Angel Cafe天使咖啡:植物系自然風玻璃屋咖啡店,外國人打卡聖地Angel Cafe Taipei- A Foreigners Favourite with a Green and Bright Concept

(英文版看下面/ Scroll down for English)

Angel Cafe殘編觀察很久的咖啡店,主要是因為他們採光良好的陽光半露天式的座位,還有超犯規的「綜合海鮮海膽燉飯」。

(英文版/ English):

Angel Cafe has long been on my radar since it opened its door. What attracts me the most is their sunny, semi-outdoor patio, and the irresistible mixed seafood and uni (sea urchin) risotto.”

Watch our video first:

  • 粉絲們應該熟知殘編最喜歡與大自然親近、跟太陽公公舌吻。

台灣女孩兒見光死,我卻早已是死屍,所以要曬太陽除霉。好不容易抽空造訪永康街Angel Cafe, 預估車資卻要熊熊$900-$1000上下,殘編含淚跟司機大哥說我還是回家好了,卻看他怎麼似乎幸災樂禍的在笑。原來,他是笑我定位定到桃園的永康街去了。好在大哥好心提醒,不然路癡的超「瞎」殘編,說不定就傻傻的到桃園,都沒發現不對勁呢!(想到哭)

(英文版/ English):

Readers should be familiar with my love for nature and the sun. While most Taiwanese live like vampires and avoid the sun, I am already a 2-year-old dead corpse, so I have to get more sun to kill the bacteria that are decomposing my body. When I finally have time to visit Angel Cafe on Yongkang Street, the estimated fare for my ride is $900-$1000. I tear up and tell my driver “aww…I think it’s out of my budget… just take me home instead…” My driver seems to be taking pleasure in all this because I see an evil smile on him from the mirror. It turns out that he is laughing at my mistake in entering the wrong address: Instead of punching in the Yongkang Street in Taipei, I set my destination to the Yongkang Street in Taoyuan. Luckily, my driver is kind enough to remind me to update my destination, or as “blind” as I am with these malfunctioning brains, I probably wouldn’t notice anything wrong until I arrive Taoyuan… *getting emotional now*

Angel Cafe環境裝潢 / Angel Cafe Interior & Space

Angel Cafe環境裝潢 / Angel Cafe Interior & Space
Angel Cafe環境裝潢 / Angel Cafe Interior & Space
  • Angel Cafe 的大門看似在左邊,其實在玻璃門的正中央,

印著餐廳名字的手把才是正門,殘編在窗外研究許久才進入。前面大廳是玻璃屋,採光很好,適合坐一整個下午,學學西方人吸收一點陽光以及維他命D。果然進門後,在座客人以歐洲外國人居多。當初天使咖啡吸引殘編的也是爲了想吸收一點太陽,可惜殘編抵達時已太陽已下山。玻璃屋屌掛著ㄧ株株的藤蔓簾及一整桌的綠色植物和盆栽,讓人感覺融入了大自然,是現在國外很流行的「綠色」概念,也勾起殘編兩年前造訪美國紐約時住的1 Hotel回憶, 該旅館也是以「綠色」做概念,除了裝潢皆採用木頭、綠色植物等大自然素材,就連客房的衣架、小物品也都是用資源回收的環保[綠」材料製作。

(英文版/ English):

The entrance of Angel Cafe seems to be on the left, but the door is actually in the middle of the glass windows, where you see the handle with Angel Café’s logo. It took me a while to figure that out. The front semi-patio is a glass house with excellent lighting, perfect for a chill afternoon and for getting a little sunshine and vitamin D. Surprise surprise, diners at the cafe were mostly foreigners from Europe. I came for the sun too, but sadly it had set by the time I arrived at Angel Café. The café has a “natural green concept.” green vine plants hung from the ceilings and a whole table of green plants are placed in the middle of the venue. It felt close to nature and brought back my memories 2 years ago when I stayed at 1 Hotel in New York, USA, 1 Hotel also had a “green” concept. In addition to the natural decorations like wood and plants. Even the hangers and other items are made of eco-friendly recycled materials.



(英文版/ English):
What even impressed me more was the brand new TESLA the hotel manager arranged especially for me to escort me to the next hotel, I was completely flattered.
Here’e a post from our Instagram:

  • Angel Cafe 前面大廳有沙發座位,座位底下有插座,


(英文版/ English):

Seats at the front are comfortable sofa seats, each with an outlet under, perfect for my boney ass and “Nomophobia/ low-battery-anxiety.” Angel Café is self-seating & semi-self service, I was handed a menu as soon as I took my seat. Most guests line up at the counter to order but in my case, hogging my perfect seat was more important, so I just flagged the server down.

Angel Cafe 菜單Menu/ Angel Cafe Menu

Angel Cafe天使咖啡菜單 menu Taipei Yongkang
Angel Cafe天使咖啡菜單 menu Taipei Yongkang
Angel Cafe天使咖啡菜單 menu Taipei Yongkang
Angel Cafe天使咖啡菜單 menu Taipei Yongkang
Angel Cafe天使咖啡菜單 menu Taipei Yongkang
Angel Cafe天使咖啡菜單 menu Taipei Yongkang

ANGEL CAFE菜單不大,但是有一道誰看了都會受不了的超犯規「綜合海鮮與海膽奶油燉飯」(是不是?!)($300)
殘編看到這一道必然先點,等上菜時才驚覺起我今天是獨自用餐,不敢獨自用餐的殘編,恐慌之餘趕快再索取菜單好讓自己分心。什麼人都會變,只有吃進肚子裡的不會變,於是我就再加點了季節鮮果沙拉($210)。寂寞的夜晚一定要甜食陪伴,因此還點了一分半熟起司塔。甜點點完後,我才熊熊發現菜單上的肉肉類系列,怎麼稍早沒看到?原來夜路走多了,真的會遇到鬼。剛剛被鬼遮眼的肉類有「勃根地紅酒燉牛肉 ($320)」、「芫萎燉煮牛頰 ($320)」、「匈牙利風味燉豬小腿 ($320)」、「南義煎烤海鱸魚 ($320)」,其中的「南義煎烤海鱸魚 」是搭配洋芋薯條的,為了吃薯條我就點了「南義煎烤海鱸魚」。

(英文版/ English):

Angel Café doesn’t carry an extensive menu, but there is a super item that is absolutely irresistible: mixed seafood and sea urchin risotto” (right?!) ($300). I place my order immediately with excitement the moment I see it. The thought of sea urchin carried me away, and I only snapped back to reality when the food came: I came solo.

Terrified of eating alone, I panic and ask for the menu to distract myself. I may lose everything in life, but I’ll never lose whatever I put in my belly. So I order a bunch more, starting with the seasonal fruits salad ($210). Lonely nights must be accompanied by sweets, so I also ordered a baked-cheese tart. After I demolish everything, I found the meat section on the menu. How did I not see it earlier? Meat items on the menu include Boeuf Bourguignon ($320), “Braised Beef Cheek ($320) “, “Hungarian Pork Goulash“, and Pan-fried Fish ($320)”, among which Pan-fried Fish is served with “home fries,” so I order it for the fries.

Angel Cafe天使咖啡食物 / The Food at Angel Cafe


(英文版/ English):

Angel Café’s service is super fast, I place my order at 6:20, food is served at 6:28. First up are the rosemary bread and potato-corn soup that come with the meal

Angel Cafe主餐附的迷迭香麵包和洋芋湯
Angel Cafe主餐附的迷迭香麵包和洋芋湯  ( rosemary bread and potato-corn soup)


(英文版/ English):

The soup is added with cream, but not too much, there’s still a bit of potato texture in it.

甜點半熟起司塔 / Baked Cheese Tart

甜點半熟起司塔 / Baked Cheese Tart
甜點半熟起司塔 / Baked Cheese Tart


(英文版/ English):

The baked-cheese tart is served two minutes later. There is a layer of yellow butter on the top; the texture is very soft, and the flavor is quite sweet.

綜合海鮮海膽燉飯 ($320) / mixed seafood and sea urchin risotto ($320)

綜合海鮮海膽燉飯 / mixed seafood and sea urchin risotto
綜合海鮮海膽燉飯 / mixed seafood and sea urchin risotto


(英文版/ English):

The mixed seafood and sea urchin risotto came within the next 5 minutes. I’d say The portion is mediocre, but I do have a blackhole appetite. Ingredients include a squid, 2 shrimps, 2 mussels, 2 clams and lots of butter.

  • 季節鮮果沙拉 ($210)/ Fruits Salad ($210)

季節鮮果沙拉 ($210)/ Fruits Salad ($210)
季節鮮果沙拉 ($210) Fruits Salad ($210)


(英文版/ English):

The “Fruits Salad” has diced apples, kiwis, oranges, red dragon fruit, cashews, and almond slices on a bed of lettuce.

南義煎烤海鱸魚 ($320) / Pan-Fried Fish with Home Fries ($320)

南義煎烤海鱸魚 ($320) / Pan-Fried Fish with Home Fries ($320)
南義煎烤海鱸魚 ($320) / Pan-Fried Fish with Home Fries ($320)


(英文版/ English):

Pan-fried fish is soaked in a tomato-based soup, with large slices of pan-fried potato wedges.

咖啡 / Coffee

咖啡 / Coffee
咖啡 / Coffee


(英文版/ English):

The after-meal “Americano” coffee is served in an espresso cup.

  • 這裡似乎是打卡聖地,除了我左右兩桌的人一直不停的自

Angel Cafe 天使咖啡信義區台北夜生活已有名號的In House 公司旗下的新品牌,但是這一家走的是下午茶咖啡風,與公司以往的夜店風格不同。相信很快地他們又能再增加更多相同風格的據點,將台灣人從黑暗的夜生活帶出來曬曬太陽。

(英文版/ English):

Angel Cafe seems to be a very Instagrammable location among both the locals and foreigners, guests seem to have trouble stop taking selfies. Angel Cafe is a new brand owned by the same company as In House, a popular lounge bar in Taipei‘s Xinyi District and a favorite among young people for Taipei nightlife. However, Angel Café is daytime and matinee vibe, which is different from the company’s usual nightlife style.
We look forward to seeing them grow and bring Taiwanese out of the dark and towards a “brighter future”!


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