Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃、湯圓過年必吃的2種吉祥食品開箱試吃評價文 / Dumplings and Glutinous rice Balls “Tangyuan” – 2 Chinese New Year Symbolic Lucky food Unbox & review

Dumplings and Glutinous rice Balls (Tangyuan”) – 2 Chinese New Year Symbolic Lucky food Unbox & review / 秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃、湯圓過年必吃的2種吉祥食品開箱試吃評價文


Dumplings and Glutinous rice Balls (Tangyuan”) – 2 Chinese New Year Symbolic Lucky food Unbox & review / 秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃、湯圓過年必吃的2種吉祥食品開箱試吃評價文

So I’ve just spent 2 weeks of sleepless nights documenting and listing all the rage eating #15DaysChallenge we’ve done over Chinese New Years via food delivery Apps. Guess what? Now that CNY is finally over, it is immediately followed by the Chinese Lantern Festival! This means another excuse to pig out on “tangyuan” (glutinous rice balls).” Yes, we invent a staple food for every major holiday in Chinese culture.
In this post, I’ll be introducing two staple foods eaten throughout Chinese New Years, with the ladder, “tangyuan,” eaten more specifically on Lantern Festival ( the last day of Lunar New Years).

中文版 / Chinese Version:

#1: Dumplings / 餃子 (jiaozi):

If you’ve seen “Crazy Rich Asians,” you’d know that in Chinese tradition, family members come together on CNY and make their own dumplings from scratch. Dumplings are a must-eat on Chinese New Years because they are shaped like shoelike / boat-like golden ingots used as currency in ancient China. Hence eating dumplings on CNY symbolizes prosperity and wealth for the coming year.
However, supermarkets and grocery stores have been selling ready-to-cook, packaged dumplings for so long that growing up, our family never made our own dumplings. Last CNY, I purchased frozen dumplings from Yuloong, a long-standing dumpling chain since its inception in 1993. I remember I tried two of their flavors, and both were out of the world. This year, I unboxed dumplings from a new company, “Riri.” Riri has only been in business since 2010, but they have the most expansive and most unique flavors of dumplings you’d ever see.

中文版 / Chinese Version:
但是,超級市場和雜貨店早已在出售現成冷凍包裝好的餃子,以致從小到大,我們家人從來沒有自己做過餃子。去年過年,我從「四海遊龍」購買他們現成的冷凍餃子「四海遊龍」是一家歷史悠久的餃子連鎖店,自1993年就成立。我記得我試了其中的兩種口味,兩者都出類拔萃。今年,我被秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃給吸引。相較之下,秝秝是一家新公司,但是他們的餃子口味多到驚人,約有15種以上不一樣的口味,而且都是一般市面上看不到的獨特餡料,今年就決定來開箱試吃秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃,看它有多厲害。 秝秝從2010年才開始對外營業,但它們卻有您所見過的最豐富,最獨特的餃子口味。

  • 新鮮材料製作的超大水餃 / Freshly Made Jumbo-sized Dumplings 

Each pack of dumplings from Riri comes with 30 pieces of jumbo-sized handmade dumplings stuffed with fillings. Each dumpling is about twice as big as a regular dumpling. No wonder the product name implies “filling explosion.” It’s important to stay focus when cooking dumplings from Riri because The filling literally explodes in the pot once you overcook them. The pork in the dumplings is made from freshly butchered pork and seasonal vegetables, making the end product exceptionally fresh.

中文版 / Chinese Version:

秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃口味 / Riri Dumpling flavours:

Riri handmade dumplings include a wide variety of different flavors; one of them even adds sweet corn, which quickly makes it a kid-pleaser. Even large families with three generations can all come together and share Riri dumplings happily. Dumpling flavours from Riri include “Leek and Pork Dumplings,” “Cabbage and Pork Dumplings,” “Spicy Basil Pork Dumplings,” “Carrots and Pork Dumplings,” “Sweet Corn and Pork Dumplings,” “Peeled Chili Pork Dumplings,” and “String Beans Pork Dumplings,” “Black Pepper Onion Pork Dumplings,” “Cloud ear fungus and Celery Pork Dumplings,” “pickled veggies and tofu Pork Dumplings,” “Taro Shiitake Mushroom Pork Dumplings,” “Magao Chayote leaves Pork Dumplings,” “Goji Berry Veggie Pork Dumplings,” “Chinese squash Pork Dumplings,” “Bamboo Shoots Pork Dumplings,” “Kimchi Pork Dumplings,” and “Chayote leaves Pork Dumplings.”
For my Openbox review, I tried the “Cloud ear fungus celery pork dumplings,” “pickled veggies and tofu Pork Dumplings,” and “Magao Chayote leaves pork dumplings.”The first time I learned about and tried the unique spice “Magao,” typically used by Taiwanese indigenous people, was my visit to Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant. Adding Magao to dumplings is a first, so I had to try it. Each pack’s flavour is clearly indicated by circling the flavour you’ve purchased. making it easy for customers.

中文版 / Chinese Version:

秝秝飽滿爆餡手工大水餃試吃心得 / The Verdict:

To avoid the explosion of the generous amount of filling, you can tell that Riri even made its dumpling wrappers thicker than usual. Once bitten, it’s not just an explosion of ingredients; the soup is also equivalent to our famous soup dumplings (xiaolongbao). I recommend all to give Riri dumplings a try.

中文版 / Chinese Version:

#2. Glutinous Rice Balls (tangyuan) / 湯圓:

Like I mentioned in my Chinese Moon Festival post, the word “round (“yuan” in Chinese) symbolizes “whole,” and thus the reunion of family and friends. The most common flavours of “tangyuan” available on the market include sesame, red bean, and peanuts. Sweet tangyuans are more common, whereas savoury tangyuan is more of a Hakka dish. Since we’re not Hakka, our family usually opts for sesame flavour only. However, it could be that CNY rage-eating is still on the roll. We went crazy and purchased sesame, peanuts, and matcha flavors for the sweet tangyuans, pretty much every flavour that came into sight. We used to stick to products from Laurel only, because they’re a long-standing and trusted brand. I mean, in Taiwan, better not try any fishy consumer products, right? However, COVID 19 pandemic has turned us all into hoarders. By the time we went to the supermarket to shop for tangyuans, Laurel‘s tangyuans were long gone. We were only able to snatch the last pack of glutinous rice balls from Laurel, and the only flavour left was the less popular “matcha” flavour. We tried other brands for the peanuts and sesame flavours and they turned out surprisingly good as well. As for the savoury ones, we ordered Hakka savory tanyuan online, which is still on its way to our delivery address. Now since we are not Hakka, this would be our first attempt at cooking savoury tangyuan. I did a little research, and it looks like savoury tangyuan is supposed to be cooked with Crown daisy. I’m no chef, so I don’t know where the idea came from, but I’m thinking of adding some mushrooms, dried shrimps, and maybe some bamboo shoots? (Don’t judge, I never went to culinary school)
Alright! Off to grocery shopping. Hopefully, it won’t be another epic fail. Worst comes to worst; I’ll just burn the kitchen down, or burn myself, AGAIN.

中文版 / Chinese Version:



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