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( 中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)
Fashion Ecstasy had the honour to attend this year’s Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 (KFWLA), which took place all the way in LA (Los Angeles). featured a variety of top fashion designers and fashion brands, including Kobi Halperin for Ungaro, Asher Levine, threeASFOUR, Georgine, Oliver Tolentino,Lakris, Bishme Cromartie, Aliona Kononova, Victor Bellaish, Jolleson, Jen Rade, Dreu Beckemberg, Guvanch NYC, Shai Shalom, Placebo, Kentaro Kameyama, Marina Leight Atelier, Onalaja, Orit Levinger and Toit Volant. KFWLA was about mixing fashion, art, technology and sustainability to create beautiful and innovative garments.
中文版/ Chinese version:
洛杉磯今年的Kornit 2021時裝週(簡稱:「KFWLA」匯聚了眾多頂級服裝設計師和品牌,包括由名牌設計師Kobi Halperin為Ungaro知名品牌設計的獨家系列、Asher Levine、threeASFOUR、Georgine、Oliver Tolentino、Lakris、 Bishme Cromartie、Aliona Kononova、Victor Bellaish、Jolleson、Jen Rade、Dreu Beckemberg、Guvanch NYC、Shai Shalom、Placebo、Kentaro Kameyama、Marina Leight Atelier、Onalaja、Orit Levinger 和 Toit Volant。 KFWLA 旨在將時尚、藝術、科技和可持續性發展相結合,創造出美觀又具創新的服裝。
We attended Asher Levine‘s fashion show based on his Time + Light Collection. He uses algorithmic design to create exciting graphics of light that have a 70’s vibe to them. His pieces were dynamic and edgy while being completely wearable. He started his AL brand in 2010 and has been using 3D and illumination techniques ever since. His celebrity clientele includes Lady GAGA, Beyonce and Taylor Swift (among the many other big name celebrities).
中文版/ Chinese version:
我們時尚高潮團隊榮幸受邀參加 Asher Levine在洛杉磯Kornit 2021年的時裝秀。 今年展出的是Asher Levine的 Time + Light 系列的服裝。 他使用演算法設計創造出令人驚豔的的發光圖像。所有圖像兼以70年代作為靈感而設計出來的。 他的作品除了前衛、充滿活力之外,同時完全適合穿著、不突兀。 Asher Levine於 2010 年創立自己的 AL 品牌,此後一直使用 3D 和發光照明技術設計。 他的客戶包括無數超大牌的名星,包括 女神卡卡(Lady GAGA)、碧昂絲(Beyonce) 和 泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)等等。
Kornit Fashion Week LA (KFWLA) makes it easier for designers to use digital printing that is more environmentally friendly. Its techniques use zero wastewater, low carbon footprint, and with on-demand printing, there is no waste of fabrics. Brands do not get stuck with inventory. It also makes the playing field more level for smaller brands to compete as customers can order a single garment made exclusively for them with a fast turnaround. The system allows for more competitive prices so that customization can be profitable. Kornit shows that technology can sustainably achieve fast fashion“.
中文版/ Chinese version:
洛杉磯Kornit時裝週讓設計師們可以更容易使用環保的數位印刷,讓服裝界流程更環保、保護地球。 其技術使用零廢水排放、明顯減少碳足跡,並且採用隨需印刷制度,藉此達到不浪費織物的目標,品牌也不會被庫存困擾。Kornit時裝週更是為較小的品牌提供了更公平的競爭環境,因為客戶可以快速訂購僅僅一件專為他們下單所定做的服裝。該系統允許更具競爭力的價格,讓訂製系統也能盈利。 Kornit證實科技可以在可持續性發展同時實現快速時尚。
Kornit Fashion Week really opened our eyes to the possibilities of how fashion can evolve.
中文版/ Chinese version:
今年的KFWLA洛杉磯 Kornit 2021時裝週真讓我們大開眼界,就連遠赴義大利就讀全球最有名的服裝設計碩士名校的殘編都看到時尚界前所未見、未來無限發展的可能性。
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