Anyone But You – Unbelievable Chemistry! This Romantic Comedy Will Keep You Hooked from Start to Finish! A Film Review /令人難以置信的怦然心動感!這部浪漫喜劇將讓您從頭到尾都著迷!電影評論

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Anyone But You is a delightful romantic comedy with an edge. Starring Sydney Sweeney as Bea (who also executive produced) and Glen Powell as Ben, the film is a funny and ultimately uplifting journey on how two people connect and then disconnect. It is loosely based on Shakespeare‘s play, Much Ado About Nothing.

Plot Summary

Law student Bea meets Ben at a coffee shop when he pretends to be her husband to get the staff to give her the restroom keys, while ordering her a tea. They awkwardly connect and then proceed to have a wonderful day and night together. In the morning, Bea leaves Ben sleeping without saying goodbye. Realizing her mistake, she runs back to his apartment only to overhear Ben (who was very hurt by her actions) telling his best friend Pete (GaTa) that it was a big nothing.

Six months later, Bea meets up with her older sister, Halle(Hadley Robinson) and Halle’s fiance, Claudia (Alexandra Shipp), at a club. Then Claudia’s brothers Pete and Ben join the group. In the introduction, Bea and Ben are terse with each other and clearly dislike each other. Bea tells Ben she has a fiance.

Halle and Claudia’s wedding takes place in Sydney, Australia, because Bea and Ben find themselves on the same flight and learn they are staying at Claudia and Pete’s Mother, Carol (Michelle Hurd) and Stepfather, Roger’s villa (Bryan Brown).

Claudia and Pete’s cousin Margaret (Charlee Fraser) greet Ben, who has dated him in the past. Ben feels a connection to Margaret, who is now dating surfer Beau (Joe Davidson).

As the families prepare for the wedding, Bea and Halle’s parents, Leo (Dermot Mulroney) and Innie (Rachel Griffiths), keep pressuring Bea to get back with her fiance, Jonathan (Darren Barnet), while the families keep trying to get Bea and Ben together. Jonathan then arrives, and to get everyone to stop pressuring her, Bea plots with Ben to pretend to be in love with each other. Bea tells Ben that this will make Margaret jealous and get her to come back to him.

Over the weekend, Bea and Ben seem to reconnect, or do they?…


Anyone But You is so much fun to watch. Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell are dynamic together, and the film keeps you entertained from beginning to end. It is a must-see for anyone who loves romantic comedies.

Plot Summary

Law student Bea meets Ben at a coffee shop when he pretends to be her husband to get the staff to give her the restroom keys, while ordering her a tea. They awkwardly connect and then proceed to have a wonderful day and night together. In the morning, Bea leaves Ben sleeping without saying goodbye. Realizing her mistake, she runs back to his apartment only to overhear Ben (who was very hurt by her actions) telling his best friend Pete (GaTa) that it was a big nothing.

Six months later, Bea meets up with her older sister, Halle(Hadley Robinson) and Halle’s fiance, Claudia (Alexandra Shipp), at a club. Then Claudia’s brothers Pete and Ben join the group. In the introduction, Bea and Ben are terse with each other and clearly dislike each other. Bea tells Ben she has a fiance.

Halle and Claudia’s wedding takes place in Sydney, Australia, because Bea and Ben find themselves on the same flight and learn they are staying at Claudia and Pete’s Mother, Carol (Michelle Hurd) and Stepfather, Roger’s villa (Bryan Brown).

Claudia and Pete’s cousin Margaret (Charlee Fraser) greet Ben, who has dated him in the past. Ben feels a connection to Margaret, who is now dating surfer Beau ( Joe Davidson).

As the families prepare for the wedding, Bea and Halle’s parents, Leo (Dermot Mulroney) and Innie (Rachel Griffiths), keep pressuring Bea to get back with her fiance, Jonathan (Darren Barnet), while the families keep trying to get Bea and Ben together. Jonathan then arrives, and to get everyone to stop pressuring her, Bea plots with Ben to pretend to be in love with each other. Bea tells Ben that this will make Margaret jealous and get her to come back to him.

Over the weekend, Bea and Ben seem to reconnect, or do they?…


Anyone But You is so much fun to watch. Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell are dynamic together, and the film keeps you entertained from beginning to end.
It is a must-see for anyone who loves romantic comedies.

中文版/ Chinese Version:

電影愛愛愛上你》(Anyone But You)是一部令人愉快、具有優勢的浪漫喜劇。這部電影席妮·史威尼(Sydney Sweeney) 飾演Bea(兼執行製片人)和葛倫·鮑威爾(Glen Powell) 飾演Ben,講述了兩個人如何建立聯繫,然後又如何產生誤解,這是一段有趣又令人振奮的旅程。它大致上是根據莎士比亞的《無事生非》改編的。


法學院學生 Bea 在一家咖啡店遇見了 Ben,Ben假裝是Bea的丈夫,讓工作人員給Bea廁所鑰匙,同時給Bea點了一杯茶。他們就這樣尷尬地聯繫在一起,然後一起度過了美好的一天一夜。早上,Bea沒有告別就離開了熟睡中的Ben。Bea意識到自己的錯誤後便跑回Ben的公寓,卻無意中聽到Ben(因為被Bea的行為深深傷害了)告訴他最好的朋友皮特(GaTa 飾):「這事沒什麼大不了的」。


六個月後,Bea在俱樂部遇見了她的姐姐哈莉(哈德莉羅賓遜 / Hadley Robinson飾)和哈莉的未婚夫克勞迪亞(亞利珊卓·希普/ Alexandra Shipp飾)。此時克勞迪亞的兄弟皮特和Ben加入了這個團體。在彼此介紹中,Bea 和 Ben簡短帶過,並且表示對彼此無好感。Bea甚至告訴Ben她有一個未婚夫。


哈莉和克勞迪亞的婚禮在澳洲雪梨舉行,因為Bea和Ben發現自己搭乘同一班航班,並得知他們住在克勞迪亞和皮特的母親卡羅爾(蜜雪兒·赫德 / Michelle Hurd飾)和繼父羅傑(布萊恩布朗 / Bryan Brown飾)的別墅裡。


克勞迪亞和皮特的表妹瑪格麗特(查理·弗雷澤 / Charlee Fraser飾)向Ben招呼,因為她過去也曾與Ben約會過。Ben對瑪格麗特的聯繫似乎還有感覺,但是

瑪格麗特現在正在與衝浪者博(喬戴維森/ Joe Davidson飾)約會。


當家人準備婚禮時,Bea 和哈莉的父母Leo(德莫·麥隆尼/ Dermot Mulroney飾)和Innie(瑞秋·格里菲斯/ Rachel Griffiths飾)不斷向Bea 施壓,要求Bea 與未婚夫喬納森(Jonathan,達倫·巴奈特/ Darren Barnet 飾)重歸於好,而其他人則一直在努力讓Bea 和Ben 團聚。隨後喬納森到來,為了讓大家停止向她施加壓力,Bea與Ben密謀假裝彼此相愛。Bea告訴Ben,這會讓瑪格麗特嫉妒,讓她回到Ben身邊。


週末,Bea 和 Ben 似乎重新建立了關係。。。還是沒有呢?


愛愛愛上你》(Anyone But You)是適合闔家觀賞、任何人看都回覺得非常有趣的電影席妮·史威尼(Sydney Sweeney)和葛倫·鮑威爾(Glen Powell)在一起充滿活力,這部電影讓您從頭到尾都充滿樂趣。


(images courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)


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