My Near-Death Experience on Taiwan’s Old Tianmu Historic Hiking Trail: A Cautionary Tale for Overambitious Stroke Survivors

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Hello, fellow adventurers and Fashion Ecstasy’s lovely fans! Welcome to my exhilarating (or should I say, terrifying) journey along Taiwan’s Old Tianmu Hiking Trail. As a stroke survivor with a penchant for pushing the limits, I embarked on this expedition with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Little did I know that this trail would test not only my physical abilities but also my sanity. Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, self-deprecating humour, and a healthy dose of regret.

The Trail of Doom: A Stroke Survivor’s Nightmare

The Old Tianmu Hiking Trail, nestled in the lush embrace of Yangmingshan National Park, boasts a height of around 300 meters and a length of approximately 2.5 kilometres. It’s a treacherous path adorned with steep stone steps that seem designed to send stroke survivors like me plummeting to their doom.
I stand at the trailhead, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind racing with trepidation. The Old Tianmu Hiking Trail looms before me, its steep stone steps stretching into the heavens like a cruel joke. With each agonizing step, I feel my resolve wavering, my confidence crumbling under the weight of my bone density deficiency and hemiparesis. Every step is a battle, a dance with disaster, as I teeter on the edge of calamity.
As I gingerly placed my first foot on the unforgiving stone, a wave of instant regret washed over me. My mind raced with thoughts of my fragile bone density and the horrifying possibility of shattering into a million pieces with just one misstep.

The Inner Turmoil: A Descent into Self-Doubt

Self-doubt gnaws at my soul as I ascend. Am I delusional to think I can conquer this trail with a mere single cane? Should I have opted for the quad cane, a symbol of my true physical limitations? The trail seems to relish in my suffering; its relentless ascent is a constant reminder of my audacity. I’m a human-sized hamster trapped on an oversized exercise wheel, desperately trying to avoid a fatal tumble.

The Voices in My Head: A Stroke Survivor’s Symphony of Self-Deprecation

My inner monologue transforms into a symphony of self-deprecating humour, a coping mechanism to stave off the encroaching darkness. I imagine myself as a clumsy hiker, my legs flailing like a Bambie on ice, my progress resembling a drunken sailor’s walk. Each step becomes a punchline, a testament to my folly.

Wildlife Encounters: Respecting Nature’s Boundaries

As I venture deeper into the “Formosan Macaque” zone, my excitement as a wildlife lover reaches a fever pitch. My phone’s camera is at the ready, firmly gripped in my single working hand, as I struggle forward, momentarily abandoning my cane. The allure of capturing a precious encounter with these elusive creatures overrides any concern for my safety. I wholeheartedly believe that the divine forces will bestow upon me at least a fleeting glimpse of my beloved wildlife, even if it lasts but a second.

However, as I progress along the trail, my spirits begin to sink. Signs warning hikers not to interact with or touch the monkeys become a constant reminder of the boundaries I must respect.

The warning signs along the trail served as a poignant reminder of the importance of conservation. These animals are not mere tourist attractions; they are sentient beings with their own needs and vulnerabilities. By respecting their boundaries and following the guidelines set by conservationists, we can help ensure their survival and preserve the delicate balance of their natural habitats.
The banana trees, which I had hoped would attract the macaques, stand barren and devoid of their sweet offerings. Disappointment threatens to overshadow my enthusiasm, leaving me feeling empty and yearning for that elusive connection with nature.
My encounter with the Formosan Macaques, although limited in physical interaction, deepened my connection with nature differently. It taught me that true appreciation lies not only in direct contact but also in understanding, respecting, and preserving the wild spaces and creatures that inhabit them.

Nature’s Beauty: A Sanctuary Amidst Struggle

Despite the mental and physical turmoil, I couldn’t help but marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the trail. The lush foliage, the vibrant flowers, and the melodic chirping of birds provided a much-needed distraction from my impending doom. The trail transformed into an unlikely sanctuary, a place where nature‘s splendour offered a glimmer of hope amidst my self-deprecating despair.

Reaching the Summit: A Triumph of Resilience

As I descend the trail, my heart swells with gratitude for life’s simple pleasures. This experience has taught me that even in the face of adversity, humour and self-awareness can be powerful allies. To all my fellow stroke survivors out there, I say this: never underestimate your strength, and never be afraid to push your boundaries. The trail may be treacherous, but the journey is worth every step, every stumble, and every moment of self-deprecating hilarity.

Behind the Scenes – The Hush-Hush Reality I Didn’t Want You to Know

Although this is the first time I have challenged myself to climb one of Taiwan’s hiking trails since my stroke, I knew that this time it could be as bad as the time being abandoned on top of Monte Tremblant by my own blood brother, my first time snowboarding. I could end up in human ashes buried in the mountains. Some people call me “strong” or “determined”; however, most call me “crazy,” “overestimating my abilities,” or “stubborn.” In any case, I’ve successfully completed the trail! Eager to share my excitement, I immediately livestream to show off, bragging about how I am a “female warrior,” just like my goddess Coco Lee.
Little do they know that as a result, this “female warrior” dislocated her hip and ended up laying in bed for several days, like a “female worrier” instead (pun intended)


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