Gladstone Hotel‘s GROW OP 2015 is the third annual exhibition of landscape art. The media preview on Apr 22 coincided with Earth Day, and it was the perfect way to celebrate the relationship between nature and urban design.

Contributing artists made use of the hotel’s diverse spaces.

Paul Chartrand‘s “Herbal Teable” featured a hydroponic mint plant growing within a wooden table, using minimal water and power. The fresh mint tea was tasty.

“Anthophila” was a serious of trees where a honey bee would be found living amongst.

“Textures of Toronto” showed samples of nature from Toronto’s diverse neighbourhoods.

“In Place of a Forest” transformed a hotel room into a dark, wooden forest.

Claire Kurtin, Nadia Pulez and Ramin Yamin‘s “Flore Synthetica” involved intricately handcrafted paper trees.

“A New Archaeology for the Leslie St. Spit” was a fascinating installation using stones to simulate the well known Toronto area.

GROW OP 2015 really makes it easier to understand that all of us are truly connected to our city landscape and so much needs to be done to protect it for future generations.

GROW OP 2015 runs from Apr 22- Apr 26 at the Gladstone Hotel.

(photos by Sari)

Grow Op 2015-Gladstone Hotel


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