Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Collision 2022 Toronto Brings Together Over 500,000 Tech Innovators, Politicians, Media and Cultural Changemakers

Collision 2022 Toronto Brings Together Over 500,000 Tech Innovators, Politicians, Media and Cultural Changemakers / 2022年年度Collision科技新貴高峰會匯聚超過500,000名科技創新者、政治家、媒體及文化變革者

(中文版向下滑 / scroll down for the Chinese version)

(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya)

  • Watch Our Collision 2022 Toronto HHighlights Youtube Video First / 先看時尚高潮多倫多2022年「COLLISION」科技高峰會YT影片:

Collision 2022 took place at Toronto‘s Enercare Centre from June 20th-23th, 2022, and it was a big success. Produced by Web Summit (co-founded by Paddy Cosgrave), Collision, along with its sister conferences Web Summit in Lisbon, Web Summit Rio in South America, and RISE in Asia, have brought together over 500,000 attendees since 2009. These technology conferences bring together tech innovators, politicians, media and cultural changemakers where these experts can freely exchange ideas.


中文版/ Chinese version:
今年的年度Collision高峰會2022年6月20日至23日在多倫多Enercare中心舉行,獲得巨大的成功。Collision高峰會是由Paddy Cosgrave共同創立的Web Summit製作的。Collision及其姐妹會議,包括在里斯本舉行的Web Summit峰會南美里約Rio)舉行的Web Summit峰會、亞洲RISE研討會。這些科技技術會議自 2009年以來已經聚集了超過 500,000 名與會者,讓科技創新者政治家媒體和文化變革者能齊聚一堂,和專家一起自由交流想法。

In this year’s edition, over 35,000 attendees from 130 countries had a dynamic list of speakers and panels such as :

Driving market disruption through digital transformation with General Motors Global CMO Deborah Wahl and Qualcomm CMO Don McGuire; Blockchain will shape the future of everything with Co-Founder& Vice Chairman Nicolas Cary and Forbes Senior Editor of Blockchain & Crypto Michael Del Castillo; Popping the Filter Bubble to Find the Truth with Vox Media Editor-in-Chief Swati Sharma, AP Executive Editor Julie Pace and Yahoo News Senior Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff; Winning Races, Behind the Scenes with Webex and McLaren Racing with McLaren CTO Edward Green, Webex by Cisco CMO Aruna Ravichandran and CNET Editor-at-Large Tim Stevens; Are NFTs SportsNext Big Opportunity with Portland Trail Blazers‘ Player Josh Hart, Dapper Labs VP of Strategic Partnerships Ridhima Khan and Olympian and Host beIN Sports USA, Kaylyn Kyle; Blowing the Whistle on Climate Change with Whistleblower Aid CEO Libbly Liu and 60 Minutes Executive Producer Bill Owens; Eric Schmidt on AI and our Human Future with Schmidt Futures Co-Founder Eric Schmidt and Insider Global Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Carlson; Q & A with Special Guest Co-founder, Actor Damon Wayans Jr. and Special Guest Founder & CEO Kristopher Jones; Online Dating is a Tinderbox with Tinder CEO Renate Nyborg and Refinery 29 Global Editor-in-Chief Simone Oliver; Q & A with Skybridge Founder Anthony Scaramucci.


中文版/ Chinese version:
今年的活動聚集了來自130個國家 35,000多名與會者,研討會請來了著名且生動的演講者主持一系列的小組討論主題,例如:
General Motors 全球首席營銷官 Deborah WahlQualcomm首席營銷官 Don McGuire演講的「通過數位化轉型顛覆推動市場」;由 聯合創始人兼副主席 Nicolas Cary 和《福布斯》(英語:Forbes)高級編輯 Michael Del Castillo演講的「區塊鏈加密貨幣 將塑造未來的一切」;與 Vox Media編輯 Swati SharmaAP執行主編 Julie Pace雅虎新聞高級調查記者 Michael Isikoff 一起演講的「過濾假訊息泡沫以揭發真相」; 由麥拉倫(McLaren)首席技術官 Edward Green、Webex by Cisco首席營銷官 Aruna RavichandranCNET特約編輯Tim Stevens演講的「一起贏得賽車比賽幕後花絮」;由波特蘭開拓者(英語:Portland Trail Blazers球員Josh HartDapper Labs 戰略合作夥伴關係副總裁 Ridhima Khan奧運選手 以及美國貝因體育主持人 Kaylyn Kyle 一起演講的「 運動產業是否為NFT界的下一個大好機會」;與 Whistleblower Aid 首席執行官 Libbly Liu 和 《60分鐘》執行製片人 Bill Owens 一起揭發氣候變化;與 Schmidt Futures聯合創始人Eric SchmidtInsider全球主編Nicholas Carlson談人工智能和我們的人類的未來;與特邀嘉賓聯合創始人、演員小達蒙·韋恩斯Damon Wayans Jr.)和特邀嘉賓創始人兼首席執行官Kristopher JonesQ&A問答集; 由Tinder首席執行官Renate NyborgRefinery 29全球總編輯Simone Oliver所主持的「線上交友就像打火匣」;以及與Skybridge創始人Anthony Scaramucci問答集。

The opening night was full of exciting speakers and panels. TechStarsSunil Sharma invited some tech startups to present their businesses to the audience. Chief of the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation, R. Stacey Laforme, spoke about the rise of indigenous companies. Toronto Mayor John Tory and Web Summit Co-Founder Paddy Cosgrave welcomed attendees to the conference. Dapper Labs CEO Roham Gharegozlou spoke as well. Global Editor-in-Chief interviewed author and Activist Margaret Atwood with MaRS Discovery District CEO Yung Wu for Wired, Gideon Lichfield, and they discussed freedom of choice and the issue of climate change. Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o and Kukua Co-Founders Vanessa Ford and Lucrezia Bisignani shared behind the scenes about their successful animated series “Super Sema.” Sema ( Executive Produced and voiced by Lupita Nyong’o) is Africa‘s first kid superhero, and her superpowers are fueled by STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math).

中文版/ Chinese version:
開幕之夜邀來資深演講者並進行精彩的小組討論TechstarsSunil Sharma邀請了一些科技新創公司向觀眾展示他們的業務內容。 Credit First Nation密西沙加分部酋長R. Stacey Laforme談到了本土公司崛起多倫多市長約翰·托里莊德利英文John Tory)和全球網絡峰會(Web SummitCEO兼聯合創始人帕迪科斯格雷夫(Paddy Cosgrave)歡迎與會者參加會議Dapper Labs首席執行官Roham Gharegozlou也發表了演講知名科技雜誌連線》(Wired)的全球總編輯Gideon Lichfield採訪名作家和活動家瑪格麗特·愛特伍英語Margaret Atwood)和 火星探索區(MaRS Discovery District)的首席执行官吴勇(Yung Wu) ,他們討論了選擇自由權氣候變化問題。奧斯卡影后 雷碧達·尼安高(英語:Lupita Nyong’o)和 Kukua公司的聯合創始人Vanessa FordLucrezia Bisignani分享了他們超成功動畫系列「Super Sema」製作過程的幕後花絮。Sema(由 Lupita Nyong’o 執行製作和配音)是非洲第一個兒童超級英雄,他藉由「STEAM」(「S」代表科學(science)、「T」字代表「科技technology)、「E」字代表「工程(engineering)「A」字代表「藝術(Art)、「M」字代表「數學(Math))助長她的超能力。

The evening ended with an after-party at Grand Bizarre, where attendees hung out poolside and networked.

中文版/ Chinese version:
活動當晚以在 Grand Bizarre 舉行的派對晚宴劃下完美句點,與會者在池畔繼續閒聊交流,結束今年成功展場

Collision 2023 is scheduled for June 26th-29th, 2023. For more information, check out

中文版/ Chinese version:
Collision 2023 計劃於 2023 年 6 月 26 日至 29 日舉行。有關更多信息,請造訪:


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