It is almost holiday season and if you’re looking to host a toast, Canadian food & entertaining experts Matt & Steve are here to help!

I am a Caesar type of girl in the morning, a Martini type of woman at night. It made me so happy when I discovered Matt & Steve’s pickled products. Their Extreme Beans are extremely crispy and are perfect for a morning Caesar, finished with their Bloody Caesar Rimmer. Their B’n Olives (get this, stuffed with their Extreme Beans!) are huge and juicy and are great to be enjoyed with a late-night Martini.
What’s even better is the list of easy festive food recipes that can be prepared with Matt & Steve’s pickled products. I’m here to share a few.

B’nOlive Bocconcini Skewers

B'n Olive Bocconcini Skewers
B’n Olive Bocconcini Skewers

Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive, bocconcini balls, grape tomatoes, fig infused balsamic vinegar.

Prep Time:
3 – 5 min

1. Add 1 Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive, 1 bocconcini ball, 1 grape tomato on a skewer, repeat until you have a dish full of skewers.
2. Drizzle the skewers with fig infused balsamic vinegar.
3. Serve on a serving tray.

B’nOlive Greek Salad

Extreme Bean Greek Salad matt & steve's recipe
Extreme Bean Greek Salad

Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive, Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive brine, seedless cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, feta cheese

Prep Time:
5 – 7 min

1. Slice heirloom tomatoes into 4’s.
2. Slice seedless cucumbers into 4’s.
3. Slice Matt & Steve’s B’nOlives in half.
4. Add all the above ingredients into a bowl and mix.
4. Sprinkle feta cheese over all ingredients.
5. Add Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive brine in a spritzer bottle and spray over all ingredients.
6. Serve in a sharing bowl.

Boozy B’nOlive

Boozy B'n Olives matt & steve's recipe
Boozy B’n Olives

Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive, Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive brine, vodka, vermouth, ice

Prep Time:
3 – 5 min

1. Skewer a jar of Matt & Steve’s B’nOlives onto 10-12” skewers.
2. Add ice in a big martini glass.
3. Add brine and spices from the Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive jar into a shaker.
4. Add 2-3 ounces of vodka and 1-2 oz of vermouth into shaker & shake.
5. Top martini glass with ice.
6. Place all Matt & Steve’s B’nOlive skewers in the martini glass filled with ice.
7. Pour ingredient from the shaker into the martini glass.

Extreme Bean Gouda & Pepperoni Skewers

Extreme Bean Gouda and Pepperoni Skewers
Extreme Bean Gouda and Pepperoni Skewers

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean Sweet and Savoury, gouda cheese, pepperoni medallions

Prep Time:

3 – 5 min

1. Chop each Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean in half.
2. Slice gouda cheese into strips.
3. Slide 1 piece of Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean, 1 slice of gouda, 1 pepperoni onto each skewer.
4. Serve skewers on a serving tray.

Extreme Bean Tortillas Rolls

Extreme Bean Tortillas Rolls recipe
Extreme Bean Tortillas Rolls

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean, whole wheat tortillas, light cream cheese

Prep Time:

3 – 5 min

1. Spread light cream cheese on whole wheat tortillas.
2. Wrap 3 Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans in one tortilla.
3. Slice each tortilla into 4 equal pieces
4. Serve on a serving tray.

Extreme Bean Bruschetta

Extreme Bean Bruschetta
Extreme Bean Bruschetta

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean Sweet & Savoury, small heirloom tomatoes, crostini, virgin olive oil, sea salt, fresh basil, parmesan cheese

Prep Time:
5 – 7 min


1. Cut heirloom tomatoes into quarters.
2. Slice Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans into small pieces.
3. Chop fresh basil leaves.
4. Add all above ingredients into a mixing bowl.
5. Sprinkle ingredients with coarse sea salt.
5. Pour virgin olive oil into mixing bowl.
6. Mix all ingredients.
7. Add mixed ingredients onto crostini.
8. Grate Parmesan cheese over crostini.

Extreme Bean Deviled Eggs

Extreme Bean Deviled Eggs by matt & steve's
Extreme Bean Deviled Eggs

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean Garlic & Dill, Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean Brine, hard boiled eggs, bacon bits, red onions, mayonnaise, olive oil
Prep Time:
6 min

1. Slice hard boiled eggs into half and remove yolk.
2. Chop yolk, red onions, Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans Garlic & Dill into dices.
2. Add bacon bits and all the above ingredients into a mixing bowl.
3. Add mayonnaise, olive oil, sea salt and a splash of Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean brine into mixing bowl and mix together.
5. Scoop out the ingredients and place into sliced egg whites.
6. Garnish with chopped Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans.
7. Serve on a serving tray.

Mini Extreme Bean Grilled Cheese

Mini Extreme Bean Grilled Cheese
Mini Extreme Bean Grilled Cheese

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean Hot & Spicy, extra old cheddar, 7-grain bread, butter

Prep Time:
6 – 8 min

1. Cut extra old cheddar into slices and place on 7-grain bread.
2. Place several Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans on top of cheddar.
3. Add a few more slices of cheddar on top of Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans
4. Add top layer of 7-grain bread
5. Melt butter on a hot pan, place sandwiches in pan and cook both sides until golden brown.

Extreme Bean Southwest Shrimp Cocktail

Extreme Bean Southwest Shrimp Cocktail recipe
Extreme Bean Southwest Shrimp Cocktail

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans, chilled cocktail shrimps, pico de gallo, fresh cilantro, avocado, whole chili pepper, nacho chips, cocktail sauce, limes.

Prep Time:

5 – 7 min

1. Chop fresh cilantro, avocado, Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans, cocktail shrimps, chili pepper into pieces.
2. Add all chopped ingredients into a mixing bowl along with Pico de Gallo, 2 tablespoons of cocktail sauce and a little brine from Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean jar.
3. Squeeze lime juice into mixing bowl.
4. Stir all ingredients together and let chill for 20 minutes.
5. Place mix into a large martini glass.
6. Serve with nacho chips on top.

And of course, let’s not forget the drink:

Extreme Bean Caesar

Signature Caesar
Signature Caesar

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean Hot & Spicy, Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean brine, Clamato®, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, ice, lime, Matt & Steve’s Caesar Rimmer

Prep Time:

1 – 2 min


1. Wet a 12 oz glass rim and swirl in Matt & Steve’s Caesar Rimmer.
2. Add lots of ice into the glass.
3. Add 1 oz vodka into the glass.
4. Add a few shakes of Worcestershire sauce into the glass.
5. Add 1 oz Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean brine into the glass.
6. Squeeze lime juice into the glass.
7. Add Clamato® into the glass until just under the rim
8. Sprinkle a little bit of Matt & Steve’s Caesar Rimmer on top.
9. Stir gently until well mixed.
10. Garnish with one Matt & Steve’s Extreme Bean and a lime wedge.
11. Serve.


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