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East 279 is an English friendly clothing/boutique store located on Datong Road in Tainan’s East District carrying many international renowned brands and products.
We were proudly hired by the Tainan City Government for the second consecutive year to review this year’s English Friendly Shops, and East 279 made it to our top 5 of 2018!
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107年台南英語友善店家:東貳柒玖潮流服飾/ East 279: Tainan English Friendly Store 2018

  • The print reads
  • “Hope is a Gift we give ourselves, and it remains when all else is gone”

    on the door upon entrance, and it reflects owner James’ motto and what he truly believes in.

East 279 2018 Tainan English Friendly store




Hope is a Gift we give ourselves, and it remains when all else is gone 」



  • Owner James Ye is a 30-year-old young man with three daughters and a beautiful wife. With past working experience in Australia, he speaks fluent English and has no problem communicating in English. I was surprised by our conversation in English, which carried beyond just the basics: “How much are these?” or “What do you carry?” We went on and talked about life.



  • Making money abroad was not what I was looking for,” said James.
    James initially went to Australia to gain work experience and life in a foreign country.
    After working at an onion farm in Australia for two days, James realized that the bland and boring life wasn’t what he was looking for. He wanted more. Maybe it was God’s answer, after that during James’ work hiatus; he experienced a severe car accident that completely damaged his car. The car accident became a life-changing event that made James decide to reconnect with his homeland, Taiwan, and start a business.



East 279 Tainan English Friendly store
East 279 2018 Tainan English Friendly store
  • Designed and drawn by James himself, East 279’s logo is a tree with roots, which symbolizes his decision to return “home,” and “take roots.”

The American/European style logo-design also reflects the brands they carry, including renowned international fashion brands from Italy, the United States, and Canada. Some of the products East 279 carries include casual wear from Lifestyle brands AF (Abercrombie & Fitch), GAP, Superdry; caps from designer brands
Armani Exchange, EA7 (Emporia Armani), Polo RL (Polo Ralph Lauren); and bags and accessories from MK (Michael Kors) and Coach, etc.


Logo的設計線條如他們的商品一般有歐美風格。店內可看到來自各國琳瑯滿目的潮流商品,包括來自義大利、美國、加拿大等得知名國際潮流品牌。商品包括AF (Abercrombie & Fitch)GAPSuperdry(極度乾燥)的休閒裝;AX Armani Exchange EA7 (Emporio ArmaniPolo RL (Polo Ralph Lauren)等設計師品牌的帽子;以及MK(Michael Kors)  Coach的包包等等

  • However, these brands are not what interested me, but the collection of Minions, potato heads and other toys certainly caught my attention.

“These are my personal collection, they are not for sale,” I see a sense of childlike heart and innocence when James tells me.




  • James’ real passion isn’t fashion, but food/hospitality. However, he decided to open East 279 in September 2015 due to practical considerations. East 279 believes in honesty and refuses to do any false advertising to confuse its customers. Its quality products in a country infamous for our knock-offs quickly gained East 279 fans and success.
East 279 2018 Tainan English Friendly store


其實葉威真正的夢想是並不是服飾店,而是開一家餐廳。基於現實的考量,他2015年九月做了這樣的決定。East 279堅持「誠信」,他們深信建立與客戶之間的信任才是做生意的基本美德,因此所有商品都嚴格監控、確保品質。



  • However, the success of East 279 never stopped James from pursuing his dreams. Instead of remaining status quo, he recently went ahead and opened a new restaurant/bar just a few doors down East 279.
  • “It takes only one second to give up, but a lifetime to be persistent,”

    said James.






  • Because like East 279‘s motto,

    “Hope is a Gift we give ourselves, and it remains when all else is gone.”

Never stop improving yourself or pursuing your dreams.





East 279 is 1 of our Top 5 2018 English Friendly Shops in Tainan, for more English Friendly Shops in Tainan, please visit: http://efstore.vrworld.com.tw/en/index.php

東貳柒玖是我們107 年台南友善英語標章店家整理出來的前五名,更多台南友善英語標章店家資訊請參考:http://efstore.vrworld.com.tw

“臺南市政府經濟發展局廣告Advertisement from Bureau of Economic Development, Tainan City Government.


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