The 7th Annual Sinai Soiree – A Roaring Success!
Sinai Soiree 2016, The highly anticipated Halloween fundraiser was a huge success once again this year with over 600 young professionals in attendance! Thrown by the Mount Sinai Health Foundation, this event was held on October 29, 2016, at the CBC Atrium in downtown Toronto.
The theme of this year’s event was Dia de los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead, a popular Mexican holiday celebration.
In true Day of the Dead fashion, most party-goers got all decked out with full skeleton makeup and elaborate costumes to match. Other guests took a different approach and dressed up as astronauts, mermaids, Red Riding Hoods, Waldos, and there was even a real RCMP officer dressed up as a Day of the Dead RCMP officer.
Not only was this event for a good cause, it was also a great way to celebrate Halloween with friends and meet new people.

The night was filled with Mexican-inspired hors d’oeuvres like delicious patatas bravas, and churros, a candy/chocolate bar filled with goodie bags, an interactive photo booth, a live DJ playing the latest beats, a dance floor, and two complimentary margarita bars by Tequila Tromba – delicious Tequila owned by a local Ontarian and made in Mexico.
In addition to all that, there were make-up artists on hand to paint people’s faces in Day of the Dead fashion, plus complimentary Day of the Dead costume add-ons and props available like hats, roses, and stickers.
Proceeds from the event went to support Women’s and Infants’ Health at Sinai Health System by helping the Foundation to purchase a Panda Resuscitation Warmer, an over-bed warmer that comes with a built-in, integrated resuscitation unit hence adaptable for high-risk births. . The new heat source is designedto bathe the babies in warmth while also keeping their caregivers comfortable. The open design allows for easier care for the newbornand more physical contacts with the parents
It was definitely a night to remember.
This event has brought young professionals together since 2010 and it will (hopefully!) continue to bring people together for years to come.
Check out the photos:

(photos by terrence)

For more info about Sinai Health System visit


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