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久違的東方文華Cafe Un Deux Trois ,一直以來是殘編台北最愛的法國餐廳。很遺憾的,前兩天去造訪時,餐廳已改成buffet吃到飽自助式的無國界料理。東方文華一直都是殘編心中的第一名的飯店,僅管改變模式,就是有辦法做得比別人好。


(English/ 英文版)

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Taipei’s Cafe Un Deux Trois has always been my favorite French restaurant in Taipei. Unfortunately, when we visited a few days ago, the restaurant has changed to an All-you-can-eat buffet-style restaurant serving international cuisine. Mandarin Oriental has always been my favorite luxury hotel and for a reason. They really upped their buffet game.

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東方文華超奢華的海鮮自助區/ Luxury Seafood Buffet

  • 餐廳最受矚目的就是「痛風」(海鮮)區了,東方文華的海鮮自助區有肥滿的九孔鮑、鱈場蟹、岩螺、熟白蝦、麵包蟹、淡菜、甚至還有小龍蝦。這裡有各式各樣的醬料,包括蕃茄海鮮醬、芥末、檸檬等等,饕客可以依自己的口味喜好添加。

(English/ 英文版)

A scene-stealer is Mandarin Oriental‘s impressive seafood bar; Café Un Deux Trois‘ seafood buffet area includes an extensive seafood selection featuring abalone, Sea Whelk, brown crab, mussel, red king crab, and even lobster. There is a wide selection of sauces and condiments are available for the seafood section alone.: tomato salsa, mustard, lemon, wasabi and many more.

熱食異國料理區/ Exotic Hot Food Area


  • 熟食區的異國料理更是帶我們環遊世界一週:台灣人現在最愛的鴨胸肉除了配沙拉外,還做成「爐烤鴨胸佐高麗菜漢柚子醬」、美國紅酒燉牛尾、蕃茄北非小米鮮蝦沙拉、「香煎鱈魚佐檸檬奶油醬汁」、「龍蝦汁焗烤海鮮派」、「港式點心」等菜色,道道都是異國風味,吃不慣老外食物的客人也有「花雕醉雞」、「榨菜貝唇」、「黑醋木耳」等在地小菜可以選擇。

(English/ 英文版)

Exotic dishes in the hot food area take us on a trip around the world: duck breasts, which has gained popularity in Taiwan over the past two years are available cold with salad or hot from the “roasted duck breasts with cabbage and yuzu sauce.” Other exotic dishes include “braised Ox Tail beef with root vegetabletomato couscous shrimp salad, “Pan-fried cod fish with lemon butter sauce, lobster seafood pie, Chinese dim-sum, and many more. Those who are looking for a taste of Taiwanese local food can find local eats like “Drunken Chickenwood ear mushroom salad with black vinegar dressing, and Chinese preserved vegetables with scallop lips.

  • 生菜沙拉&現煎區/ Salad & Cooked On-site



(English/ 英文版)

The salad area also includes a variety of ingredients, besides the regular lettuce and veggies, there are even healthy superfood options like quinoa, which can be drizzled with luxury truffle sauce! The steak booth features freshly sliced medium-rare Angus rib eye, served in a generous portion.
The grilling area is an open kitchen with a few chefs on duty to serve pork loin, chicken thigh, snapper, and other quality ingredients cooked-to-order

  • 加點菜單/Aditional Items on the Menu:



(English/ 英文版)

Mandarin Oriental definitely raised the bar for luxury hotel buffets, in addition to the dazzling buffet stations, the dining tables also come with a small menu with three chefs’ main dishes, two desserts, and coffee or tea, which are also included in the dinner fare and can be ordered unlimitedly.


  • 北海道干貝墨魚燉飯/ Scallop and Squid Ink Risotto
文化CAFE(English/ 英文版)
(Black Squid Ink Risotto)


(English/ 英文版):

black squid ink risotto is extra creamy and topped with a scallop and herbs.

  • 慢燉澳洲和牛小排/ Braised Australian Wagyu Beef Short Rib
慢燉澳洲和牛小排 (Braised Australian Wagyu Beef Short Rib)
(Braised Australian Wagyu Beef Short Rib)


(English/ 英文版):

Australian wagyu beef is melt-in-your-mouth tender and can be eaten without a knife, the fork alone does the job.

  • 佛跳牆/ Buddha Jump Over The Wall
佛跳牆 (Buddha Jump Over The Wall)
(Buddha Jump Over The Wall)


(English/ 英文版):

This famous Chinese soup dish is considered luxury and served on special occasions like Chinese New Years. Mandarin Oriental‘s Buddha jump over the wall is a Hong Kong-style, which means there is no shark fins or quail eggs, etc., but simply pork, pigskins, and conch, compared to the Taiwanese Buddha jump over the wall, Café Un Deux Trois’ soup is relatively light.



(English/ 英文版):

Our dinner show for the night was Baked Alaska, which is a dessert. In addition to the show, there is a whole table of dessert buffet, so we decided to pass on the “crème Brulee, and Oolong Tea Panna Cotta included on the menu.
Our favorites were the sesame pudding, tiramisu, a rich chocolate cake, matcha (green tea) cake, peanut caramel cake, mini macarons.

火焰阿拉斯加秀 / Baked Alaska Show:


(English/ 英文版):

According to the dessert chef hosting the show, this dessert (Baked Alaska) originated in France and was loved by the royalties, then promoted worldwide by a Chinese American.
It is a dessert made with ice cream cake and covered with meringue. The appearance is like a snow-capped mountain and symbolizes the mountains of Alaska. The dessert is topped with flaming orange liqueur, which symbolizes the aurora lighting up Alaska. After the liqueur has been burnt, the surface caramelizes with full of citrus flavors, and the taste will become more layered. The chef recommends topping the cake with some fruity purees that are available next to it. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Taipei’s Café Un Deux Trois5-star buffet does not disappoint and like its hotel, still holds a special place in my heart.


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