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What are your childhood memories mostly about? Mine consist of outdoor picnics, fruit-picking in our garden, custom-made birthday cakes at extravagant birthday parties, and many, many cotton candies. My childhood was my happiest years in life. When mom and dad came home with a cotton candy after an unexplained absence, I forgot about being mad.
Cotton candies wear a dreamy, cloud-like puffy ball gown, once the confection enters the mouth, it melts into your bloodstream and boosts endorphins. No wonder cotton candies make me happy. As I age and start having grown up concerns like health issues and sugar intake, I stop craving for sugar and start cutting them out from my diet, which also means stop eating cotton candies. Though I no longer am a fan of sugar, I haven’t stopped believing in fairy-tales or fairies.
棉花糖的歷史可以追溯自1900年,原名「Fairy Floss (仙女絲)」。由於它在機械化以前的製作過程複雜,而被認為是貴族才買得起的點心。隨著製作過程機械化,棉花糖被推廣到大眾市場,也受到廣眾喜愛,還有到園遊會、遊樂場等場所都是不可或缺的商品。歐洲的棉花糖可以說是貴族出生,延伸到各個街頭。希望棉花糖是從內湖的737夜市發跡,再到台北101百貨駐點販賣。希望棉花糖將一般的球型棉花糖製作成各種不同的造型,贈予棉花糖創新的生命力,也給殘編這種選擇待在自己泡泡裡的生活,帶來了有如童話故事般的彩色希望。
The history of cotton candy dates back to the 19th century. Before mechanization, It was called “Fairy Floss,” and because it was labor-intensive, it was expensive and considered a confection for the rich and elite.
With the invention of the cotton candy machine, cotton candies no longer require hand-crafting. Production rises yet the value has also dropped from noble to street carnival level. Love & Hope Cotton Candy brings hope and life back to this forgotten confection. Love & Hope Cotton Candy’s Chinese name is “Xi Wang (which literally translates to “Hope”)”. It is probably the only Cotton Candy business that has works its way up “from the streets instead (from Neihu 737 Nightmarket) to the majestic Taipei 101. With a magical artistic touch, the nostalgic treat is elevated and remodeled into cartoon and animal figures such as Hello Kitty and Pom Pom Purin that even caught my eye (well, the Minions did).
Love & Hope Cotton Candy is the only Taiwanese Cotton Candy business that has made its way to Japan and has been proudly invited by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau to promote Taiwan tourism industry at the Indonesia Travel Fair. Love & Hope Cotton Candy caters all kinds of events including weddings, corporate events, and opening ceremonies. If it’s an occasion to celebrate, why not bring in some hope? Am I right?
希望創意造型棉花糖:適合當婚禮小禮物 (these creative customized cotton candies are also perfect for wedding favours) and will guarantee Instagram and social shares!
these creative customized cotton candies are also perfect for wedding favours and will guarantee Instagram and social shares!
FB: http://www.facebok.com/hope.love.sherry/
Wechat: love_shelly_love
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