The third annual EAT DRINK GIVE held at Buonanotte successfully raised over $125,000 for Moms for Sinai’s five-year pledge to raise $500,000 for the David & Stacey Cynamon Mother & Baby Unit’s two new Labour and Delivery Suites at Mount Sinai Hospital. This year’s event featured a presentation of 2014 trend forecast hosted by broadcast journalist, Liza Fromer. Experts from the art, fashion, travel, events and interior design industries all came together to join the panel discussion & share their insights.

Jennifer Elmaleh, Kailee Mecklinger, Jennifer Konopny and Jennifer Brodlieb, Moms for Sinai Co-chairs
Jennifer Elmaleh, Kailee Mecklinger, Jennifer Konopny and Jennifer Brodlieb, Moms for Sinai Co-chairs

(photo credit: Trish Mennell Photography)

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