Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

時尚高潮食記 – 在天母天玉街豪宅餐廳JB’s Diner美式餐廳吃超大多汁豪華漢堡!吃到殘編都「烙ㄟ駭」(掉下巴)了啦!(殘編沒吃過這麼大的啦~!(羞)/ JB’s Diner Authentic American Restaurant in Tianmu Taipei ‘s Upscale Mansion, The Real American Way with “Jaw Dropping” Jumbo Burgers, I Haven’t Had One This big…(*Shy)

時尚高潮食記 – 在天母天玉街豪宅餐廳JB’s Diner美式餐廳吃超大多汁豪華漢堡!吃到殘編都「烙ㄟ駭」(掉下巴)了啦!(殘編沒吃過這麼大的啦~!(羞☺️)/ JB’s Diner Authentic American Restaurant in Tianmu Taipei ‘s Upscale Mansion, The Real American Way with “Jaw Dropping” Jumbo Burgers, I Haven’t Had One This big…(*Shy☺️)

( scroll down for English version/ 英文版往下看⬇️)

先看時尚高潮食記影片 / watch our YouTube video vlog first :


(English version/英文版):

I grew up in foreign countries, most of them on bigger lands than Taiwan. I’m used to big spaces as consider within the radius of my arms stretched out as my personal space. Canada is the second-largest country in the world (according to Wikipedia), big enough to span six time zones, where you can appreciate the beauty of nature like mountains and waters all year long. In summer, we ride horses, play polo and sail or go boating. Don’t even get me started on the fall maple leaves scenery. The climate is dry and doesn’t make you sweat like a dog and shower 20 times a day just to get that BO hidden. In the winter, we snowboard and ski down endless white snow mountains (sometimes, breaking a bone or two like myself). Even our Northern Lights, are on a larger scale and brighter than what you can see in Iceland!

  • 住慣國外的殘編回台住自然就得了「幽閉恐懼症」,台灣市區沒有大自然、郊區沒有商店,走在繁忙的街上已經沒有自己的空間了,路人甚至還會侵入我的私人空間,直接觸摸我的腰部「好心」幫我拉衣服問道:「這樣不會冷喔?」
  1. 第一、您好,請問您哪位?
  2. 第二、請不要侵入我的私人泡泡(個人空間),我們並不認識。
  3. 第三、這是短身露肚裝小可愛,叫「Fashion」,OK?
  4. 第四、我是「北極」來的,這裡是熱帶國家,請珍惜你們的氣候,不要再抱怨了!



(English version/英文版):

Relocating to Taiwan from the other end of the “red and white” rainbow has been tough. This congested country triggers my claustrophobia to a whole new level. My personal space has shrunken from an arm’s length to an elbows length, if lucky. There is no nature in Taiwan’s city centre, no shops or civilization in the suburbs, and there is no space on the busy streets. Pedestrians (strangers) would even invade my personal space as far enough to “kindly” touch me skin-to-skin and pull down my shirt when they assume I’m “cold.”

  1. First of all, “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy!” (Song by Carly Rae Jepsen) what happened to a simple greeting and perhaps a self – introduction first?
  2. Second of all, please don’t invade my “personal bubble (personal space),” we are not that close yet.
  3. Third of all, this is a “cropped spaghetti strap,” something called “Fashion,” OK?
  4. Fourthly, I am from the “North.” This is a tropical country. Please appreciate your climate and stop complaining about the weather being “freezing.”
  • Sometimes, walking on the streets alone gets me frustrated. Tianmu is surrounded by natural scenery, and some say where the freshest air in Taipei is; hence I decide not to waste a day of my stay in Tianmu being jailed in a 4-person shared ward/washroom 24/7.


  • 於是有一天當我在台灣最大詐騙公司「氣象預報」發佈颱風警報後,心想「切!」不屑的一笑,明明就風和日麗,不會再被騙,被關在醫院發霉浪費我在天母寶貴的一天。

(English version/英文版):

One day, when our infamously unreliable “weather forecast announced yet another typhoon warning, I thought to myself: “bs, not falling for that.”

  • 果然,我在微風徐徐的午後時光,漫步在有紅花綠葉的天玉街上,意外的經過豪宅改裝成的Starbucks星巴克, 本身就是星巴克忠心粉絲(忠心到甚至中風前最後的記憶就是在想著星巴克的菠菜卷配一杯熱騰騰的卡布奇諾,所以才創造出了這幅傑作畫作)的我「OMG!」直接叫出來,旁邊是同樣豪宅規模的JB’s Diner ( Judy & Bert’s Diner) 美式餐廳,白天已營業,正好配合我住院的灰姑娘的門禁,於是我就二話不說直接進入,準備悠閑的度過一個完美的下午。

(English version/英文版):

Turns out, it is a beautiful sunny day with just enough breeze not to give me a heatstroke. As I stroll down the gorgeous Tianyu Street lined with green trees and elegant mansions, I pass by a Starbucks mansion, which totally stunned me, I’m a loyal Starbucks fan, as a matter of fact, my last memory before my stroke was thinking about having a spinach wrap with a skinny cappuccino from Starbucks. Hence, I created this masterpiece painting (now for sale). Not so abstract anymore of you know the story behind it, eh?

A few more steps bring me to the adjacent JB’s Diner ( Judy & Bert’s Diner ), an authentic American restaurant, also in a beautiful mansion. When I saw a bunch of foreigners walking in, I thought: “that’s my call!” And entered the restaurant with much excitement.

天母JB’s Diner 美式餐廳環境 / Tianmu JB’s Diner American Restaurant Environment:

JB’s Diner 有兩層樓,樓上有充裕的陽光,採光好,有綠色植物佈置,好像還有「玻璃屋」的樣子,但因殘編行動不變,就沒有上去座(後悔中。。。)



(English version/英文版):

JB’s Diner has two floors. The second floor is filled with plenty of sunshine and green plants. However, my hemiparesis makes it hard and a bit dangerous, and the last thing I want is to cause trouble for my friends, so we took a table downstairs

white stone walls are sectioned with arches in the dining area, reminding me of Europe.

Diners are mostly families with kids and foreigners. Hence plastic children’s high chairs are available, giving me a warm sense of “home.” Many local customers are also English-speakers. That’s when I decide “I’m coming here, every day, baby.”

JB’s Diner 餐廳食物 / The Food at JB’s Diner ( Judy & Bert’s Diner):


  • 藍乳酪洋蔥培根醬漢堡 ($400) / “Blue cheese and onion jam burger” ($400):
時尚高潮食記 - JB's Diner Tianmu ztianyu Street mansion American Restaurant台北天母天玉街豪宅美式餐廳 - JB's Diner

藍乳酪洋蔥培根醬漢堡 ($400) / “Blue cheese and onion jam burger” ($400)


好不容易抓住咬下,漢堡醬汁與肉汁水乳交融,竟是Juicy (多汁)到一直滴,害殘編看到一起濕。


漢堡中間夾有兩圈超大的炸洋蔥圈,兩大片煎至焦脆的培根、沾滿藍起司醬和花生醬重量級的厚實牛肉排、餐廳自製的醬淹洋蔥,口味道比較重,殘編邀請愛「假睪」、覺得自己夠厲害的男生可以來挑戰看看。配餐可選薯條、高麗菜卷或薯泥,我們選擇了薯泥。「薯泥」上桌時這樣滿滿的高湯醬,很夠味。連隔壁桌的「薯條」的配菜也是超大份,直接豪邁地用木盤盛裝。果然是「美國 size」。

(English version/英文版):

This jumbo, heavyweight burger is just as hard to handle as a crazy “bi ex-girlfriend. 2 jumbo size fried onion rings, two large pieces of crispy bacon, a thick piece of beef patty is drenched with blue cheese sauce and peanut butter, topped with JB’s Diner’s homemade pickled onions. Even the big guy among us with basketball hands find this jumbo size burger hard to handle. To

“take a bite” is literally “jaw-dropping.”

When we finally get the “hand” of it (sort of) and bite into it, burger sauces blend with beef juice and drips down as we demolish it, making it extra juicy and finger-licking good!

Watch us demolish this juicy jumbo hamburger:

The burger is flavourful and on the heavier side. I challenge diners to give it a try without dislocating your jaws. Burgers come with a side of French fries, coleslaw or mashed potatoes. We choose mashed potatoes, which is topped with sufficient gravy, yum!. “French Fries” are jumbo size too and served in a wooden bowl instead of just a side-dish plate

JB’s Diner 早(午)餐菜單 / JB’s (Judy and Bert’s) Breakfast/ Brunch Menu:

JB’s Diner 早餐菜單選項多元,各種美式早午餐都有,包括「班尼迪克蛋」( “eggs Benedict “)($270 -$360)、「翻滾蛋捲」(omelette) ($300左右)、「丹佛蛋捲」( “Denver Egg Rolls” )(約$300)

(English version/英文版):

JB’s Diner’s breakfast/ brunch menu includes a variety of options including “eggs Benedict” ($270 – $360), “omelette” (about $300), “Denver Egg Rolls” (about $300), and more

  • 班尼迪克蛋 / Eggs Benedict:
班尼迪克蛋 / Eggs Benedict

班尼迪克蛋 – (「火雞肉片 & 菠菜」/ Eggs Benedict”- “turkey & spinach” ($310nt)


(English version/英文版):

Eggs Benedicts” are available in a variety of flavours, most of them are healthy combinations, such as “Shrimp & Avocado” ($360), “Florentine & Tomato,” “Smoked Salmon & arugula,” and “turkey & spinach ($310nt)” Yes, you read that right, I said “turkey”! Since my Thanksgiving mission impossible turkey hunt in Taipei, I’ve decided I’d take any turkey.

  • 「辣炒鮭魚柳橙沙拉」($420) / “blackened salmon citrus salad ($420nt)
「辣炒鮭魚柳橙沙拉」($420) / “blackened salmon citrus salad ($420nt)

「辣炒鮭魚柳橙沙拉」($420) / “blackened salmon citrus salad ($420nt)



(English version/英文版):

A large piece of blackened salmon filet rests on a bed of romaine lettuce & mixed greens, topped with 3 slices of grapefruit, 2 slices of orange, arugula and a piece of toasted bread.

  • 「小菜」:「碳烤蔬菜串」($100)/ “Side Dish”: “grilled veggie skewer” ($100nt)
「小菜」:「碳烤蔬菜串」($100)/ “Side Dish”: “grilled veggie skewer” ($100nt)

「小菜」:「碳烤蔬菜串」($100)/ “Side Dish”: “grilled veggie skewer” ($100nt)

JB’s Diner 餐廳真是每道都像是要餵食巨人的,連菜單上「小菜」類的都是「Jumbo size」,殘編想:他們當初在學餐廳名字的時候,其實J B是「Jumbo Brunch 」(超大早午餐)的縮寫吧!哈哈!


(English version/英文版):

Every dish at JB’s Diner seems like it’s designed to feed the giants. Even the “side dishes” section on the menu are served “Jumbo size.” I’m sure the restaurant’s name “JB” stands for “Judy & Bert’s, but I wonder if the idea started with “Jumbo Brunch” when they named it.

Our “grilled veggie skewer” ($100nt)” consists of four skewers, two of which includes pineapples, raw onions, zucchini, red bell peppers, mushrooms and green peppers. The other two skewers’ pineapples are replaced by baby tomatoes. The vegetables are grilled to perfection and tasty without any additional dressing.

  • 「凱撒沙拉」加「碳烤蝦仁」 ($460) / “Caesar Salad with “shrimps” ($460):
「凱撒沙拉」加「碳烤蝦仁」 ($460) / “Caesar Salad with “shrimps” ($460):

「凱撒沙拉」加「碳烤蝦仁」 ($460) / “Caesar Salad with “shrimps” ($460):

以沙拉來講, JB的沙拉份量很大, BBQ鮮蝦仁約五到六隻,蝦仁在烤香過後灑上胡椒粉提味。餐廳貼心的將蝦跟生菜分開擺,盛菜的碗則是裝滿蘿蔓生菜、大蒜麵包丁、碎培根跟烤過的麵包。醬料附上經典的「凱撒醬」。

(English version/英文版):

For a salad, JB’s salad‘s serving size is considered large in Taiwan. “Shrimps” and “chicken” are optional toppings for the “Caesar salad.” Our “shrimps” order is served on the side and includes five to six BBQ fresh shrimps sprinkled with black pepper. The lettuce bowl is filled with romaine lettuce, garlic croutons, bacon bits and a piece of toasted bread; served with a classic “Caesar dressing.”

殘編時尚高潮JB’s Diner 美式餐廳食記總評價 / Fashion Ecstasy ‘s JB’s Diner (Judy & Bert’s Diner) Restaurant Review in a nutshell:

JB’s Diner 餐飲空間寬敞舒適,在豪宅享用美食已是一大幸福了,每道餐點都像是要喂食「巨人族」的超大份量,這才像美國道地豪邁的Style! 神為哈比人的殘編可不介意天天來吃胖哥幾共斤伙長告個幾寸,因為我知道就算位吃成小肥豬或巨人族,JB’s Diner永遠都有夠大的空間跟餐點來容納我❤️。

(English version/英文版):

Dining in a mansion sounds like a luxury already, with spacious and comfortable dining space and most importantly, generous portions (the real authentic American way), JB’s Diner gives me a break from claustrophobia and has been a great pleasure. Born a hobbit, I wouldn’t mind gaining a few pounds and grow a foot taller from their food because I’d know there’d always be a place for me.

JB’s Diner天母美式餐廳資訊與營要時間 / JB’s Diner (Judy & Bert’s Diner) Restaurant Information and Business Hours:

餐廳地址:111 台北市台北市士林區天玉街38巷16弄2號



週五 8AM–8PM
週六 8AM–8PM
週日 8AM–8PM
週一 Closed
週二 8AM–8PM
週三 8AM–8PM
週四 8AM–8PM
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Restaurant Address: No. 2號, Alley 16, Lane 38, Tianyu Street, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111

Business hours:

Friday 8AM–8PM
Saturday 8AM–8PM
Sunday 8AM–8PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
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(Closed on Mondays)

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