Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Upcoming Event- #IDS20 -Interior Design Show 2020 Returns to Toronto



#IDS20, ( Interior Design Show 2020) Canada’s most significant contemporary interior & architecture design fair, returns to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Jan 16-19 2020.

This year’s event looks very exciting with the announcement of Yves Béhar as the International Guest of Honour. Béhar has created the Jawbone headset, the Leaf lamp for Herman Miller, and many other amazing products. He is the founder of One Laptop Per Child, which has given 2.5 million laptops to children in developing countries and See Better to Learn Better, which provides 500,000 eyeglasses to children in California and Mexico.

Some of the speakers of the fair include Frida Escobedo,Diébédo Francis Kéré, Bethan Laura WoodJonathan Adler Paul AusterberryIni ArchibongBrian GlucksteinLynda Reeves and Dexter and Byron Peart. There are over 100 speakers in total.  
IDS2020 Interior Design Show Toronto 2020 Highlights:

A few of the other fair highlights are: 

  • The IDS20 Concept House entitled Reset Home: Design for the 

Senses will allow attendees to enjoy a multi-sensory experience. By walking through it, one will explore how materials, sounds, scents, textures and light affect the five senses. 

  •  Studio North & Prototype – emerging designers and independent studios
  •  Milk Stand – a pop-up shop curated by Design Milk
  • Maker, Edible Futures – art installation about our shared food future.
  • Learning Lab – a collaboration between Microsoft, B&H Architects and Steelcase.

IDS Interior Design Show 2020 Toronto‘s Opening Night Party and Preview is on Thursday, Jan 16, from 7 pm-11 pm and is a definite must. Food, drinks, entertainment from DJ/Producer Moon Boots and Bellosound plus a first look at all the beautiful design available.
Friday is Trade Day, and Sat and Sunday are the Consumer Days.
Purchase tickets to the #IDS20 now!

See our coverage of IDS from the past:
IDS 2018:

Interior Design Show Toronto 2019 Opening Night Party


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