Rockstar Hotel, the annual invite-only pop-up event, took over The Spoke Club, turning it into a summer paradise. This year’s theme-Long Live Summertime, Sunshine and Rock N’ Roll made a fun evening with full of  beach vibe combined with rock and roll.

Rockstar Hotel 2014 Long Live Summertime, Sunshine and Rock N’
At the door, we had a first glance at the all new 2015 Audi R8.
The Spoke Club decor brought us back  memories of playing at the beach, only this time we got to drink refreshing SKYY Vodka slushies frozen by dk² (including lemonade blend, which we loved), Somersby Cider, and the BBQ Caesar made with Dine Alone Food‘s Rock N’ Roll Hot Sauce with fire-grilled dogs, and we balanced it off with the candy bar offerings.

We enjoyed the time on the rooftop mixing with guests like Canadian Idol judge and music manager Jake Gold and several other entertainment industry personalities.

Celebrity photographer Paul Alexander was on site at the Hello! Canada Rockstar Hotel portrait studio to snap pictures of the night’s biggest stars including Karl Wolf, Shawn HookPoor Young Things and many more!

See also: Rockstar Hotel 2013

Jake Gold
Jake Gold

(photos by Tanya)

Rockstar Hotel 2014Long Live Summertime, Sunshine and Rock N’ Roll


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