Tag archives for tickets

The 2023 Canadian International Auto Show / 2023年加拿大國際車展

The 2023 Canadian International Auto Show / 2023年加拿大國際車展(Canadian International Auto Show) (Scroll to the bottom for images /愈看照片請滑至頁底) (欲看中文版請向下滑 / scroll down for the Chinese version) The 2023 Canadian International…
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Casa Loma’s Holiday Lights Tour- a Great Way to Celebrate the festive Holiday Season

Casa Loma's Holiday Lights Tour- a Great Way to Celebrate the festive Holiday Season / 多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡節日燈飾之旅是慶祝即將來臨的聖誕節日假期的絕佳方式 (中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 /  Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)…
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Toronto’s largest zombie haunted house, “Zombie Apocalypse,” just in time for Halloween 2022! 多倫多2022年萬聖節最大的殭屍鬼屋:「Zombie Apocalypse」!

Toronto’s largest zombie haunted house, “Zombie Apocalypse,” just in time for Halloween 2022! 多倫多2022年萬聖節最大的殭屍鬼屋:「Zombie Apocalypse」! (中文版向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya) Watch…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia kawaliya jutuan 《 menghuanwuma 》 jianada mixishajia shouyingshi

Illumi – a Dazzling World of Lights by Cavalia / Cavalia卡瓦利亞劇團《夢幻舞馬》加拿大密西沙加首映式 (中文版請下滑向下看 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya) Watch Our Youtube video…
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Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 / 2022年多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動 (中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version) Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 / 2022年多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動 There is much excitement in the air as…
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