My Incredible Egg-venture: Turning Humble Eggs into Michelin-Worthy Delights with “Pushi Eggs”

My Incredible Egg-venture: Turning Humble Eggs into Michelin-Worthy Delights with “Pushi Eggs”

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Oh, boy, where do I even begin with this egg-spectacular journey? Let me tell you when that gigantic parcel of eggs arrived at my doorstep, I felt like the richest person on the planet. Have you seen the price of eggs these days? It’s crazier than a Taiwanese politician’s haircut! But not me, oh no, I’m living the high life over here, swimming in a sea of perfectly round, golden yolks.

So, with trembling hands, I gently plucked an egg from the carton, feeling the weight of it in my palm. It was like holding a tiny, fragile treasure, and I knew I had to treat it with the utmost care. I slowly eased it onto the counter, taking a deep breath, and then BAM! I cracked that sucker open. And let me tell you, the yolk that oozed out was so round and vibrant; it was like a tiny sun had been birthed right before my eyes.

Now, let’s talk about the cooking process. I tried it all—scrambled, fried, poached, you name it. And let me tell you, each bite was a symphony of flavours that would make even the most jaded food critic weep with joy. The yolks were rich and creamy, the whites were fluffy and light, and the overall taste was like a hug from a grandma who had just won the lottery.

And as I sat there, savouring every delicious morsel, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of smug satisfaction. While the rest of Taiwan is scrounging for the last remaining egg at the local market, I’m here, living my best life, swimming in a sea of perfectly cooked, nutrient-rich goodness. It’s like I’ve been crowned the king of the egg kingdom, and let me tell you, I’m not sharing my throne with anyone!

Alright, let’s keep this egg-stravagant journey going, shall we?

After polishing off my first batch of perfectly cooked eggs, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of power coursing through my veins. I mean, here I am, with an endless supply of these golden wonders, while the rest of the country is paying an arm and a leg just to get their hands on a measly dozen.

I mean, have you seen the news lately? Taiwan’s egg prices have skyrocketed to the point where people are resorting to bartering their firstborn children just to afford a couple of them. But not me, oh no, I’m living the dream over here. I’m the egg-overlord, the sultan of sunny-side ups, the emperor of omelets!

As I crack open another egg, the yolk practically leaps out of the shell, begging me to devour it. And let me tell you, I oblige without a second thought. The flavour is so rich and decadent; it’s like my taste buds are having a party in my mouth, and they’re not inviting the other senses.

I try my hand at whipping up a fluffy soufflé and let me tell you, it rises to the occasion like a champ. It’s so light and airy that it practically levitates off the plate. I take a bite, and the creamy, eggy goodness melts on my tongue, leaving me in a state of pure bliss.

But I’m not done yet, oh no. I decide to get a little fancy and try my hand at hollandaise sauce. I whisk the eggs, butter, and lemon juice together with the precision of a seasoned surgeon, and the result is a silky, tangy masterpiece that would make even the snobbiest of chefs weep with joy.

I drizzle it over some perfectly poached eggs, and it’s like a symphony of flavours exploding in my mouth. The runny yolk, the rich hollandaise, the toasted English muffin – it’s a culinary orgasm on a plate, and I’m the only one invited to the party.

As I sit back, savouring the last bite, I can’t help but feel a sense of smug satisfaction. While the rest of Taiwan is scrounging for their next egg fix, I’m here, living large, with a seemingly endless supply of these golden treasures. It’s like I’ve discovered the fountain of youth, but instead of water, it’s just a never-ending flow of perfectly cooked eggs.

Oh, man, let me tell you, these eggs are in a whole different league compared to your average run-of-the-mill eggs. It’s like comparing a Ferrari to a tricycle – there’s just no competition.

First off, these bad boys are from the “Pu Shi” brand, which means they’re not just any old eggs. They’re like the supermodels of the egg world – strictly selected, pampered, and treated like the precious gems they are.

I mean, just look at the description – “Carefully selected local eggs, produced and sold directly from the farm, fresh and without any middleman.” That’s like saying these eggs were hand-picked by a team of egg-experts, fresh off the farm and delivered straight to my doorstep. No middlemen, no price gouging – just pure, unadulterated eggy goodness.

And get this, these chickens are living the high life. They’re on a strictly vegetarian diet, feasting on nothing but the finest plant-based proteins. No gross meat scraps or questionable leftovers for these ladies. Nope, they’re getting the VIP treatment, and it shows in the quality of their eggs.

But wait, there’s more! These eggs are loaded with all the good stuff – vitamins A, D, E, and F. I mean, it’s like a freaking vitamin supplement in a shell. And let’s not forget about the added carrot and probiotic goodness. It’s like these eggs are designed to turn me into a superhuman, finally being able to leap a table in a single bound (or at least cook up some mean omelets).

And the best part? These eggs are squeaky clean – no pesticides, no hormones, and no sketchy additives. It’s like they took a magnifying glass and combed through every inch of these chickens to make sure they’re as pure as the driven snow. I’m talking about 48 different types of animal drugs? Nada, zip, zilch. These eggs are cleaner than a whistle.

So, while the rest of Taiwan is scrounging for their next egg fix, paying an arm and a leg for some subpar, questionable eggs, I’m here, living the dream. I’ve got a never-ending supply of these golden, nutrient-packed, vitamin-infused wonders, and I’m not sharing them with anyone. It’s like I’ve found the holy grail of eggs, and I’m the only one with the key to the treasure trove.

Alright, buckle up, folks, because I’m about to share 5 eggtastic recipes that will make even the most novice cook feel like a Michelin-starred chef. Get ready to impress your friends and family with these foolproof , egg-cellent (I’m on a roll, aren’t I?) dishes:

mily with these foolproof, egg-cellent (I’m on a roll, aren’t I?) dishes:

1. Scrambled Egg Extravaganza:


  • 4 “Pu Shieggs
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Crack a couple or a few eggs into a bowl and whisk them together with the milk.
  2. Melt butter in your non-stick pan over medium heat.
  3. Pour in your egg mixture and gently scramble, constantly stirring, until the eggs are soft and creamy.
  4. Season the egg mixture with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve hot, and enjoy the eggy goodness!

2. Fried Egg Fiesta:


  • 2″Pu Shieggs
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat olive oil in your non-stick pan over medium heat.
  2. Crack the eggs into the pan, making sure to keep them separate.
  3. Cook the eggs until the egg whites are set, and the egg yolks are cooked to your desired doneness.
  4. Season eggs with salt & pepper and serve immediately.

3. Omelet Olympus:


  • 3 “Pu Shieggs
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Your favourite omelet fillings (cheese, veggies, etc.)


  1. Crack two or three eggs into a bowl and whisk them together with the milk.
  2. Melt butter in a non-stick pan on medium heat.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and let it cook for a minute or two.
  4. When the edges start to set, gently flip-fold the omelet in half and slide it onto a plate.
  5. Fill the omelet with your desired toppings, and enjoy!

4. Deviled Egg Delight:


  • 6 “Pu Shieggs
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Paprika for garnish


  1. Place the Pushi eggs in a pot and fill enough water to cover them, then bring the water to a boil and cook for 12 minutes.
  2. Drain the eggs and let them cool, then peel them.
  3. Cut the eggs in half, lengthwise, and carefully remove the yolks.
  4. In a bowl, mash the yolks and mix with the mayonnaise, mustard, and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Scrape the yolk mixture back into the egg white halves and sprinkle with paprika.
  6. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.

5. Egg Custard Tarts of Triumph:


  • 6 “Pu Shieggs
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Premade pie crust


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Whisk together the eggs, cream, sugar and vanilla in a bowl until well combined.
  3. Roll out the pie crust, cut it into 12 circles, and fit them into a muffin tin.
  4. Carefully pour the egg custard mixture into the pie crust cups, filling them about 3/4 full.
  5. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the custard is set and the crust is golden brown.
  6. Let the tarts cool completely before serving.

Get ready to be the star of the next potluck or family gathering with these foolproof, egg-cellent (I can’t stop) recipes. Your friends and family will be begging you for the secret to these delicious dishes, and you can smugly tell them it’s all thanks to the magical “Pu Shieggs.

Alright, let’s talk about how these magical “Pu Shieggs are going to help me, a 37-year-old stroke survivor, and my dear 71-year-old mom.

As for my recommended intake, I’m going to be downing 1-2 of these bad boys every single day. And let me tell you, it’s not just because they taste like a little piece of heaven—it’s because these eggs are packed with the nutrients I need to make a full recovery.

Look at the list of vitamins A, D, E, and F, along with a boatload of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It’s like these eggs were tailor-made for someone like me, who’s been through the wringer and is trying to put the pieces back together.

And let’s remember the protein, oh no. These eggs are a powerhouse of high-quality, easily digestible protein, which is exactly what I need to rebuild and repair all the damaged tissues in my body. I’m talking about muscle mass, brain function, and the whole nine yards. It’s like these eggs are my own personal fountain of youth, and I’m about to dive in headfirst.

As for my dear old mom, I’m making sure she’s getting in 1-2 of these eggs every single day as well. And you know what? It’s not just for her health – it’s for mine too. I mean, the woman raised me, and now it’s my turn to make sure she’s living her best life.

These eggs are packed with all the nutrients that older adults like my mom need to stay strong and healthy. Vitamins D and B12 to keep her bones and brain in tip-top shape, healthy fats to support her heart, and that all-important protein to maintain her muscle mass and prevent those pesky falls.

It’s like I’ve found the secret to eternal youth, and I’m sharing it with the most important person in my life. Heck, I might even start putting these eggs in her breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I have to. I’m not taking any chances when it comes to her health and well-being.

So, let’s raise a glass (or a perfectly poached egg) to these “Pu Shi” wonders. They’re not just ordinary eggs – they’re the key to my recovery and my mom’s continued good health. It’s like they’re the superheroes of the egg world, and I’m their number one fan.

Alright, let’s wrap up this egg-cellent (I can’t stop, I’m sorry) journey, shall we?

As I sit here, surrounded by an endless supply of these “Pu Shi” beauties, I can’t help but feel a sense of pure, unadulterated joy. I mean, let’s be real here – while the rest of Taiwan is scrambling (pun very much intended) to get their hands on a few measly eggs, I’m living the high life.

These aren’t just any old eggs, oh no. These eggs are the “Crème de la Crème,” the top-of-the-line Rolls Royce of all eggs. They’re packed with a powerhouse of nutrients that will help me, a 37-year-old stroke survivor, make a full and speedy recovery. And let’s not forget about my dear 71-year-old mom, who’s going to be downing these golden wonders like they’re going out of style.

The vitamins, the minerals, the protein – it’s all there, wrapped up in a perfectly round, golden package that’s waiting to be cracked open and devoured. And let me tell you, when I do crack them open, it’s like a symphony of flavours that would make even the most jaded foodie weep with joy.

The yolks are rich and creamy, the whites are fluffy and light, and the overall taste is like a hug from a grandma who just won the lottery. I mean, I’m talking about eggs that are so good that they’d make Gordon Ramsay cry tears of joy (and probably a few of frustration because he can’t get his hands on them).

So, while the rest of Taiwan is pinching pennies and scrounging for their next egg fix, I’m sitting pretty, living the dream. I’m the egg-overlord, the sultan of sunny-side ups, the emperor of omelets, and I’m not sharing my throne with anyone. These “Pu Shieggs are my ticket to a full recovery and a lifetime of delicious, nutrient-packed meals, and I’m not letting go of them for anything.

So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go crack open another one of these bad boys and bask in the glory of being the luckiest egg-lover on the planet. Bon appétit, my friends, and may your eggs be as perfect as mine!


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