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殘編去台北松江南京站的 Twiggy 繡眼線了!「/繡眼線」三字大家應都不陌生,因為幾乎每個人都看過咱們上一代的失敗藍眼線例子。紋眼線80年代就開始盛行,就學時很多師長都紋過,但是呈現給我們的都是藍色的眼線,看起來就很老派。

I got my eyeliner tattoo at Twiggy Lash Studio in Taipei! “Permanent/semi-permanent makeup” or “cosmetic tattoos” should be familiar to everyone, because most of us have seen epic cosmetic tattoo fails from the earlier generation, especially blue eyeliners. Eyeliner tattoos gained popularity in the 1980s; hence many of my teachers had them throughout my school years, but most of them were blue. Blue eyeliner can look very awkward and old-fashioned, it is also why people are reluctant to get their eyeliner tattooed.
Watch our video first:

  • 早期紋眼線的技術都是用化學顏料,眼線會變藍也源於此。殘編的標準妝跟很多美眉一樣,就僅是兩條眼線。雖然因每天畫而熟練,但是女生天性慵懶。每天重複一樣的動作,別人不膩,我自己都膩了,人說「時間就是金錢」,誰不想每天省十五、三十分鐘,圖個一勞永逸,省出門前的驚惶失措、手忙腳亂,出門後才有時間檢查一下安全褲、肩帶有沒有外露之類的。

According to my makeup artist, Lo; Old school cosmetic tattoo uses synthetic pigments, which result in unnatural colour change over time.
Like many girls, my standard makeup application includes eyeliner (and pretty much eyeliner only).
Although after years of practice, it takes me just 15-20 minutes to do my eyeliner now, I’m still lazy, and the same routine bores me. “Time is money,” who wouldn’t want to save those urgent15-30 minutes of last-minute preparation time for better use like checking if your panties or bra straps are showing?

  • 眼線變藍、繡眉變紅,這些都是常見的永久/半永久妝的經典失敗例子。殘編沒嚐試過之前,也是膽顫心驚、卻步,唯恐「整型失敗」。因緣際會下,殘編決定飄眉,卻是今生數一數二的明智抉擇,至今已近一年,在紋眉盛行的時代,仍有人問:「眉毛在哪裡飄的?好自然!」

Blue eyeliners and red caterpillar eyebrows are common epic cosmetic tattoo/permanent makeup fails. I was also terrified of them after seeing the viral pictures online before I tried microblading my eyebrows. It turned out to be one of the few right decisions I made in life. It’s been a year, and I still get “You’re brows look natural! Where did you get them done?” a lot.
My brows haven’t turned red, so I decided to return to Twiggy Lash Studio in Taipei and take on the next challenge: getting eyeliner tattoo

  • 紋眼線所需時間約1.5-2小時,一支眼睛先紋完,再換另一支,Twiggy 的小嘍老師用兩支不一樣的刀子幫我紋:一支電動的、一支較粗的手工刀。
Twiggy 繡眼線電動刀(左)&手工刀(右) Elctric blade (left) & manual blade (right)
Twiggy 繡眼線電動刀(左)&手工刀(右)
Elctric blade (left) & manual blade (right)


The process is about one to two hours, one eye is done before the other. Lo used two different blades on me: one electric and one manual.
There are three eyeliner tattoo styles to choose from:
Invisible eyeliner,” ” Iris,” and “Makeup-style eyeliner.”



The Difference Between “Invisible eyeliner,” ” Iris,” and “Makeup-style eyeliner” Tattoos:

Invisible eyeliner tattoo: This is the most popular option, it is a thin eyeliner for people who don’t want others to notice they’ve had the job done.
makeup-style eyeliner tattoo: A layer added on top of the invisible eyeliner, it is noticeable and similar to an eyeliner drawn by a liquid eyeliner or an eyeliner pencil.
Iris: this is a layer added below the invisible eyeliner. It’s closer to the eye and rounds out the shape of your eyes/ iris (watch the video, it explains it better).</span

  • 繡眼線前老師先用一般的眼線筆勾出要繡的大概線條,溝通得到共識後才動刀。繡眼線事一隻一支繡的

Before the “operation,” Lo used a regular eyeliner pencil to draw out the intended lines. She only started tattooing after we have come to a mutual agreement.
Lo used the “electric pen” back and forth on my eyelids for two or three times, then the thicker and flat “manual blade” to shape the details. It took only 45 minutes for one eye, an hour and 50 minutes for both.
The noise of the electric knife scared me a bit when it started, but the pain was considered acceptable since we applied soothing cream. My eyelids twitched crazy but thanks Lo’s patience and skills, we completed mission impossible. During the process, Lo asked thoughtfully: “Is it painful?” from time to time to ensure the comfort of the entire process. After icing my eyes for 10 minutes and applying repair cream, I was ready to go!
The aftercare is simple and straightforward: avoid water contact and drink less water before bed. I was able to attend our VIP event right after. Lo provided a goodie bag for me to take home. The content included repair cream for 3 days, three small sticks for applying the cream, and Twiggy’s eyeliner tattoo aftercare notes”.


  • 眼線繡後保養:



Eyeliner Tattoo Aftercare:

A thin layer of repair cream is required once a day for three days only. Icing for 30 minutes is recommended after going home. It was a busy day, so I skipped this step.
Swelling for 1-2 days is usual, mine was slightly swollen the next day only. Like microblading eyebrows, scabbing and itching occurs in about seven days. I’ve passed ten, and there was no such stage. So far just a tiny piece has fallen off.
Like microblading eyebrows, eyeliner tattoo requires more than one visit to complete, so I will fill you in on my next visit! Stay tuned!


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