Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

台北喜來登大飯店豪華客房 住的爽、吃得好 / Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Executive Deluxe King room – Luxury Stay with Michelin-Star Food

台北喜來登大飯店豪華客房 住的爽、吃得好 / Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Executive Deluxe King room – Luxury Stay with Michelin-Star Food

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

先看殘編YT遊記影片 / Watch our Youtube travel Vlog first:

又是一年沒有慶祝的生日,殘編雖然年紀已不小,但多少還是有點失落感,再加上最近家裡壓力大,已經瀕臨即將崩潰的邊緣,所以決定給自己放一個假,來去台北喜來登大飯店住一晚慶祝、舒舒壓。這趟行程起步就是個美好的開始,我搭著特斯拉Model 3霸氣的抵達喜來登,抬頭一看才知道原來「喜來登」就是Sheraton。因為在多倫多的喜來登有過不好的經驗,所以下車時雖然有些小失望,但腳一踏入大門發現台北的喜來登與多倫多的喜來登天差地別,是五星級的!讓我欣喜若狂,期待著這次的住宿體驗。果不其然,我的預感是準的,我被升級到了要價一晚要價$13,000的「豪華客房」,旅遊控的我為了「不小心」被升等使盡各種方法,不管是提早到、最後一顆到機場check in,從未被升等過,不知道這一次的運氣要折騰我未來的幾年了?

English version / 英文版:
It’s another lonely birthday with no celebration. Although I’m way past partying age, there’s still a bit of disappointment in me. Putting up with a bunch of sh*t at home doesn’t help either. On the verge of hanging myself, I decide to go on a staycation to destress and recharge. I head off to a great start in a black Tesla Model 3 and arrive at my destination. I only realized that the hotel I booked was the Sheraton, which was disappointing at first due to a terrible experience in the Sheraton Toronto (Richmondhill). However, everything changes once I step into the door. Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel is a 5-star luxury hotel, completely different from the Sheraton Parkway in Richmond Hill, Toronto, getting me all excited about my loner birthday staycation experience. My hunch turns out to be right. The Check-in counter upgrades my room to the “Executive Deluxe King Room, which is usually priced at $13,000NT per night. As a frequent traveler, I’ve tried many ways to get free upgrades, including arriving early or last minute, none of them works. I hope my luck this time doesn’t mean bad luck for the coming decade.

  • 台北喜來登大飯店豪華客房 / Taipei Grand Sheraton Hotel’s Executive Deluxe King room:

寧謐的白色系10.5坪( 35平方公尺)的套房打著暖色系的燈光,木頭的門檻讓房間增添了一點古典氣息。除了辦公桌、小茶几、跟加大雙人床外,房間中最搶眼的莫過於跟殘編一樣高的超大液晶螢幕電視。門口有兩個衣櫃,裝上自動感應照明,靠近門的櫃子裡面有保險箱電熨斗、燙衣板、刷子和鞋拔,讓平時不修邊幅的住宿客人投宿目的不論是出去應酬或談生意都能做臨時抱佛腳的整理,衣冠楚楚出門,最貼心的是櫃子裡所附的一把大雨傘,因為咱在地人都知道台灣的天氣難預測、氣象報告也不可靠。另一個櫃子掛上浴袍、拖鞋、等,設備齊全。廁所採乾濕分離,部分盥洗用具只有提供一份,但是浴缸旁邊貼心的附上一片止滑墊,可供老年人及殘編這種殘疾人士安心洗澡。吹風機是中型的飛利浦牌,長髮女士不怕吹到天荒地老。廁所門一關,TOTO的免治馬桶座正對著一面大玻璃,讓殘編早上嗯嗯時看自己都看到有點害羞。

English version / 英文版:
The serene white suite is 35sqm (377 sq ft) in size and is illuminated in warm colour lighting. The wooden threshold gives the room a touch of classicism. The space is equipped with a large office desk, a table with 2 single couches by the window, and a king-size bed. However, the most eye-catching feature in the room is the humongous LED TV, which is almost as tall as my height. There are two closets at the entrance, both equipped with automatic motion sensor lights. The one closest to the door has a safe, a set of iron and ironing board, a garment brush, and a shoehorn. Even an untidy person can tidy up last minute and dress to the nines, be it for a business meeting or social event. The most thoughtful touch is the closet’s large umbrella because we all know that we have the nastiest weather and even shittier and unreliable weather forecasts in Taiwan. The other cabinet is prepared with bathrobes and slippers in pairs. The bathroom has a separate bath and shower. Some toiletries only come in one, but the anti-slip pad next to the bathtub is very thoughtful, especially for the elderly and people living with disabilities like myself. Philips’ medium-sized hairdryer saves guests with long hair some time. Morning’s nature call was a bit shy because although TOTO‘s washlets are known by many as “state-of-the-art,” I realized I was facing a large mirror as soon as I shut the door.


English version / 英文版:
The most complete area is probably the bar area. There is a medium-size empty refrigerator, 2 water glasses, 2 coffee/tea cups, 2 wine glasses. Besides 4 complimentary bottled water, there is an Oh-so-essential kettle. I remember a foreign friend complaining about some luxury hotel’s water tasting funny. That’s because tap water in Taiwan, my friend, is not safe to drink. Hence the kettle is so important. The welcome treat is two packs of Chivalry‘s sweet popcorn with an airy and light texture.
Both sides of the bed have a nightstand with a lamp and outlets, so even if you’re sharing a bed, you can each mind your own business if you have different bedtime routines.


English version / 英文版:
There is a quiet bookstore right across the 1st-floor elevators. So if this is a stressful trip with the in-laws or you just found out your travel buddy is an annoying anal b*tch, this is the place where you can enjoy a little zen time.

  • 失物絕對領的回,殘編腦殘都不怕Lost and Found – Guaranteed!


English version / 英文版:
I lose everything, and I have a legit reason: my brain injury. I only found out that I forgot my tripod at the hotel the morning after I got home. Usually, I wouldn’t care for a cheap tripod, but this is one in a million tripods I bought that actually works. When I called the next day, it turned out I did not just forget my tripod; I also left my jacket and a bunch of personal belongings back at the hotel. Sheraton’s turndown service staff had them all carefully kept for me. Now that I know that I left a bunch of stuff behind, I have to claim them back. But being handicapped is still a biatch. Another trip to the hotel could mean a full day wasted and skipping my treatments. Luckily, they have cash on delivery service to mail lost belongings. I sat my ass home and retrieved all my belongings for less than a $200NT shipping fee.

  • 喜來登米其林星級餐廳美食 / Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel’s Michelin Starred Restaurants:


English version / 英文版:
Each restaurant in Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel is one on any real foodie‘s bucket list. 1st floor’s Kitchen 12 is a spacious buffet-style restaurant with an open-kitchen concept serving international cuisine. The Guest House is a 2-star Michelin restaurant serving Chinese cuisine. I chase Michelin stars, so The Guest House has long been on my bucket list. However, I had to snap back to reality and accept the fact that my good days are gone. With tears in my eyes, I took a look at the lobby bar menu, and hey! Guess what, totally my jam. So I settled for the lobby bar. I’ll be posting the review in a separate blog. Stay tuned!


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2 Comments on “台北喜來登大飯店豪華客房 住的爽、吃得好 / Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Executive Deluxe King room – Luxury Stay with Michelin-Star Food

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  2. Pingback: Review – Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel’s Lobby Lounge – The Lounge – Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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