Tag archives for 踩點


The Punk Rock Museum of Las Vegas- Unleashing the Punk Rock Revolution: Get Up Close and Personal with Iconic Memorabilia and Rock Legends at The Punk Rock Museum in Las Vegas!” / 在拉斯維加斯龐克搖滾博物館近距離接觸招牌性紀念品和搖滾音樂史得傳奇人物和樂團!

The Punk Rock Museum of Las Vegas- Unleashing the Punk Rock Revolution: Get Up Close and Personal with Iconic Memorabilia and Rock Legends at The Punk Rock Museum in Las…
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Wuhuama Restaurant Chain Open Box Review

五花馬連鎖小吃餐廳開箱食記評價 / Wuhuama Restaurant Chain Open Box Review: (Scroll down for the English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 / Watch Our Youtube Openbox Mukbang Video First: 台灣街頭小吃店滿街都是,然而五花馬吸睛的五彩水餃籠早在我第一次經過他們店門口時就深深擄獲我心,納入踩點名單中。記得第一次吃五花馬是還在振興醫院住院時。過目不忘的彩色水餃就在當時腦頗弱的我的腦海裡盪漾,讓我朝思暮想,於是我就就溜出去吃,解解每天吃醫院食之無味的住院餐點的饞。 English version / 英文版:…
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“The Central America Travel RoadShow – “The Americas 2021”- Introducing All The Travel Destinations After the Pandemic

“The Central America Travel RoadShow – “The Americas 2021”- Introducing All The Travel Destinations After the Pandemic / 「The Americas 2021」中美洲旅展- 介紹疫情過後所有中美洲必踩點的觀光景點 (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version) (Chinese…
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食記 – 米其林星級餐廳「了凡油雞燒臘飯」外送套餐開箱評價 / Michelin-starred Restaurant “Liao Fan Hawker Chan Delivery Set Meal Open-Box & Review

食記 - 米其林星級餐廳「了凡油雞燒臘飯」外送套餐開箱評價 / Michelin-starred Restaurant "Liao Fan Hawker Chan Delivery Set Meal Open-Box & Review (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)  先看時尚高潮了凡油雞燒臘飯外送套餐開箱影片/ Watch Our Open Box youtube Vlog…
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6個網紅、網美必踩點的2D CAFE爆紅打卡咖啡廳師大店容易錯過的打卡自拍重點殘編總整理 / 6 Super Instagrammable 2D Cafe Shida Easy to

6個網紅、網美必踩點的2D CAFE爆紅打卡咖啡廳師大店容易錯過的打卡自拍重點殘編總整理 / 6 Super Instagrammable 2D Cafe Shida Easy to Miss Selfie Spots (Scroll down for English Version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT食記影片 / Watch Our Youtube Food Vlog First: 日韓超夯的2D…
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前6強台北安全圍爐餐廳懶人包,過年不怕武漢病毒 6 Top Safe & Coronavirus-free Hotpot restaurant to Get You Through CNY

前6強台北安全圍爐餐廳懶人包,過年不怕武漢病毒 6 Top Safe & Coronavirus-free Hotpot Restaurants in Taipei 冬天過年圍爐吃鍋暖身前安全不怕武漢病毒襲擊 - 台北前6強人氣特色火鍋店懶人包: 前6強台北安全圍爐餐廳懶人包,過年不怕武漢病毒 / 6 Top Safe & Coronavirus-free Hotpot Restaurants in Taipei (scroll down for English version /…
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