The first installment of the “Dining and Social Club for Time Travellers” story entitled Divine Intervention was launched at the Wychwood Barns on May 9, 2015.

Supporters of the author Elyse Kishimoto, a graduate of the University of Toronto, and illustrator Doug Feaver sampled wine, beer and an assortment of cheese crackers, dips and spreads in the airy, loft like space.

During the book launch, a selection of the book was read by a young friend of Elyse.

The three book series is written for young adults. The series takes place in Paris after the main character, Louisa Sparks, loses her parents and joins a secret Dining and Social Club for Time Travellers after finding a timepiece that allows her to travel through time.

We each received a copy and I cannot wait to join Louisa on her adventure.

(photos by Tanya)


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