Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Legends of Horror – Toronto’s Best Halloween Event at Historic Haunted Casa Loma Landmark presented by Captain Morgan / 多倫多最受歡迎的萬聖節活動卡薩羅馬城堡由英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒贊助的《恐怖傳說》

Legends of Horror – Toronto’s Best Halloween Event at Historic Haunted Casa Loma Landmark presented by Captain Morgan / 多倫多最受歡迎的萬聖節活動卡薩羅馬城堡由英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒贊助的《恐怖傳說》

(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)

( 中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

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(中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version)

This is that spooky time of year where those horror film creatures come to life… at Legends of Horror, presented by Captain Morgan. This is the 5th year of this Toronto tradition. The scariness takes place every year in October at the historic (and some say, haunted) landmark, Casa Loma.

中文版 / Chinese Version:
又到了每年最「驚驚」的那個月了。萬聖節十月正是西方國家那些恐怖電影鬼片中的妖魔果怪現身於多倫多知名的鬧鬼名勝地標卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma)的時刻。該活動英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒Captain Morgan)贊助舉辦的《恐怖傳說》( Legends of Horror)。今年是該活動連續成功舉辦的第5 年,深受當地人的歡迎,也理之當然已經變成了多倫多的一個傳統。 每年 10 月,在歷史悠久的(也有人說鬧鬼的)名勝地標卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma) 都會發生可怕的鬧鬼事件。

Talk a walk along the 2 km trail. The spook starts from the gardens of Casa Loma. Be greeted by those chilling characters that haunt you in your nightmares or at the movie theatre. Move from one scene to another. Pass through semi-lit areas and be careful of what jumps right out in front of you (or behind you).

中文版 / Chinese Version:
沿著 2 公里的小徑漫步。 令人驚嚇的體驗卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma) 的花園開始。 迎接訪客的是在大家惡夢中或在恐怖片鬼片裡會令人毛骨悚然的角色。探險訪客接著會從一個場景移動到另一個場景。 當您穿過半亮的區域時,小心從你面前或你身後跳出來嚇您的東西。

There were plenty of screams (including my own) as I walked through the darkness. Dracula was practically ready to take a bite out of me, but fortunately, I got out of his way just in time. Seeing the “undead” in their caskets peering out was very creepy. There are signs of warning everywhere. “ Do Not Enter,” ” Dead Inside,” ” This Area is Extremely Frightening,” but I decided to be brave and continue on.

中文版 / Chinese Version:
當我穿過黑暗步道時,聽到很多尖叫聲(包括我自己的)。正當吸血鬼德古拉Dracula)已經準備好咬我一口時,我靈巧的的及時避開了他。 看到棺材裡的“亡靈不死之身向外張望時,真是令人毛骨悚然。 場地裡到處都有警告的標示: 「禁止進入」、「內有死屍」、「這個區域非常可怕」等等。但我決定勇敢地繼續前進

Never a great fan of clowns, but scary clowns are the worst. And I did meet one particularly evil-looking clown who brought back those childhood terrors.

中文版 / Chinese Version:
我從來就不是小丑的粉絲,但我最討厭可怕詭異小丑。 然後就真的被我遇到了一位長相特別邪惡的小丑,他帶回了我的那些童年恐懼

The castle had impressive 3D projections on the outside of it, and that added to the experience.
As I continued through, I came across the Glass Pavilion, which had a selection of cocktails made from Captain Morgan‘s Rum. I tried the Spiced Apple Rum cocktail, and it was delicious.

中文版 / Chinese Version:
城堡的外部有令人印象深刻的 3D 投影特效,讓今年的整個體驗精彩、加分不少。
當我繼續前進時,進入一間神秘玻璃館,那裡有一系列由英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒Captain Morgan’s Rum)所調出的精選調酒。 我嘗試了其中用英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒Captain Morgan’s Rum)所調出的一款香蘋茶蘋果蘭姆酒雞尾酒,非常好喝。

Afterwards, I continued on our walk and made my way through the tunnels. There were hanging bodies, a sign that read “Bates,” which brought chills to my spine and finally, I watched a surgery taking place, unlike anything I had ever seen before.
It was a genuinely frightening (and fun ) adventure to be on.

中文版 / Chinese Version:

Legends of Horror is open from October 1st to October 31st, and tickets are available at Guests and visitors can also bring a non-perishable food item to Legends of Horror, which will be donated to the Daily Bread Food Bank for charity.

中文版 / Chinese Version:
多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma)由英國摩根船長黑蘭姆酒Captain Morgan)贊助舉辦的《恐怖傳說》(Legends of Horror)即日起舉辦至10月 31 日止,門票可在 購買 訪客可以攜帶不易腐爛的食品參加,該食品捐贈Daily Bread Food Bank食物銀行公益


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