Tag archives for store


Award-winning, popular, and well-established store Nanmen Market Yi Xiang Zhai Puli Township’s drunken Shaoxing wine Ingots open box tasting and review

Award-winning, popular, and well-established store Nanmen Market Yi Xiang Zhai Puli Township's drunken Shaoxing wine Ingots open box tasting and review: (This post is the English review, for the Chinese…
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Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer & Philips 5000 Series Mineral Negative Ion Hair Dryer Open Box Review

Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer & Philips 5000 Series Mineral Negative Ion Hair Dryer Open Box Review: 此文為英文版,欲看中文版,請點下連結 / This post is the English version; for the Chinese review, please click…
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及第冷凍豬肉高麗菜手工捏花水餃開箱試吃食記評價 / Jidi handmade frozen dumplings (pork & cabbage flavour) 800g open Box Review

及第冷凍豬肉高麗菜手工捏花水餃開箱試吃食記評價 / Jidi handmade frozen dumplings (pork & cabbage flavour) 800g open Box Review : (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看):  先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃食記影片/ Watch Our Youtube Open Box Review &…
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八方雲集開箱食記評價 / Bafang Yunji 8 Way Dumpling Taiwan Open Box Food Review

八方雲集開箱食記評價 / Bafang Yunji 8 Way Dumpling Taiwan Open Box Food Review: (scroll down for the English version/ 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮八方雲集開箱試吃YT影片/ Watch our Youtube BaFang Yunji Open Box Mukbang Video: 台灣水餃、鍋貼的麵食連鎖鋪店餐飲集團前兩強不外乎就是大家耳熟能詳,隨處能見的八方雲集和四海遊龍啦!…
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Taiwan Humming Food High-end Bento Box Open Box Review- Catered to the High-Profile Execs Only

台灣蜂鳥食堂便當開箱試吃 - 董事長級的大人物才吃得到的高級便當 / Taiwan Humming Food High-end Bento Box Open Box Review- Catered to the High-Profile Execs Only (Scroll down for the English version / 英文版向下看) 台灣蜂鳥食堂便當開箱試吃 - 董事長級的大人物才吃得到的高級便當…
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星巴克首家車道型服務門市(Drive-Thru)-於4月1日彰化金馬門市盛大開幕 / Starbucks Taiwan’s First-Ever Drive-Thru Store Grand Opening – Changhua Jinma Store

星巴克首家車道型服務門市(Drive-Thru)-於4月1日彰化金馬門市盛大開幕 / Starbucks Taiwan's First-Ever Drive-Thru Store Grand Opening - Changhua Jinma Store: 星巴克台灣彰化縣首家車道型服務門市(Drive-Thru)-彰化金馬門市於4月1日盛大開幕 / Starbucks Taiwan first Drive-thru store in Chunghua (Scroll down for the English version / 英文版向下看)…
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Yaa Fang Foods CNY Delivery Set Meal Openbox Review

「雅方食品」過年推出「新春暖冬組合」套餐 兒開箱試吃評價 / Yaa Fang Foods CNY Delivery Set Meal Openbox Review: (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片/ Watch our Youtube Open Box Video First: 「雅方食品」是全台灣做冷凍加熱即食料理包及其他冷凍食品的佼佼者。其中以他們的「羊肉爐」和冰品最為出名。「雅方食品」的羊肉爐一直都是殘家想吃羊肉時的首選。所以當看到「雅方食品」今年過年推出「新春暖冬組合」套餐,當然是立即下單。 English version…
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