(英文版相看/ Scroll down for English version)

台北西門町意舍酒店:五樓餐廳讓您盡情「吃吧」!美式大份餐點!來了就「安吧」!Amba Hotel Taipei Ximen “Chiba” Restaurant Offers Family-Style Western Food for Shares


先看食記影片(Watch our video vlog first):

  • 殘編從小就叛逆難搞,13歲就逃家自己過生活,所以家庭式晚餐


(英文版/ English version):

I’m a rebel, a difficult one. That’s no secret. I ran away from home when I was 13 years old. Therefore, growing up, I never had the luxury to enjoy a family-style shared dinner. I grew up in the western culture; not only does it make it hard to assimilate, with my low IQ and poor people skills (speaking with no-filter), it’s only reasonable that I have no friends even after 3 years of moving to Taiwan. Sharing-style fine restaurants are everywhere in Taiwan, I just never had enough friends to pig out with. Not until I met my best friend “Big Mou” in high school.

  • 認識臭味相投的大毛後,每當遇逢過年聖誕節等這種家人一定要聚在一起的佳節,「大毛」就會熱情邀約爹不疼娘不愛、像孤兒的殘編一同去享受充滿家庭溫暖的「毛家」吃「毛媽」親自做的充滿愛的家庭大餐。毛媽與毛爸用寬容的心接納我,殘編認識了一個好姐妹,還多了一個毛哥跟毛弟,還有把我當女兒的毛父母,實現我渴望的完美家庭的奢望,超划算!

(英文版/ English version):

After knowing my partner-in-crime “Big Mou,” whenever there’s a family festival or holiday such as CNY or Christmas, she’d warmly invite me over for a “real” family meal. As a hobo, “count me in!” I’d always say. The Mous (Mou Ma) prepares every dish with much love. I know I can come off as a bad influence, but Mao Ma and Mao Da always accepted me as who I am with a big heart. Who knows, my “partner-in-crime”  came with a big bro, a little bro, and loving parents who completely accepted me as a daughter! It’s like the perfect family that I longed for has finally come true!<3

  • 難過的是…


(英文版/ English version):

Sadly, since “Big Mou” returned to the United States in 2004, I’ve never had a family-styled shared meal. Last week, I don’t know if the Sun, Moon and Earth just happened to align in space or if lucky star Jupiter just happened to move to Scorpio? I who have been wandering around the world for over ten years and only returned to Taiwan because of my GD stroke, had the chance to be on the same island and meet with Big Mou, who’s visiting from the States,  Mao Bro, who is usually on a business trip, and our  mutual friend who has also visiting from LA. The chances of four bananas (yellow skin and white heart) to meet in anywhere in the world is slimmer than a total eclipse.

  • 我們相約在西門町的Amba意舍旅館碰面。


Amba酒店位於誠品武昌店那邊,是一個複合式的旅館/酒店,雖然開業已久,殘編遲遲沒去過,因為沒機緣。Amba一樓有室外遮篷座位,適合天氣晴時吹吹風。五樓是 「吃吧」( Chiba) 意欲著就是要你盡情的「吃吧」 !「吧」又代表英文的「bar」,殘編這就雙中啊!

(英文版/ English version):

We met at the Amba Hotel located at Ximending, Taipei. Amba Hotel Ximemding is located at Eslite Wuchang Store. It is a compound hotel equipped with just about everything you need. It was my first visit despite its long history since its inception. I just never had the chance. There is a patio on the first floor of Amba if you prefer fresh air. The restaurant “Chiba” is located on the 5th floor.”Chi (吃)” means “Eat” in Chinese whereas “ba” plays a pun on the Chinese final particle “ba(吧)” that solicits approval and the English word “bar.” Say what? Food and drinks? Hell Ya!

  • 吃吧餐廳空間寬敞


(英文版/ English version):

Chiba restaurant is spacious. It is equipped with a buffet-style bar with coffee machines and cups; I assume they’re for the breakfast buffet for its hotel guests. There is a wall full of books, which is ideal for solo-travelers or business trips. Our table is just beside the Ant-man figurines and Princess Fiona (Shrek’s girlfriend) toys. I despise Ant-man with all my heart, but his awkward pose just makes me LOL.

意舍旅館吃吧餐廳菜單/ Chiba restaurant, Amba Hotel Menu




(英文版/ English version):

Chiba‘s menu is extensive featuring a variety of Western dishes, including salads, Schweinshaxe, meat platters, seafood platters, steaks, pork ribs, burgers, pasta and risottos. Desserts include the new & popular dessert”skillet pancakes.”

One of the special items is the Detroit square pizza, which is made with layered dough and low-temperature fermenting, resulting in thicker and crispier crust on the outside and soft and light on the inside. There are many flavours to choose from, and it’s suitable for 2-3 people for sharing.


Every serving on the menu is on the larger side, perfect for sharing. The restaurant kindly notes the recommended number of people for sharing, making ordering a lot easier.

意舍旅館吃吧餐廳飲品/酒精飲料菜單 (

Chiba restaurant, Amba Hotel Drinks Menu)


好久除了紅白酒之外還有「粉紅酒」跟「氣泡酒」,可以一杯一杯點或整瓶點都可以;啤酒有「加拿大精釀啤酒」、「艾爾」、「拉格」等,可選擇一瓶,價約落在 $250-$280,也可以跟美加的酒吧一樣選擇點一桶,價錢約在$720- $800,很合理。

吃吧加州紅酒 California Zinfandel at Chiba
California Zinfandel at Chiba

(英文版/ English version):

The drink menu at Chiba is extensive too, featuring all kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Cocktails can also be ordered as mocktails. Friends from all walks can make peace.

In addition to just red and white wine, there are also rose and sparkling wines, available by glass or bottles. Beer options include Canadian craft beer, Ale, Lager, etc.available by the bottle at the price of $250. -$280, or a keg for about a reasonable$720-$800, the North American way!

吃吧餐廳食物 / The Food at Chiba Restaurant

我們點了開胃菜「歡樂海洋: 白酒奶油蒸海蛤+嫩烤美國大蘆筍 」($360)、美國肋眼牛排 ($920)、「Omega-3能量補給煙燻鮭魚沙拉 」($360)、跟「美國南方鄉村炸雞」($550)

(英文版/ English version):

We ordered appetizer “Creamy clam with American Asparagus” ($360), 10oz USDA Choice American Rib Eye Steak ($920), Omega-3 Energy Smoked Salmon Salad ($360), “Southern Fried Spring Chicken” ($550).

  • (開胃菜)歡樂海洋: 白酒奶油蒸海蛤+嫩烤美國大蘆筍 ($360) / “Creamy clam with American Asparagus” ($360)
歡樂海洋: 白酒奶油蒸海蛤+嫩烤美國大蘆筍 (Creamy clam with American Asparagus) ($360)
歡樂海洋: 白酒奶油蒸海蛤+嫩烤美國大蘆筍
(Creamy clam with American Asparagus) ($360)


(英文版/ English version):

Jumbo asparagus is cooked with creamy white wine sauce and served with fresh clams and smoked bacon. The dish has natural sweetness and aromas of fresh seafood.

  • 美國肋眼牛排 ($920)/ USDA Choice American Rib Eye Steak ($920)
美國肋眼牛排 ($920)/ USDA Choice American Rib Eye Steak ($920)
美國肋眼牛排 ($920)/ USDA Choice American Rib Eye Steak ($920)

美國肋眼牛排使用 10oz USDA 肋眼牛排,配上烤蕃茄跟芝麻葉, 雖然不厚,但是很大片,令殘編佩服的是這種厚度的肋



(英文版/ English version):

American ribeye steak uses 10oz USDA ribeye steak, topped with roasted tomatoes and asparagus and pre-cut for our convenience. The 10-oz meat is on the flatter & larger side. The medium-rare pink colour remains consistent from start to finish, kudos to the chef! pre-cuts the large piece of meat and saves us all the trouble. The sour cream that comes with the steak is perfect for dipping.

  • Omega-3能量補給煙燻鮭魚沙拉 ($360)Omega-3 Energy Smoked Salmon Salad ($360)


(英文版/ English version):

This nutrient-packed salad is made with a bed of lettuce and with Atlantic smoked salmon and tomato salsa, topped with a large piece of garlic bread with Parmesan cheese and olive oil. The Omega-3 fatty acids and Proteins in this bowl will provide you the energy you need for the day!

·       美國南方鄉村炸雞 ($550) / Southern Fried Spring Chicken ($550)

·       這道其實是偷看到別桌都在點,互相看到口水直流的我們很有默契的默默一致附議「必點」。




(英文版/ English version):

This dish is a mutual decision to order after a sneak peek at the other tables, a must-order
This humungous portion of fried chicken is made with American natural spring chicken and comes with a side of crisp fries, true American style. The chicken skin is fried to crispy and the meat is tender and juicy. The menu suggests the dish “for 2 to 3 people” to share, but I’m pretty sure with a pint of beer, a few more orders wouldn’t hurt. (please drink responsibly. The Fried chicken is served with a “Spicy Sauce” that adds a kick and a tartar sauce”. I personally like the former one better.

  • 自拍打卡天堂 / Selfie Station


自拍打卡天堂 / Selfie Station
自拍打卡天堂 / Selfie Station

離開前有一桌超卡哇依的自拍小道具,像博士帽、爆米花、「IDid It」(我做到了!)、「Let’sParty!」(我門開吧!)等彩色英文字樣,讓只喜歡「幕後」攝影師的殘編都想留步來個三八自拍呢!

(英文版/ English version):

On our way out, we spotted a table of fun photo props like graduation hats and signs with colourful words like“IDid It,” “Let’s Party,” and so on. Even I who only prefer to stay “behind the scenes” to make art almost stopped to take a brainless selfie.

  • 同層的「聽吧」似乎是意舍酒店的音樂酒吧,可邊享受LIVE音樂跟喝好喝的雞尾酒、調酒。


(英文版/ English version):

On our way out, we spotted a table of fun photo props like graduation hats and signs with colourful words like”IDid It,” “Let’s Party,” and so on. Even I who only prefers to stay “behind the scenes” almost stopped to take a brainless selfie.
Tingba,” which is on the same level of Amba Hotel Ximen seems to be a live music lounge with great cocktails and live music.
Tianba(sweet bar)” on the first floor is a dessert bar with sweets like brownies, cheesecakes, tiramisu, and lemon tarts. It is a paradise for the sweet tooth.

  • 台北西門町意舍酒店五臟俱全,東西好吃,感覺出差入宿這裡,就不用離開此大樓了。下次殘編家裡颱風來也要考慮來這避風,體驗它們整套的服務!

(英文版/ English version):

Taipei Ximending Amba Hotel is well-organized and seems to include everything. If you stay here, you won’t even have to leave the building. Perfect for business trips. Maybe next time I’ll stay here when I run away from home to experience all their services!



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