Upcoming Event – Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 / 2022年多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動

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(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 / 2022年多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動
Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 / 2022年多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動

There is much excitement in the air as Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 returns to Toronto from August 9th – to August 10th at Rebel Entertainment Complex and Cabana. As Canada‘s largest blockchain and cryptocurrency event, Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 will see thousands of attendees from across the world. The event is the place to be where everyone can get immersed into the world of Blockchain, Crypto, Metaverse, DeFi (Decentralized finance), GameFi (Game Finance), NFT (non-fungible token) and DAOs (decentralized autonomous organization).

中文版 / Chinese version:
隨著2022多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動即將逼近,空氣中瀰漫著興奮。今年的活動將於8月9日至8月10日在多倫多Rebel Entertainment ComplexCabana場地舉行 。此協商研討會加拿大最大區塊鏈加密貨幣活動,有來自世界各地的數千名參展者,這是一場讓每個人都可以沉浸在區塊鏈Blockchain)、加密貨幣Crypto)、元宇宙(英語:Metaverse)、去中心化金融DeFi)、遊戲化金融GameFi)、NFT分散式自治組織DAO) 世界的地方。

This year is the conference‘s fourth edition, and there will be over 100 world experts speaking, including Vitalik Buterin, the inventor of Ethereum, Keith Grossman, President of TIME Magazine, Roger Ver, founder of Bitcoin.com; Justin Hartzman, Co-founder and CEO of Coinsmart, Nick Spanos, Bitcoin Pioneer, Robbie Amell, Producer, Collective Pictures and Actor (Amazon‘s Upload tv series) among many others.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年是第四屆會議,今年的活動將會有100多位來自世界各國的專家發言,其中包括以太坊Ethereum)的發明者V神Vitalik Buterin時代雜誌TIME Magazine總裁Keith GrossmanBitcoin.com創始人Roger VerCoinsmart的聯合創始人首席執行長Justin Hartzman比特幣先鋒Nick Spanos加拿大演員亞馬遜影片《上傳天地》(英語:Upload),又譯《上載新生》)兼Collective Pictures製片公司製片人羅比艾梅爾Robbie Amell)等等。

There will also be a new component with the addition of the ETHToronto hackathon, a 3-day competition to develop the next innovation in blockchain technology.
There will also be a fully interactive crypto marketplace with NFT Galleries and Crypto ATMs.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的活動有全新加碼的節目ETHToronto 黑客松,這是一場為期 3 天的黑客馬拉松競賽,旨在開發下一個創新的區塊鏈科技技術。除此之外還將有一個包含 NFT 畫廊和加密貨幣ATM提款機的完全互動的加密市場

  • Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022 Ticket Information / 2022年多倫多區塊鏈未來趨勢協商研討會活動購票資訊:

Tickets for Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 are on sale now.

For tickets purchase to Blockchain Futurist Conference Toronto 2022, please visit their website at: https://www.futuristconference.com/

中文版 / Chinese version:

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Blockchain Futurist Conference 2019 Toronto, produced by Untraceable, returns to Toronto with exciting New Cryptocurrency Products


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