Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

時尚高潮食記:叁和院台北忠孝店超時尚好拍特色台灣料理:Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant Zhongxiao Taipei Location

(Scroll down for English version/英文版往下看)

入選2018 OpenRice百大心水餐廳,以及在2017 & 2018台灣滷肉飯節嚴選店家中獲得殊榮的叁和院台北忠孝店特色台灣料理,早已列入殘編的口袋名單。吸引我的是,它們不只能餵飽我的無底洞肚子,還能餵飽我的好朋友-手機。餵飽手機的是完美的創意擺盤,尤其是那道能凸顯台灣特色、做成台灣形狀的「台灣經典炒飯」。於是殘編決定將這次的時尚高潮VIP餐會就辦在能讓貴賓品嚐在地料理特色的叁和院


(English version/英文版):

Selected as one of Open Rice’s top 100 Restaurant, and winning an award at the 2017 Taiwan Braised Pork Festival, Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant’s Taipei Zhongxiao location has long been on my pocket list. What attracted me was that they not only could feed my “black hole” appetite, but also feed my best friend – my iPhone. Food is presented as art creatively here, especially the classic Taiwanese fried rice that is in the shape of Taiwan. So I decided to host our Fashion Ecstasy VIP dinner event at San Ho Yan this time for our VIPs to get a taste of our local Taiwanese cuisine.

Watch our video first:

看叁和院菜單 See Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant’s Menu:


  • 叁和院忠孝店一樓門口是摩登的現代裝潢。露天吧台有時尚、舒適的室外酒吧座位,被狀似鳥籠的白色鋼材設計籠罩著。吧台區打上時尚酒吧的摩登藍光,令人耳目一新。進門後是寬敞舒適的空間,二樓ㄧ樣被鳥籠籠罩,但空間大,患有幽閉恐懼症人不用怕。我們5:30進場,樓上現場座位約已七分滿,饕客以家庭聚餐居多,每人面帶滿意的笑容,不亦樂乎。

(English version/英文版):

The first floor of San Ho Yan Zhongxiao location has a chic contemporary design. The bar has a stylish and comfortable patio, shrouded in white steel that resembles a birdcage with modern blue lighting. The door opens into a spacious area. The second floor is also caged with the same design, but it’s spacious enough not to make you claustrophobic. We arrived at 5:30, the 2nd floor was about 70%full. Guests were mostly family groups, and each person was with a happy smile.

叁和院台灣風格餐廳食物 The Food at Sanhoyan:

  • 泡菜 (Pickled cabbage (Taiwanese style kimchi):
叁和院泡菜 Sanhoyan pickled cabbage (kimchi)

叁和院泡菜 Sanhoyan pickled cabbage (kimchi)



(English version/英文版):

Sanhoyan served us two plates of Taiwanese style pickled cabbage (Taiwanese style kimchi) while we waited for our VIP guests to arrive.
The kimchi served here is not as salty as the regular Korean kimchi, and not as sweet as the usual Taiwanese-style kimchi.

  • 五味九孔鮑 (單點:$87/支)/ Abalone with Five Special Dipping Sauce ($87/each)


(English version/英文版):

Though listed as an “appetizer,” this abalone is quite filling because it is served with mashed potatoes.
The abalone is covered in five-flavored sauce, served on a crispy ice-cream cone filled with mashed potatoes. Mash potatoes are on the sweeter side. The five-flavored sauce is made of ketchup, soy sauce, garlic, and other ingredients, resulting in a stronger sweet and sour flavour. The mashed potatoes balance it out.

  • 飛魚卵老皮嫩肉($227) / Crispy Deep fried Tofu with Flying Fish Roe ($227)
飛魚卵老皮嫩肉 叁和院 Crispy Deep fried Tofu with Flying Fish Roe

飛魚卵老皮嫩肉 ($227/ $437) Crispy Deep fried Tofu with Flying Fish Roe


(English version/英文版):

The average looking deep-fried tofu surprises you once you dig your chopsticks in. The tofu skin is incredibly thin, and the tofu is tender enough to jiggle like steamed eggs. The tofu is topped with caviar-like light yellow flying fish egg, giving the dish an instant boost in value.

  • 福菜桂竹筍滷肉($387) / Braised Pork with Picked Vegetables and Bamboo Shoots
福菜桂竹筍滷肉 Braised Pork with Picked Vegetables and Bamboo Shoots

福菜桂竹筍滷肉 ($387)
Braised Pork with Picked Vegetables and Bamboo Shoots


叁和院出菜迅速,隨後就上了「福菜桂竹筍滷肉」。 桂竹筍與滷豬肉的比例約各半,桂竹筍甚至略勝一籌,愛吃筍的人可以吃得痛快。滷肉不過鹹,福菜燉得軟爛,湯汁多,可配飯。套餐組合附上的那壺「紅茶」,是加入自古以來就被認定與台菜絕配、酸甜好滋味烏梅汁的「烏梅紅茶」。

(English version/英文版):

The service is fast, next up is Braised Pork with Picked Vegetables and Bamboo Shoots
The ratio of bamboo shoots to braised pork is about half and half, with the bamboo shoots slightly on the winning side. Foodies who like bamboo shoots can dig in. The Braised pork is not too salty, and the vegetables are cooked to soft. The dish has enough soup to be enjoyed with rice. 

The pitcher of “black tea” that comes with the set meal is actually a “plum juice Black Tea.” Plum juice has long been recognized as a perfect match with Taiwanese cuisine since ancient times.

  • 秘製蝦醬高麗菜(單點:標準/$187)/ Stir-fried Cabbage with Homemade Shrimp Sauce

秘製蝦醬高麗菜 ($187)
Stir-fried Cabbage with Homemade Shrimp Sauce


  • 金沙大蝦球(單點:標準/$337)/ Stir-fried Prawn Balls withSalty Duck Yolk
金沙大蝦球 Stir-fried Prawn Balls withSalty Duck Yolk

金沙大蝦球 ($337)
Stir-fried Prawn Balls withSalty Duck Yolk


(English version/英文版):

Every dish served at San Ho Yan is a creative surprise. These deep-fried shrimp balls are a perfect marriage between prawns and salted eggs, with a third-some, mashed sweet potatoes. The flavours blend well and the whole dish is a “melting pot” of the tastes of Taiwan.

  • 叁和院台灣經典的鹹豬肉&臘腸炒飯($227)/ Fried rice with Salty Pork and Pepporoni:


(English version/英文版):

The original dish included in the set menu for six is shaped into a pyramid (regular size), but I am visual, and I need to feed my phone, so I upgraded our order to a large-size Taiwanese-shaped rice! The rice is fried with salted pork and sausage. It is full-flavoured but not too salty. The chef skillfully and evenly distributes the flavours into each grain of rice. Fried rice is served with refreshing, green papaya and carrot with mango sauce.

  • 梅香松鼠魚($587)/ Deep-fried Perch with Sweet and Sour Sauce
梅香松鼠魚叁和院台灣料理 Deep-fried Perch with Sweet and Sour Sauce

梅香松鼠魚 ($587)
Deep-fried Perch with Sweet and Sour Sauce


(English version/英文版):

The skin of the fish is deep-fried to crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and presented in whole. The name of this fish in Chinese literally translates to “squirrel fish.” With a little imagination, it does look like a squirrel with a lifted tail. The sweet and sour flavored sauce is actually made with Sanhoyan’s secret plum-flavored sauce recipe. The restaurant thoughtfully debones the whole fish, so that we don’t have to worry when barbarically biting into the crispy skin.

  • 叁和炙鹽豚(單點:$327)/ Homemade Broiled Salted Pork


(English version/英文版):

At first glance, this dish looks like Matsusaka pork. Salted pork is cut into thick slices. The meat is on the fattier side with the outer edge broiled to slightly crispy. It is served with raw garlic slices and scallions, and San Ho Yan’s exclusive may chang sauce, the flavor is unique and not greasy.

  • 辣子跳跳雞(單點:標準/$287) / Spicy Deep -fried Chicken
辣子跳跳雞 Spicy Deep -fried Chicken

辣子跳跳雞 ($287/$567)
Spicy Deep -fried Chicken


(English version/英文版):

Fresh chicken thighs are deep-fried to crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, and served with a large amount of dried chili and garlic slices. My first bite was salty, and the second was hot. The feedback varies according to personal preferences for spiciness. Some expressed that it’s too spicy, and some say that it is within their acceptable range. Another VIP said, “Its spiciness makes you drool.” One thing we all agreed on is the tenderness of the chicken. This is an excellent choice for foodies who like stronger taste.

叁和院超卡哇依的人氣造型包/ San Ho Yan’s Iconic creative dessert buns


(English version/英文版):

Dessert is Sanhoyan’s famous dessert buns that will melt your heart. In order to serve everyone, We had to play Dexter for a night.

  • 熊貓芝麻包($167/三顆)) / Panda Sesame Bun:



(English version/英文版):

It requires lining up to get a glance of Tuan Tuan Yuan Yan (our pandas) at the Mucha Zoo. Tonight they’re all ours. We just feel guilty to have to split them into pieces (The combination of their names “Tuan Yuan” means “reunite” in Chinese).

  • 小黑咻咻包($127/三顆)) / Peanut Butter Bun


(English version/英文版):

These buns are shaped into the little black charcoal creatures (Susuwatari)

 in Totoro, their two round eyes looked at us innocently. It’s cruel, but we still “killed” them. These buns have a peanut flavour filling with granules.

  • 小紫嘟嘟包($127/三顆)/ Taro Mochi Bun


(English version/英文版):

These little purple creatures seem to be the fraternal twins of the Peanut Butter Buns, with evil eyes like me makes them easier to kill without feeling bad. The filling is taro and mochi with high elasticity. If I were to choose one of Sanhoyan’s iconic character buns to represent me, this would be it.


  • 叁和院菜單豐富、擺盤別緻,每道看似常見的台灣料理,其實都有加入絕妙的巧思與創意變化,充滿驚喜。下次殘編的外國朋友造訪,我終於能拍胸脯、自信滿滿的說:「走!我帶你去吃『台灣料理』了!」

(English version/英文版):

San Ho Yan serves its extensive menu in creative food art presentation. Every seemingly ordinary local dish is actually designed with a creative twist, making them full of surprises. Next time when my Canadian friends visit, I can finally say “ I’ll take you out for Taiwanese food” with pride!


Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant Zhongxiao Taipei Location: No.14, Lane 101, Sec.4, Zhongxiao N. Rd., Taipei


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