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Bestselling Author Chris Westfall’s New Book, “Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You,” Is Your Life Coach to an Easier Life / 暢銷書作家 Chris Westfall的新書「Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You」是您的人生教練,教您如何生活更輕鬆

Bestselling Author Chris Westfall‘s New Book, “Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You,” Is Your Life Coach to an Easier Life / 暢銷書作家

Chris Westfall的新書「Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You」是您的人生教練,教您如何生活更輕鬆

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version)
(中譯:殘編 / Chinese trannslation: Tanya)

Life can be challenging, and facing roadblocks can make you question if you are on the right path. Sometimes you just want to bury your head in the sand.

中文版 / Chinese version:
生活總是充滿挑戰面對障礙常常讓我們質疑自己是否走在正確的道路上。 與其面對問題,有時您只會以鴕鳥心態把頭埋在沙子裡。

  • How to Change Your Life? / 如何改變人生?

Bestselling author Chris Westfall‘s new bookEasier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for YOU” has the answers you need. In this book, Westfall shows you a way to start seeing things differently. He teaches you how to overcome distractions, deal with difficult people, and find a way to be kinder to yourself, no matter what it is that you are up against.
According to Westfall, “Hard is a habit, but it doesn’t have to be. Easiest is always ‘do nothing.’ But regrets and disappointments are never easier.”

中文版 / Chinese version:
暢銷書作家 Chris Westfall新書《讓你的工作生活輕鬆的 60 種方法Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for YOU)》為您解答需要的所有答案。無論您的人生正在面臨什麼挑戰,這本中, Westfall 教讀者一種開始以不同角度方式看待事物的方法。 他你如何克服分心習慣如何相處的人打交道、並找到一種對自己寬容方法
根據 Westfall 的說法:「讓自己陷於困境是一種習慣,但並非必須如此。最簡單的總是『什麼都不做』。 但『什麼都不做』所帶來的遺憾失望從未如此簡單。」

Easier is a handbook for a new way of approaching leadership, impact and personal growth. It’s a way to turn obstacles into exciting possibilities.

According to Westfall,

Hard is a habit, but it doesn’t have to be. Easiest is always ‘do nothing.’ But regrets and disappointments are never easier.”

The book is written in a friendly conversational style between a client and a coach. Through their discussions, you can discover how to move from “How do I get through this?” to “What can I get from this?” It’s about turning lemons into lemonade.
As Westfall states, “Nothing is easier than committing to who you are.” “Actively lazy means that you are keenly invested in what you are doing and making sure that you’re not wasting your time or your energy on anything that doesn’t make you really happy.”

中文版 / Chinese version:
Easier 是一本關於領導力影響力個人成長的新方法指導手冊。 它是一種將人生面臨障礙轉變成令人興奮的無限可能性的方法
這本是以客戶和人生教練之間的友好對話風格寫成的。 透過他們的對話,您可以學習如何把「我如何度過這個難關?」的困擾變成「我能從中得到什麼?」的想法,一切關鍵在如何把檸檬變成檸檬水。
正如 Westfall 所說,「沒有什麼比誠實面對自己更容易的了。」「積極的懶惰意味著你對自己正在做的事情非常積極投入,並確保自己你不會把時間或精力浪費在任何不會讓自己真正開心的事。」

Westfall‘s background says it all. He is a celebrated business coach, keynote speaker and consultant. He has helped launch over 60 companies, raised $100 million in capital, has consulted to business leaders worldwide, is a contributor to Forbes Magazine, is the US National Elevator Pitch Champion and speaks to over 10,000 people annually. As an author, he has written other books, including “Leadership Language,” “Bulletproof Branding,” and “The New Elevator Pitch.”

中文版 / Chinese version:
Westfall背景說明了一切。 他是一位著名商業教練、主題演講者顧問。 他協助60 多家公司的創辦籌集了 1 億美元的資金,為全球商業領袖提供諮詢,是福布斯 / 富比士Forbes Magazine)雜誌的撰稿人,是美國全國電梯簡報冠軍,每年與超過 10,000 人交談。 作為作家,他還撰寫了其他書籍,包括《領導力語言》(Leadership Language)、《防彈品牌行銷》(Bulletproof Branding)和《新電梯簡報》(The New Elevator Pitch)。

How to Purchase Easier: 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You:

Easier is available at,,,, and

中文版 / Chinese version:
欲購買Easier書籍請至:、、、、 或


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