Toronto’s historic Campbell House was the site for the SummerWorks Summer Soiree 2013 and Launch Party to raise funds and awareness for the 22nd annual SummerWorks Theatre Performance Festival. Guests had choices of Pitar wines and Mill Street Beer along with hors d’oeuvres like smoked Gouda grilled cheese sandwiches from Lakeview Restaurant and Devils on Horseback (bacon wrapped dates) from Samuel J Moore.
VIP SummerWorks Soiree 2013 - The Hungry Artist
The various rooms of the Campbell House housed different theatre companies who performed teasers from their upcoming SummerWorks shows or created one-of-a kind pieces just for the Soirée. Magician Joe Culpepper, (Show and Tell Alexander Bell) delighted guests with his carnation magic trick.

Jani Lauzon (A Side of Dreams) showed guests how to make their own dreamcatchers, which allows good dreams to fall through the centre and nightmares to be caught in the web. In the piece ‘Four Words’, SummerWorks Artist-In-Residence and host of CBC Radio’s Definitely Not the Opera, Sook-Yin Lee (How Can I Forget) along with Adam Litovitz, Max ChandlerStephanie Southmayd and Alice Lundy, encouraged the crowd to join them in creating a poem using only four words at a time. The witty poems were then sold for $4.00 or auctioned off to the highest bidder, much to the amusement of the crowd.

One highlight was the comedic libretto excerpt from Paradises Lost which follows the 200 year journey of the starship Discovery to colonize a new uninhabited planet.

Bluemouth Inc. staged a game of strip poker where participants had to reveal a truthful incident from their lives. And, some clothes did come off!

After the VIP event, the doors were opened to the general public for the Launch Party with more treats, wines, live performances and music.

The festival runs from August 8-18 and a complete schedule of performances can be found at

(photos by Tanya)[wp_cart:High Res. Photos (digital):price:5.90:end]
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SummerWorks Summer Soiree 2013


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