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時尚高潮舉辦每月與粉絲聚餐的高級餐會。這次當然還是選在使用米其林等級食材、殘編私愛的Trattoria di Primo啦!
這次來參加的貴賓都是有水準的社會人士及菁英。上菜前,饕客細細品嚐著一位貴賓帶來的酩悦 (Moet)香檳
Fashion Ecstasy hosted yet another successful fine-dining foodie event in Taipei with our fans and readers on November 5. We chose our editor’s favourite Italian restaurant in Taipei, which uses 3-Star Michelin-grade ingredients, Trattoria di Primo. Our event brought together top executives and young leaders this time. Before food is served, our foodie guests enjoyed Moet & Chandon Champagne courtesy of one of our VIPs.
Then food it’s served!
Watch our video first:
經典Primo 凱薩沙拉,上面灑上滿滿現場削的頂極Grana Padano乳酪,這種「國寶級的起司」殘編上次已介紹過了。它跟一般沙拉所用的「帕瑪森」比起來較為純淨無雜質,有入口即化的口感。
Ths is Trattoria di Primo’s classic Primo Caesar salad topped with high-quality Grana Padano cheese. I’ve introduced this salad dish in this post. As known as the national treasure cheese, Trattoria di Primo uses Grana Padano that is purer than the usual Parmesan that is used in our salads, which gives it a melt-in-your-mouth texture and lighter taste.
This is a twist on the classic Italian Caprese salad, with a layer of avocado sandwiched in the middle, topped with balsamic sauce. Kudos to the chef who made this traditional dish into such a creative new play on the tongue!
This symphony of seafood is created by Chef Roy using orange juice to marinate fresh seafood such as shrimp and squid. It is cupped in a piece of Radicchio and topped with a slice of black olive. The presentation is Instagram worthy and can be hash-tagged with “#foodart“.
Veal chops are made from dairy cows under two years old, charcoal grilled and served on mashed potatoes mixed with pesto sauce. The tendon part close to the bone has a chewy but tender texture, and the side of the meat is covered with charcoal aromas. It is absolutely delicious.
Mussels are flown live from France and have a less fishy flavor. Chef Roy cooks them merely with white wine, retaining its flavours and serves them with bread for dipping.
主廚將「波隆那肉醬」搭配「吸管麵」,讓人「爆頭」(好吃到頭爆炸,英文所說的「BLOW YOUR MIND」,真有其說法,不是因為殘編腦中風喔!)的原因就是中間的那個洞。因為它會裝滿肉醬,即使(國外)家常的義大利麵都會有意外的驚喜的感覺!服務人員將63度溫泉蛋在此道料理上現場戳破攪拌進去,我們看了都要「雙爆」了!
There are over hundreds of types of Italian pasta in the world. “Bucatini” is very similar to Spaghetti but it is thicker and has a hole like a straw running through the middle. “Bolognese (aka “ragu”) is one of the most popular Italian classic pasta sauces.
Chef Roy uses bucatini instead of spaghetti with the Bolognese blew our mind when we bit down on the noodles filled with sauce. It was a delicious explosion, both in our mouths and in our minds”, the pasta is topped with a 63-degree poached egg which is mixed into the pasta right in front of us!
這道是Primo 的「火紅料理」與桌邊秀,廚師將燉飯豪邁的直接倒入艾西亞格高山起司輪點火做料理,這篇有詳細的介紹喔!影片看這裡:
This is Trattoria di Primo‘s “hottest” item and tableside show. Our chef dumps the risotto directly into an Asiago high altitude Alpine cheese wheel and cooks it with flaming Sambuca, I’ve made a more detailed introduction in this post!
Watch this video:
This pizza is “shiny” and glamorous. Its shine comes from a transparent gelatinous layer made with Iberian pig back oil. Chef Roy adopted this concept from Japan when he saw them serve “shiny ramen” topped with Iberian pig back oil. He decided to incorporate the idea into his pizza and found the result surprisingly delicious.
Classic. ’nuff said. (more said here: https://fashionecstasy.com/fashion-ecstasy-vip-food-event/
The sauce for the salmon fillet is made with capers from Sicily with cream, and the fish is served with onions, peppers and zucchini stir-fried with olive oil. The salmon fillet is baked just right and still retains enough moisture to keep it fresh and tender.
This seemingly overcooked black duck leg is actually a masterpiece that has undergone multiple procedures of cooking. I’ve introduced this dish in this article. Once you break into the hard and crispy shell, only juicy duck meat is seen (watch the first video!) This was an unforgettable dish and the only difference I’ve noticed this time is how much better it tastes. Chef Roy’s cooking skills seems to have improved a lot. Since we all get our own duck, we demolished them in no time.
Tiramisu here is served in a layer of Oreo’s chocolate chip on top, garnished with a piece of mint, making it look like a cute plant. The mascarpone cheese itself isn’t overly strong, so the chocolate chips give it a perfect balance.
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