Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

時尚高潮食記:愛麗輕食咖啡小館:隱藏在永和巷弄內的咖啡店+餐廳/ Review: Alley Garden Cafe – A Hidden Gem in the LAlley of Yonghe, Taipei

時尚高潮食記:愛麗輕食咖啡小館:隱藏在永和巷弄內的咖啡店+餐廳/ Review: Alley Garden Cafe – A Hidden Gem in the LAlley of Yonghe, Taipei

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(English version / 英文版):
As everyone knows, all the nice restaurants in Taipei are located in the city center, either the Xinyi District, the Zhongshan District, or the out of reach Tianmu area. I’ve been complaining for a long time about what a pain it is to look for good food in the jungle area(Muzha, where I reside). I don’t like Chinese food, and I can’t stand street food. Not just because hemiparesis makes me fall over and flash everyone when sitting on a stool, coming from Canada‘s climate, I just can’ t stand sweating while eating in Taiwan‘s nasty hot and humid weather. For me, dining is supposed to be a pleasure, and one of the few things that still keep my crippled body a purpose to move on in life.

  • 然而只能以小黃代步的我,為了吃一頓飯還要「出山洞」,實在不划算。



(English version / 英文版):

However, cabbing is the only way for me to get around with this useless corpse, and it is not worth it to “get out of the cave” just to get a meal. A friend finally listened to my complaints and took me to a hidden gem in Yonghe. Tucked away in the lanes of Yonghe, Taipei, Alley Garden Cafe serves not only coffee but also full meals like risotto, pasta, pizzas, and steaks. Although Yonghe is not necessarily within my “jungle” (Mucha) area, but it is much closer than the Taipei city center.

  • 愛麗咖啡廳中興街的巷子改造成舒適明亮的外帶區與室外座位區,


(English version / 英文版):

Alley Garden Cafe transforms the alleyway of Zhongxing Street into a lovely little garden patio with green leaves and colors with a take-out counter. But the real outdoor seating has only one tall table with two high-chair stools. Not ideal for a slow afternoon. Moving inside, there is a glass patio with floor-to-ceiling windows allowing lots of natural lights into the booth. On the sofa is a human-sized bad-ass Lots-O-Huggin’ Bear from Toy Story 3. Diners who are victims of bullying can take the opportunity to revenge and balance their emotions and gain back some self-esteem.

  • 愛麗」英文是 “Alley,”也就是「巷弄」的意思,




(English version / 英文版):

Alley Garden‘s Chinese name”Ai-li” is literally translated from the English word “Alley,” which suggests the restaurant hidden in the lane, smart naming.

Alley Garden is a pet-friendly restaurant. However, we did not see any furry friends in our seating area.

The restaurant offers free WIFI and outlets to charge your phone. Awesome.

愛麗輕食咖啡小館低消 / Alley Garden Cafe’s minimum order:



(English version / 英文版):

The minimum order at Alley Garden Cafe is a drink or a meal, plus a 10% service charge and a NT $100 cleaning fee per person. I don’t know if the restaurant charged us cleaning fee because of the mess I made. I know I’m not the prettiest diner with my half-paralyzed face, I think I might have pissed our server off with my drooling face. She did not seem happy when she cleared our table. It’s hard to control a post-stroke face, please accept my sincere apologies.

愛麗輕食咖啡小館菜單 / Alley Garden Cafe Menu:

愛麗的菜單有現烤貝果香煎培根脆薯搭配蛋早午餐項目,早午餐均一價$250 。漢堡 ($250 ~$288)、三明治 ($250 ~ $270)等輕食只供應到17:00; 14:00 ~21:00則開始供應披薩($220 ~$250)。義大利燉飯麵排餐等正餐類的下午時間暫停供應;炸物小點則是全天候供應。

(English version / 英文版):

Alley Garden‘s menu features breakfast/brunch selection like freshly baked bagels, bacon, and fries with egg, all priced at $250. Light meals such as burgers ($250 ~ $288) and sandwiches ($250 ~ $270) are only available until 17:00. From 14:00 to 21:00, they serve pizzas ($220 ~ $250). Full meals like risotto and pasta, and meat selections are not available during the afternoons, but deep fried snacks and platters are available for the whole day.

  • 我們點了「愛麗沙拉」($180) 、「照燒燻鴨肝披薩」($250)

、「愛麗鮮蝦干貝餃」 ($250) 、「炸魚排松露燉飯」($250)

(English version / 英文版):

We ordered “Alley’s Salad” ($180), “Smoked Duck & Scallop Pizza” ($250), “Alley’s Shrimp & Scallop Dumplings” ($250), and “Fried Fish Fillet & Truffle Risotto” ($250)

愛麗輕食咖啡小館食物 / The Food at Alley Garden Cafe:

  • 「愛麗沙拉」($180) / “Alley’s Salad” ($180):
「愛麗沙拉」($180) / "Alley's Salad" ($180)

「愛麗沙拉」($180) / “Alley’s Salad” ($180)



  • 「照燒燻鴨肝被披薩」($250) / “Smoked Duck & Scallop Pizza” (NT$250)
「照燒燻鴨肝被披薩」($250) 愛麗的披薩都只有八吋,餅皮偏薄,口味有「森林燻雞」、「蒜味挪威鮭魚」、「泰式香料打拋豬」、「照燒燻鴨干貝披薩」($250),我們選的「照燒燻鴨肝披薩」($250)是用照燒醬烤的,上面的料有燻鴨、干貝跟洋蔥,口味偏重。

「照燒燻鴨肝被披薩」($250) / “Smoked Duck & Scallop Pizza” (NT$250)


(English version / 英文版):

Alley Garden‘s pizzas are only 8 inches; the crust is on the thinner side, and the flavours include “forest smoked chicken“, “garlic Norwegian salmon“, “Thai-style Pork with Spices“, and”Smoked duck & scallops pizza” ($250), we opt for the “Smoked Duck & Scallop Pizza” ($250)”. The pizza is baked with teriyaki sauce; the toppings include smoked duck, scallops and onions. The taste is flavorful and on the heavier side; the dish comes with a side of fries with ketchup and mayo for dipping

  • 「愛麗鮮蝦干貝餃」 ($250) / “Alley’s Shrimp & Scallop Dumplings” (NT$250)
「愛麗鮮蝦干貝餃」 ($250) / "Alley's Shrimp & Scallop Dumplings" (NT$250)

「愛麗鮮蝦干貝餃」 ($250) / “Alley’s Shrimp & Scallop Dumplings” (NT$250)


(English version / 英文版):

Alley’s Shrimp & Scallop Dumplings” ($250) is a fusion creation prepared with Chinese dumplings and Italian sauce. Diners can choose from 1 of the two sauces: XO tomato sauce or basil sauce. We choose XO tomato sauce. Every dumpling is filled with one whole shrimp with mini scallops. The dish is full of seafood flavours.

  • 「炸魚排松露燉飯」($250) / “Fried Fish Fillet & Truffle Risotto” ($250):
「炸魚排松露燉飯」($250) / "Fried Fish Fillet & Truffle Risotto" ($250):

「炸魚排松露燉飯」($250) / “Fried Fish Fillet & Truffle Risotto” ($250):

「炸魚排松露燉飯」($250) 是燉飯類中的「奶香白醬系列」,燉飯還有「南瓜燉飯」系列 ($250 ~ $260)跟「海鮮燉飯」系列 ($320),因為殘編是松露控,所以必然是點「炸魚排松露燉飯」。這道松露味不會很濃,但是所附的炸魚排大到足以覆蓋整個餐盤,魚排也炸得酥脆,很好吃。

(English version / 英文版):

Fried Fish Fillet & Truffle Risotto” ($250) is an option under the “White Sauce Series” in the risotto section, other options include “Pumpkin sauce Risottos” ($250 ~ $260) and “Sea Seafood Risottos” ($320). I’m a truffle freak so I order the”fried fish fillet & truffle risotto” without a second thought. The truffles flavours are not too strong, but the fish fillet is large enough to cover the entire plate, and it is crispy and delicious.

愛麗輕食咖啡小館廁所 / Alley Garden Cafe’s Washroom:


(English version / 英文版):

I saw reviews on the internet saying Alley Garden‘s washroom is squat-style, that means inaccessible for a person with disability. But the actual restroom is equipped with a sitting toilet, a big relief for me.

愛麗輕食咖啡小館營業時間&資訊 / Alley Garden Cafe Hours & Information:


營業時間:週一到五:上午10:00 – 下午9:30

週六&日:上午9:00- 下午9:30

電話: 02 2929 0008

(English version / 英文版):

Alley Garden Cafe Address: No. 1, Lane 3, Zhongxing Street, Yonghe District, New Taipei City

Business hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00 am – 9:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am – 9:30 pm

Phone: 02 2929 0008

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