前6強台北安全圍爐餐廳懶人包,過年不怕武漢病毒 6 Top Safe & Coronavirus-free Hotpot Restaurants in Taipei

冬天過年圍爐吃鍋暖身前安全不怕武漢病毒襲擊 – 台北前6強人氣特色火鍋店懶人包:

前6強台北安全圍爐餐廳懶人包,過年不怕武漢病毒 6 Top Safe & Coronavirus-free Hotpot Restaurants in Taipei
前6強台北安全圍爐餐廳懶人包,過年不怕武漢病毒 / 6 Top Safe & Coronavirus-free Hotpot Restaurants in Taipei

(scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)



(English version / 英文版):

As a survivor, I’m never afraid of anything, accidents or sicknesses, I wasn’t scared of SARS, I never panicked about Ebola, but the happening Coronavirus crisis has me freaked out this CNY. For those who are also panicking, I’ve put together the 6 top Hotpot restaurants in Taipei to get you through Chinese New Year, virus-free!

Watch our Youtube video 1st:

不肖生意人今年不打麻將,直接買漲口罩、消毒水價錢謀取暴利補所發出的賄賂紅包。買到口罩的你,親朋好友團圓聚餐時,是不是跟殘編ㄧ樣不知道這口罩是要脫下了吃?還是跟「慾望城市2Sex and the City 2”)」電影中的阿拉伯女人吃薯條ㄧ樣,1口1口的往口罩下塞再立刻蓋回去呢?天不怕地不怕的殘編接到美加朋友的電話叮嚀,搞到我都怕慘了!也爬文研究這次病毒食安問題,怎麼吃才安全?據說這次的病毒如其名(啤酒品牌)ㄧ樣,熱了就被GG了,所以只要是好好煮熟的食材應該就安全。但在外用餐店家廚房怎麼煮你也不知道,所以今年過年就真的來「圍爐」煮最安心!殘編整理出台北前6強特色火鍋餐廳,讓時尚高潮的粉絲們吃的安心、過得好年,採完6點讓你今年六六大順,不被病毒打倒

(English version / 英文版):

Instead of gambling in Mahjong, unethical businesses rob from the people by jacking up their prices for masks and disinfectants to compensate for the bribery red envelopes they pay the “big boss.” When you wear your mask to a family & friends’ CNY reunion dinner, do you wonder if you should take off your mask for the whole event or make a lift for every bite like the Arab lady in Sex and the City 2 film? What are the protocols for food safety in this “eat till you drop season? After a little research, we know now, like its name, Coronavirus waves its white flag in heat. So as long as your food is cooked thoroughly, you should be good.
But who knows what’s going on inside the kitchen when dining out? Hotpot restaurants come to mind if you feel insecure like me; guests cook their own food. Lucky for us, they’re a favorite in Taiwan for CNY gatherings.
To keep our readers and fans safe, I’ve put together the top 6 hotpot restaurants in Taipei, so we can all survive this crisis and enjoy Chinese New Year like a real Chinese!

  1. 日日青全羊肉爐全餐- 整隻現宰羊肉入蒜頭鍋從頭吃到尾,讓你冬天從頭補到尾 – 1碗就熱!/ Ririqing Whole-Lamb Hotpot Restaurant Tucheng – Devour a freshly butchered sheep from head to toe &Heat Up Your Body During Winter with Just 1 Sip:

完整食記看 / Read full review here:

時尚高潮食記 – 日日青全羊肉爐全餐土城- 整隻羊入鍋蒜頭從頭吃到尾,讓你冬天從頭補到尾 – 1碗就熱!/ Ririqing Whole-Lamb Hotpot Restaurant Tucheng – Devour a lamb from head to toe, Heat Up Your Body During Winter with Just 1 Sip!


  • 2.鍋&Bar精緻鍋物餐酒館- 超澎湃的海鮮鍋,燈光、煙霧特效通通來,有如皇室豪華世紀婚禮拍不完 /  Guo & Bar Hot Pot Restaurant, Dongqu, Taipei

Super fancy presentation, with “smokin’” effects like a Royal wedding. Sorry, phone eats first for this one:

完整食記看 / Read full review here:

  • 3. 川夜宴無二火鍋樓-川巴子霸氣復出-大型包場、謝師宴尾牙首選餐廳 大江南北口味吃到飽,連藝人都愛!撞星率超高 / Chuan Ye Yan Hotpot – the famous Chuan Ba Zi Returns Bigger and Better with 15 all you can eat flavours from across mainland China, a celebrities’ favourite & star-spotting restaurant:

完整食記看 / Read full review here:


  • 4. 濟鴻火鍋景美竟吃得到跳超高如開香檳般衝「瞎」你眼睛的活跳蝦!CP值跟活蝦跳ㄧ樣高的親民景美價 / Jihong Hotpot Restaurant Jingmei Taipei Fresh & Live seafood for a Cheap Price! The Live Shrimp Jumps High Enough to Blind Your Eyes Like a Champagne Cork:

完整食記看 / Read full review here:



  • 5. 台北旺角石頭火鍋先炒香再熬煮,客人為了響徹名江湖的無敵沙茶醬慕名而來排隊、這場艋舺杖、「兇」弟們吃飽這餐再砍! / Mong Kok Hotpot Restaurant Taipei  – Ingredients are Stir-Fried Before Boiling, Famed for Its Bad Ass Shacha Sauce; Fill Your Tummies Before We Kick Some Asses and Bust Some Faces in This Monga (Taiwanese gangster movie) Gang Fight, “Chiggas”:


完整食記看 / Read full review here:
6. 老先覺麻辣窯燒鍋火鍋 功夫湯頭選擇多樣老少咸宜合家歡,菜盤還能換肉盤!?肉肉主義的不用再像蠟筆小新看到青椒一樣怕到落跑了!誰說卜派一定要吃菠菜?
Lao Xian Jue Kungfu Old God Fondue / Hot Pot Restaurant, Tamsui Review – Kungfu Soup Base, Sub Your Veggie plate for More Meat!? Carnivores Need Not Flee from that Veggie Plate Anymore! Grow Some Muscles without the Spinach, but the meat, Popeye:

完整食記看 / Read full review here:


(English version / 英文版):

There you go, my secret Coronavirus Chinese New Year‘s survival guide & Taipei’s top 6 hotpot Restaurant for CNY! Don’t let the virus sop you from eating & seeing your family & friends, keep eating & have a safe & happy CNY!


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