Tag archives for 節日


Casa Loma’s Holiday Lights Tour- a Great Way to Celebrate the festive Holiday Season

Casa Loma's Holiday Lights Tour- a Great Way to Celebrate the festive Holiday Season / 多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡節日燈飾之旅是慶祝即將來臨的聖誕節日假期的絕佳方式 (中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 /  Chinese translation: Tanya Hsu)…
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Arts, Theatre & Culture

ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2022 Ennio: The Maestro Screening & Film Review

ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2022 Ennio: The Maestro Screening & Film Review / ICFF年度意大利當代電影節2022年《50年一瞬間的魔幻時刻》電影特映會&影評: (中文版請向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version) (Chinese translation by Tanya/ 中譯:殘編) Watch…
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時尚高潮榮幸受邀至美國田納西州(State of Tennessee)大煙山地區( Smoky Mountains) 的多莉山遊樂園 ( Dollywood Parks & Resorts)度過2021年聖誕假期

時尚高潮榮幸受邀至美國田納西州(State of Tennessee)大煙山地區( Smoky Mountains) 的多莉山遊樂園 ( Dollywood Parks & Resorts)度過2021年聖誕假期 This post was originally published in English, for the English version, please click on the link below / 此文原文為英文,欲看英文版點以下連結: 中譯:殘編 /…
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感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 – 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving – Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review

感恩節吃吮指王開箱評價 - 在台灣就能吃到像火雞的烤全雞 / Shun Zhi Wang King in Taiwan for Thanksgiving - Whole Roast Chicken that Tastes Just Like Turkey- Open Box Review (Scroll down for English Version /…
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Wine & Champagne

Vini Ventures – A Safe, Online Guided Wine Tasting Experience. Staying Safe At Home Doesn’t Have To Be Boring Anymore! / Vini Ventures,一個在家防疫也能放鬆自己的線上指導品酒會。 誰說疫情期在家一定悶?

Vini Ventures - A Safe, Online Guided Wine Tasting Experience. Staying Safe At Home Doesn't Have To Be Boring Anymore! / Vini Ventures,一個在家防疫也能放鬆自己的線上指導品酒會。 誰說疫情期在家一定悶? (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese…
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Fine Arts

True Stock Studios – 帶來正能量、適合各個季節、自家收藏、送禮兩相宜的典雅手工木雕藝術

True Stock Studios - 帶來正能量、適合各個季節、自家收藏、送禮兩相宜的典雅手工木雕藝術 (this post is originally published in English, for the English version, please click on the link below / 此文原文為英文,欲看英文版請點以下連結): Watch our Youtube Video First /…
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