket:


English Version / 英文版:
Rice at “Lao Danshui” is served in Thai-style aluminum rice pots. Once you open the lid, you’d be surprised by the purple multigrain rice, which instantly boosts up the texture and nutrients of the whole meal.

  • 「老淡水」飲料 / Lao Danshui Restaurant Beverages:


  • 殘編「老淡水」餐廳總結評論 / Fashion Ecstasy Lao Danshui Restaurant Review in A Nutshell:


English Version / 英文版:
Usually, in Taipei, restaurants with live seafood aquariums at the door are costly. I remember dining at a few after relocating to Taiwan; live seafood is priced by weight. A fish or crab can easily sell for thousands of NTD. Each time leaving me dumbfounded. Lao Danshui’s live seafood is relatively affordable, so whether your the host or the guest, you can go ahead and “fight for the bill” like a local. Our diverse group all left happy with yummy in our bellies. My only regret is realizing I missed a bunch of intriguing dishes after looking at the picture of the menu I took, which gives me a 100% reason to revisit.


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