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/ 其實是超想吃韓式海鮮煎餅的殘家找來找去似乎只有五國真湯能解解我們瘋狂需要韓式料理的饞。
English version/ 英文版:
Our craving was for Korean seafood pancakes. However the item is nowhere to be found, so we settle for the closest restaurant to the Korean restaurants we are familiar with back in Canada – WuGuoZhenTang.
English version/ 英文版:
“Korean kimchi and Teppanyaki Beef” is served in a large paper bowl, rice only consists of a small portion of the ingredients in the bowl, the rest is filled with thin-sliced beef, kimchi, and bean sprouts. The beef and veggie-to-rice portion are enough to serve a full pot of rice, The portion is so generous that the plastic lid almost pops out when we unpack it. The dish is not too salty and retains the original taste of beef with a little bit of natural sweetness. The beef is so thinly sliced that it melts in your mouth.
English version/ 英文版:
There are three flavors of Croquettes to choose from: “Curry“, “Vegetable” and “Cheese.” We opt for the 3-in-one “Assorted Croquettes.” Each one is deep-fried to a glowing golden yellow. From the colour, guests can be assured that these croquettes are fried with clean, fresh oil, none of that “gutter oil scandal sh*t. Every piece of croquette is huge in size, the texture is crunchy but not greasy, I demolished 3 in a row without feeling any burden. Ae bite into the croquette, the crispy skin covered with breadcrumbs and mushy mashed potatoes mixes and explodes in your mouth, sending you to the food G-spot. I thought “curry” would’ve been hands down taste the best, but the ” “Vegetable” flavour tastes unexpectedly refreshing with a hint of sweetness! I highly recommend those who haven’t tried
English version/ 英文版:
The delivery guy was nice and wished me a happy new year after the drop-off. Greetings like this don’t happen much in Taiwan, so I gave him a 15% tip to return the favour (Taiwanese people don’t tip).
English version/ 英文版:
congee is delivered in a jumbo paper bowl. We ordered the smallest portion which is supposed to serve 1-2 people, but the bucket is so gigantic even after my Muay Thai training in Thailand, I can throw a hard punch; but this, I can’t carry with one skinny arm. I estimate this bowl must weigh over 2 lbs, at least. Once the plastic cover is opened, our whole apartment is filled with seafood aromas in the air. I jump out of the couch and shut all our windows and doors. Sorry, not sharing! Once the plastic lid is opened, you will see the meatballs and black cuttlefish balls on top, and they are not “floating,“ they’re simply exposed on top because the ingredients fill up the whole bucket. Dig into the bowl you’ll see chopped female red crab and the whole shrimps, scallops, and celery. There is nut paste in the making, which is used with celery to enhance the flavor. The seafood is stacked to the bottom of the bucket. Just by the texture, you can tell the soup requires hours to cook. The texture is thick without adding any garbage additives like cornstarch or sweet potato starch. It’s a full bowl of seafood essence, a real delicacy. I love seafood, but I’ve been having pretty bad allergies. My rashes are killing me. But no CNY is complete without seafood. I’d rather die itchy than hungry. So I risk my life for this dish. Guess what? I survived, again (ugh!). I’m guessing the restaurant handles its seafood carefully and clean. (this is only my personal experience, do not try at home or anywhere before consulting your doctor!)
「海鮮粥」($195元)/ “seafood porridge”($195NT):
English version/ 英文版:
Instead of porridges, Yi Pin Porridge’s signature is their “red bean cakes,” this “Taro-flavoured red bean cake” is filled with a generous amount of mashed taro.
English version/ 英文版:
Maybe last night’s congee was too addictive. I was stuffed and just needed something sweet to put an end to my meal. Initially, I just wanted to order a “taro-flavored red bean cake” ($15NT) for dessert, but I just had to see the “seafood porridge“($195NT) option from the corner of my eyes, while scrolling through Yi Pin Porridge‘s menu, and I just had to. Obviously, you can’t compare the crab congee with the seafood porridge. However, this one is not bad either. the bowl is full of ingredients including whole shrimps, meatballs and fish cakes, corn, etc. Not only does it warm up my belly, but itis also hits and puts me to sleep.
美加墨西哥人多,所以一週吃上幾次墨西哥餐是理所當然的。今年過年特別想吃墨西哥餐,才赫然發現,劃片了外送App都找不到墨西哥料理。固執的殘編不放棄的一家餐廳一家餐廳點進去看菜單,最後竟在Subway 潛艇堡連鎖店菜單中找到「墨西哥辣牛捲餅」跟我「鮮嫩雞肉條墨西哥脆片」。意外加分的是還有阿拉伯小吃名菜「Falafel 」!
English Version / 英文版:
As Latin Americans population grows, it is only natural to eat Mexican food every now and then. I only found out it is challenging to find a Mexican restaurant in Taipei. There are no Mexican restaurants available in all the delivery Apps I tried. I’m not a quitter, when I want a burrito, I will get my burrito. So I stubbornly clicked into every restaurant and went through every option on their menu. After a few hours or so, guess where I finally found a “Taco Beef Wrap ($89NT)” and a “Chicken Strip Quesadilla ($99NT)”? Subway baby! An unexpected bonus is finding “Falafel” on the menu, too!
「Falafel」為一種用鷹嘴豆泥、辣椒、洋蔥、紅甜椒、巴西李香芹、大蒜及薑黃等辛香料而捏成的圓球炸物,在阿拉伯世界處處可見,因為材料及香料用的多,所以充滿中東味,即便是素食,味道也一點都比葷食還遜色。它跟薯條的道理是一樣的,幾乎沒有人不喜歡吃,現在已國際化,變成全球愛吃的食物。台灣跟其他國家相較之下中東人少,所以能找到這道菜殘媽跟殘編都差點喜極而泣,有懷舊回到過去的感覺。Subway 的”falafel”可以選擇配「千島醬」、「煙燻西南醬」、「甜洋蔥醬」、「美乃滋」、或是「義大利醬」,其中美中不足的就是沒有中東傳統吃法沾「hummus 」或以芝麻為基底的「tahini」醬的選擇,「hummus 」就是鷹嘴豆泥,中東料理幾乎都會加的醬,有了它,就算不吃蔬菜的肉食主義者也都敢生吃芹菜、紅蘿蔔、跟花椰菜棒了。既然沒有鷹嘴豆泥,我們只好勉強用黃芥末醬代替,。可能是因為食材對了,口味有到位,就算不沾醬味道也很道地好吃,可惜炸得不夠脆。
English version/ 英文版:
I’m sure y’all are familiar with “falafel,” the super addictive deep-fried vegetarian fritters. Subway‘s falafel is made with hummus, chili, onion, red sweet pepper, and a variety of spices such as Brazilian parsley, garlic, and turmeric. Because of its rich ingredients, despite being vegetarian, it is still full of Middle Eastern flavor. Subway’s falafel comes with a choice of “Thousand Island Sauce,” “Chipotle Southwest Sauce,” “Sweet Onion Sauce,” “Mayonnaise,” or “Italian Dressing”. The only drawback is that there is no “hummus” or “tahini” that are supposed to go with any Middle Eastern cuisine. With hummus, even carnivores can eat fresh celery, carrots, and broccoli sticks! Since there is no hummus, we settle for the yellow mustard. With the right ingredients and spices, the taste is authentic. However, it could be crispier.
English version/ 英文版:
The “Chicken Strip Quesadilla” ($99NT) uses a 10-inch wrap and it’s cut in half when served. The wrap is filled with tender chicken strips, green peppers, onions, full-on cheese, and dressed in white “Chipotle Southwest Sauce.” The “Chipotle Southwest Sauce” has a strong milky flavour and blends well with the cheese. The two ingredients make the dish taste extra milky. Cheese and dairy-lovers can try the “Chicken Strip Quesadilla.”
墨西哥辣牛捲餅($89元)/ Taco Beef Wrap ($89NT)
今天才大年初七,中國人習俗過年期間不可以有任何的吵架或不當言語行為,不然會招來一整年的霉運。兩個脾氣都超差的殘家,母女過年過得這麼和樂了,竟然七天都沒吵架,已經是破一輩子的紀錄,所以我們會一直吃到初15 ,等到有元宵節的藉口,再繼續吃,希望大家滾今年過年都吃的好、吃得爽!
English version/ 英文版:
Same as the quesadilla, Subway‘s “Taco Beef Wrap ($89NT)”uses a green wrap made with spinach. The wrap is soft. Expect an “Asian-size” burrito when you order this. I weigh 90 lbs, so this size is much more reasonable. If you go to any Mexican restaurant in North America. 1 legit burrito can turn the anorexic looking me into a 9-month pregnant lady. Subway‘s “Taco Beef Wrap” is prepared with the same 10-inch, spinach wrap, filling include beef, egg salad, and mayonnaise. The egg salad and mayonnaise take the kick of the original Mexican beef away. Boo.
Today is only the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. It is bad luck in Chinese culture to quarrel or give “improper speech behaviors” during the New Year. Otherwise, it will bring a whole year’s worth of bad luck. Come to think of it, this may be the first year in our lives since I was born that I haven’t fought with my mom during CNY, and it’s been a full week already! Woot! Woot! We’ve finally come up with the solution to maintain harmony: Eat whatever the “f” we want! And no cooking! This will continue until the end of CNY to avoid bad luck.
English version/ 英文版:
Usually, Thai restaurants serve large portions. Thai-Thai Thai restaurant is more like a “Thai izakaya. Every dish comes in a bite or two. No wonder the price is so affordable.
青木瓜沙拉( $100元) / Green Papaya Salad($100NT)
English version/ 英文版:
“Green papaya salad” is one of the must-order dishes when eating Thai cuisine. Thai Thai‘s green papaya salad is prepared with peanuts and chili. The flavour is much sweeter than the “green papaya salad” served at other Thai restaurants. This dish is usually eaten as an appetizer, but if the taste is so sweet, it loses its point. and the portion is sad. I could’ve finished the whole dish in one bite before my braces.
English version/ 英文版:
This “Thai pineapple shrimp balls ($180NT)” dish is probably the best among all items. Shrimp balls are not thickly breaded, yet still retains their crunchiness. Shrimps are swimming in a thick pool of either mayonnaise or Thousand island sauce (not sure which). the pineapple slices give it a balance and take away the grease.
English version / 英文版:
First of all, The online photoshoot misleads you into thinking you’re getting a whole fish. However, when delivered, it’s only a thin layer of fish. Secondly, the menu reads “steamed,” but the fish is in fact, deep-fried before steaming or whatever they do with it. The fish melts in the mouth, but only because the fillet is so thin that it decomposes in saliva before you even have the chance of chewing it.
English version/ 英文版:
I‘d describe this dish as “Vietnamese Beef Pho” in its stir-fried form. I’ve never seen stir-fried noodles” with such a natural appearance. The color is completely natural without any sauce or soy sauce for colouring. The restaurant only added a little salt, pepper, and carrots. The beef is the same as the one used in “pho, thinly sliced. The ratio of beef to noodles is about half and half, although no extra seasoning is added. But the natural taste of the ingredients is enough to send you to food paradise! This dish deserves a Michelin recommendation!
English version/ 英文版:
I don’t know if the “Vietnamese” style fried chicken is different from the Thai-style, or if it’s the restaurant’s secret recipe. Zheng Zong’s “fried chicken with Chili Sauce” is more like the fried chicken fillet you’d see at a traditional Taiwanese night market. What’s surprising is it tastes lighter than them. The dish is complemented with two slices of pickled cucumber, red and white radish strips.
English version/ 英文版:
The dish is served with “the “pho” sized paper bowl, except instead of noodles, the whole bowl is packed with pig ears! it took us a while of scratching our heads and trying to recall if we ordered any additional rice or noodle dishes before realizing it’s a full-on pig ear dish. This pig must have had “dumbo-size” ears to be able to fill a whole pho bowl. I feel like I’ll have ears of a bat if I finish the dish. Don’t even get me started on the collagen intake, Younger by each bite!
English version/ 英文版:
Spending almost a decade growing up in the Middle East, our whole family has adapted to the Arabs eating preferences . WE LOVE Lamb! We were able to get lamb skewers from the night market in Jingmei before moving to Tamsui. Now it’s just poultry and seafood around us. So when I saw “skewer” on the menu,although it’s not made from lamb, I thought I’d settle. The pork skewers comes in 3 thin strips , grilled to perfection. the surface is grilled to a caramel color, the meat retains its elasticity, and it is flavouful.
English version/ 英文版:
Although every dish is presented with the ingredients’ original appearance and flavour, and cooked without any unnecessary additives or flavouring, and it is the natural flavor of the food when eaten, but diners who are MSG sensitive might want to watch out. To make up for the disappointment of Thai-Thai Thai food. We demolished every dish from ZhengZong restaurant. Payback was 2 consecutive days of headache and dryness in the mouth. My guess is instead of using colouring condiments, ZhengZong uses MSG.
這次殘編2021過年冒者生命危險幫時尚高潮的粉絲們是吃了餐廳外送APP點的到的五國真湯、壹月潮州砂鍋粥、一品粥、SUBWAY、汰汰熱情食堂、正宗越南料理 等料理。很開心地告訴各位我還健在(不「健」,但是「賤」命一條還在)再麻煩各位幫助殘編按讚、分享一下啦!殘編祝大家新年快樂!
English version/ 英文版:
For my 2021 CNY Pig Out #15DaysChallenge, the restaurants I reviewed available from our delivery Apps include Yi Yue ChaoZhou ShaGuoZhou, Yi Pin Porridge, Subway, Thai Thai Thai Cuisine, Zhengzong Vietnamese Cuisine, and more. I risked my life reviewing these restaurants for Fashion Ecstasy’s fans so I’d appreciate it if you could give me a thumbs up and share, thanks and hope everyone has a great CNY!
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