Though Brazil did not make it to the World Cup final, the Brazilian spirit will never die at Queens Street’s South American petisqueria- Mata Petisco Bar.

Classic Lime Caipirinha
Classic Lime Caipirinha

Brazilian born & raised Felipe Faccioli & Tulio Lessa, Muskoka native Patrick Fraser, Portuguese Canadian Steve Fernandes, and Sharath Dwarkanathan are the big guys behind this newly opened bar. Each with a strong culinary background and expertise, the gang of five has created a summer menu reflective of the bar’s name – a reference to Brazil’s Mata Atlantica.

Cheese Bread & Lobster Pastel
Cheese Bread & Lobster Pastel

Instead of boring, tasteless bread, lobster pastel & cheese bread were served for starters, followed by a generous portion of Corvina ceviche.

Smoked Crispy Chicken Hearts
Smoked Crispy Chicken Hearts

Chicken heart skewers were smoked and fried crispy, dipped in a sweet cauliflower puree with ancho chili oil.

Picanha Sliders
Picanha Sliders

Picanha slider’s patty was cooked to a juicy medium, topped with cachaca caramelized onions, malagueta pepper aioli and house made catupiry cheese.

Grilled Octopus
Grilled Octopus

Grilled octopus with heart of palm puree was accompanied by crispy taco root chips, a perfect match.

Beef Cheek Poutine
Beef Cheek Poutine

Poutine was served with big chunks of beef cheeks. A perfect amount of gravy & fresh curds kept them cassava fries crispy. Scallion was a nice touch.

Advocado Creme Brulee
Advocado Creme Brulee

Creme brûlée was made with avocado with a thick & creamy texture under a solid layer of crispy burnt sugar.
All was complemented with two South American classics –lime caipirinha, Brazil’s national drink served with sugar cane; and pisco sour, simply the best sour drink of all.

Picsco Sour
Picsco Sour

(photos by Tanya)
Mata Petisco Bar on Urbanspoon
Mata Petisco Bar South American Cuisine, Latin American restaurant


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