What is the best way to spend a friday night? Here’s an idea, on Friday May 25, we were at the Gladstone hotel witnessing some vibrant performances presented by the Skin Tight Outta Sight Rebel Burlesque- The Outlaw Stripper’s Ball. The show was sassy, saucy, and humourous. Burlesquers strutted on stage with fancy costumes and props, danced their well-choreographed moves and acts, stripped off their costumes piece by piece until nearly naked. We spotted some Bachelors and Bacholerrettes spending their last nights as singles there and urged them onstage to strip. As reward for courage MC Keith Cole handed them a cute little “Skin Tight Outta Sight T-shirt” each to keep for the great memory. We loved it when Sauci Calla Horra lay elegantly in her shell and when Tanya Cheex lit up her breasts. We weren’t sure if that was fire we wanted to put out. There was a balloon girl running around covered with balloons, you donate and you get to pop one for prizes! Though we were sure people were more interested to see what’s under the balloons. I got lucky and popped the bust ones.
The event was fun and entertaining. It was a night combining art, clowning, and sexuality altogether to present the most enjoyable experience to the audience.

Missed the show? Not to worry, you would be surprised to know that this night was only a teaser. It was created to fundraise for the upcoming Burlesque Festival. Toronto Burlesque really knows how to keep us wanting more.


Toronto Burlesque Festival will be taking place on July 19-22. For more information please visit: http://www.torontoburlesquefestival.com/


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