專業、好吃,米其林還沒發現的淡水新市鎮安唐帝諾義式餐廳食記 / Andantino Italian restaurant, Tamsui Review, A Gem with Superb Professionalism Yet to be Discovered by The Michelin Guide

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

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殘編常抱怨台灣餐飲業的不專業,開義大利餐廳的不知道巴薩米克醋是什麼,開高級餐廳、五星級奢華旅館甚至獲米其林星級餐廳的不知道如何正確開香檳、倒葡萄酒。每次吃飯遇到這些店員,都會讓我內心抓狂,胃口都沒了。殊不知就在這週末,我造訪一家搬來淡水新市鎮後已經物色很久的餐廳:安唐帝諾義式餐廳Andantino Italian Restaurant淡水好餐廳不好找,尤其是新市鎮就更是超出淡水市區的範圍了。因此殘編經過這家餐廳一次就將它列入造訪清單了。但因為他們的營業時間跟殘編的吃飯時間搭配不上,週一到週二是上午10:30 – 下午2:30 、下午5:00 – 下午8:30,週三週四都休息,殘編週末又要復健,所以遲遲沒機會去造訪。最近看見朋友去這家餐廳,PO出的照片感覺很厲害的樣子,才喚起這家列入名單已久,卻遲遲沒去吃的記憶。上網查詢一番後,赫然發現週末營業時間竟是從上午10:30 – 下午9:00。於是就約了外國朋友去享用。

English version / 英文版:
I often complain about the unprofessionalism of Taiwan‘s hospitality industry. Here, Italian restaurants‘ servers have no idea what balsamic vinegar is. High-end restaurants in five-star luxury hotels or even Michelin-starred restaurants’ servers don’t know how to properly open a champagne cork or pour wine into a wine glass. Moments like this drives me crazy inside and make me lose my appetite. However, this past weekend, I’ve had the best dining experience in the past five years since I’ve relocated to Taiwan. I visited a restaurant that has been on my list for quite a while since I moved to Tamsui: Andantino Italian restaurant. Decent restaurants in Tamsui are hard to find, especially where I live, beyond the range of MRT. Therefore, when I first passed by this restaurant, I’ve added it to my bucket list. However, Andantino Restaurant‘s business hours are tricky for me. Mondays to Tuesdays they open from 10:30 am-2:30 pm, 5:00 pm-8:30 pm; they are closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. On weekends I have rehab, so I haven’t had a chance to visit. Recently, I saw a friend posting pictures of her dining at Andantino on social media, and they look pretty damn good. They also reminded me of the long-overdue meal at this restaurant. After a bit of research, I found out that Andantino‘s weekend business hours are from 10:30 am to 9:00 pm. What a pleasant surprise! So I hit up a foreign friend who has been wanting to meet up and booked us a table.

  • 安唐帝諾義式餐廳環境 / Andantino Italian Restaurant Environment:


English version / 英文版:
The restaurant is bright and spacious with high ceilings. The decor transports you right to Europe as soon as you enter the door with its European-style carved walls, wallpapers of European scenery on every corner. Even the ceiling is painted with beautiful blue sky with white clouds. The environment makes you feel like you are in a foreign country. I requested a seat with outlets when I booked our reservation, and our table is just beside an outlet.

  • 安唐帝諾義式餐廳服務 / Andantino Italian Restaurant Service:

一般殘編食記都是從菜單先介紹,但是安唐帝諾服務水準專業到連殘編這種吃遍全世界米其林星級餐廳的挑剔鬼奧客都沒辦法在雞蛋裡找到骨頭,所以就先寫他們的服務品質囉! 一進門就親切帶位,咱們既然來了義大利餐廳,就要吃一頓正統的義大利餐,先要了酒單

English version / 英文版:
Usual in my restaurant reviews, I start from the menu. But the service at Andantino Restaurant is next level top-notch. So I have to stress on that first. Since we are at an Italian restaurant, we need to go full Italian and ask for the wine list first.

  • 安唐帝諾義式餐廳酒單 / Andantino Italian Restaurant Wine List:

酒單送上後,看到幾乎每一支酒旁邊都被打了個叉叉,原以為是不是都是缺貨,經詢問過後才知道安唐帝諾酒單中的每一款酒都是由特定的侍酒師親自挑選超有水準的酒,如果負責該酒的專業侍酒師不在就不賣。而酒單上的酒都是經驗老到的專業侍酒師經過嚴選挑出的,由於那位侍酒師已退休,餐廳就不再出了。於是我們造訪時紅酒只有兩款可以選,2010年的澳洲芭芮酒莊博尼森黑皮諾紅酒Barratt the Bonython Pinot Noir 2010,售價$2,800元)以及2009年西澳霍華公園酒莊西拉葡萄酒​Howard Park Scotsdale Shiraz 2009,售價$2900元),我們選擇2009年的澳洲霍華公園酒莊西拉葡萄酒

English version / 英文版:
You’d notice that most of the wines on the wine list have a cross marked beside them, which would make you think they’re out of stock. After inquiring, it turns out that every wine on Andantino’s wine list is high-quality wine carefully selected by its master wine sommelier personally. However, the master sommelier responsible for these wines has just retired, so Andantino stopped serving them. There were only two red wines to choose from when we visit: the Barratt the Bonython Pinot Noir 2010 ( $2,800NT), and the ​Howard Park Scotsdale Shiraz 2009 from West Australia ($2900NT). We opt for the 2009 Howard Park Scotsdale Shiraz.


English version / 英文版:
After deciding, our server thoughtfully informs us that the sommelier is us our wine instead. Ugh, duh? We get to meet the master chef? A hundred times, “Hell, ya!” You don’t even get this kind of service at a two-star Michelin restaurant in Taiwan. The master chef comes out with a dining cart with our wine bottle, a candle, and a decanter with a wide bottom for full-bodied red wines. He opens our wine bottle, carefully places the cap on a small plate, then lits the candle, pours the red wine into the decanter, and swirls the decanter on the burning candle until it’s at the right temperature before pouring the wine into our glasses. Then he beautifully wraps the decanter with a blue napkin and places the rest of the bottle on a gold wine rack on our table. This wine is deep as ruby ​​in color, rich in taste, with aromas of plums and black cherries, with a hint of cocoa and pepper. The wine is full-bodied and worth savouring.

  • 高水準的服務生,英文嘛ㄟ通 / Highly-Educated Servers, Fluent in English:


English version / 英文版:
Maybe our server notices that my friend is a foreigner; he explains everything in English when serving our dishes. You don’t come across people who speak fluent English in Taiwan unless they are highly educated. Our server brought out two kinds of handmade bread before our dishes are served, compliments of the restaurant. The first “Earl Grey Handmade Bread” is made by fermenting it in vinegar for a whole night. The second one is handmade five-grain bread, which is still hot and steamy when served. It has the colour of lavender in the middle and has a softer and fluffier texture compared to the first. It is best to eat them while they are still hot. The bread comes with cream sprinkled with coarse salt and olive oil. However, we find dipping the bread in the “Baked Snails with Garlic Pesto (Escargot)” and “Soft-boiled Egg, Mash with Truffle Cheese” we ordered phenomenal. Andantino‘s handmade bread is a limited edition and only available on Mondays and Tuesdays. I wonder if the kitchen prepared them especially for us?

  • 安唐帝諾義式餐廳菜單 / Andantino Italian Restaurant Menu:


English version / 英文版:
The first page of the menu is the brunch section, then the” appetizers,” “main courses,” “risottos,” “pastas,” “children’s meals,” “set meals add-on options,” “dessert” and “quiche,” and finally “beverages.”
If the photos aren’t tempting enough already, reading into the menu makes everything irresistible. If I were in Canada, I’d do my regular #ordereverything on the menu. I never had female friends due to my inability to speak with a filter. So usually, whenever I dine out, a male friend will help me finish everything we order.


English version / 英文版:
Everything is different in Taiwan. Taiwanese boys eat in proportion to their sizes. Unlike Canadian GQ-style firefighters, even our firefighters are skinny. Dining with Taiwanese guys is disappointing. Andantino Restaurant has the perfect menu to do my #ordereverything. I sometimes wonder if I’m a mutant biologically built like a man’s need for sex when it comes to food. I just can’t resist. Let me list a few, and you be the judge: “Pan-fried Scallop and Shrimp,” “Baked Snails with Garlic Pesto,” “Sicilia Style Smoked Salmon Anchovy Salad,” “Soft-boiled Egg, Mash with Truffle Cheese,” “French Fries with Truffle,” and “Saute Mushroom with Brandy and Garlic.” Mind you, this is just the “Appetizer” section on the menu. Which one can you resist? You tell me.


English version / 英文版:
I thought foreigners would be different. It turns out; this one has completely adapted to Taiwanese culture. He stopped me after I am just on my 3rd item. I haven’t even had a chance to get to the “main course.” Hence I swallow the cursing back to my stomach like a main course. After discussion (OMFG, what a “pushy”), we decide to order the “Pan-fried Scallop and Shrimp($260NT),” “Baked Snails with Garlic Pesto ($320NT),” and the “Soft-boiled Egg, Mash with Truffle Cheese ($180NT).”

  • 安唐帝諾義式餐廳食物 / The Food at Andantino Italian Restaurant :

  • 「鄉間干貝鮮蝦花園」($260元)/ “Pan-fried Scallop and Shrimp ($260NT)”:


English version / 英文版:
Three large whole shrimps and two large scallops placed on a bed of beautiful, colourful salad with lettuce and edible flowers that top mixologists in Canada often include in their winning concoctions and drizzled with the chef’s special homemade sauce. I’m not sure if the seafood is pan-fried to bring out the aromas of the seafood. The scallops remain fresh and juicy. The colorful and dreamy presentation throws me back to the time I dove into Maldive’s magical marine garden.

  • 「蒜香羅勒焗田螺」($320元)/ “Baked Snails with Garlic Pesto”($320NT):


  • 一般六顆裝田螺盤(右上)/ The Usual 6-piece escargot (upper right):

English version / 英文版:
This dish is basically escargot. Usually, at French restaurants, escargots come in 6 per serving. lAndantino’s escargot comes in about nine.
Escargots are baked in pesto sauce with butter, topped with cheese, sprinkled with black pepper, and garnished with arugula. The cheese is so stringy that it doesn’t break even when you take a bite while sitting and stand up.

  • 「松露起司洋芋條」($180元) / “Soft-boiled Egg, Mash with Truffle Cheese” ($180NT):


English version / 英文版:
Soft-boiled Egg, Mash with Truffle Cheese” uses mashed potatoes as the main ingredient. Mashed potatoes are prepared with Parmigiano cheese and thick cream to smooth the texture. Mashed potatoes are then placed in a pool of gravy prepared with beef bones and truffles, topped with a soft-boiled egg, and garnished with a scoop of truffle. When eating this dish, you poke the soft-boiled egg first, let the egg yolk soak into the mashed potatoes, and then dig your way from the bottom to the top layer to get all the layers in one bite. This dish is the bomb and sends me straight to the G spot. I even moaned (watch our Youtube video above). Since the texture is runny, it is also ideal for dipping your bread.

  • 提拉米蘇 / Tiramisu:


English version / 英文版:
The staff gives us another sweet surprise after cleaning our table. We each get a tiramisu in a glass, another compliment of the chef. This tiramisu is the “adult version” made with a generous amount of rum. The portions are pretty significant and taste pretty boozy. When I studied for my master’s back in Milan, it wasn’t easy. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a little treat after dealing with Italians. So whenever that sweet tooth kicks in, I’d go downstairs to that decent little handmade chocolate shop for a few handmade chocolates. However, they sell their chocolates by weight. To jack up the price, they’d add booze to add weight to each chocolate. 2-3 handmade chocolates with alcohol (heavier) can easily cost 7-9 Euros (about $300NT). Meaning I’d have to starve for the rest of the day. For a complimented dessert, Andantino is very generous with its booze.

  • 殘編安唐帝諾義式餐廳總評價 / Andantino Italian Restaurant Review in A Nutshell:

專業、好吃,米其林還沒發現的淡水新市鎮安唐帝諾義式餐廳食記 / Andantino Italian restaurant, Tamsui Review, A Gem with Superb Professionalism Yet to be Discovered by The Michelin Guide
專業、好吃,米其林還沒發現的淡水新市鎮安唐帝諾義式餐廳食記 / Andantino Italian restaurant, Tamsui Review, A Gem with Superb Professionalism Yet to be Discovered by The Michelin Guide


English version / 英文版:
Since I returned to Taiwan in the past five years, I have chased many Michelin stars and eaten at all five-star luxury hotel restaurants in Taipei. None of them can be compared to the superb professionalism of Andantino. The food also tasted so good that even when I usually don’t eat bread. The food is so good that I finished all two loaves of bread by dipping every remaining bit of juice and drop of each dish. I might just pick up the plates and lick them clean next time! Andantino is a gem yet to be discovered by Michelin. I highly recommend it to all!


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