多倫多Soluna 頂樓露天餐酒館一周年慶典 (This post is in Chinese, for the English blog, please click on the link below / 此文為中文版部落格,欲看英文版請點以下連結): https://fashionecstasy.com/celebrating-solunas-one-year-anniversary-a-tropical-oasis-in-the-heart-of-queen-street-west-12/ 慶祝 Soluna 成立一周年 多倫多Soluna Restaurant + Rooftop Terrace頂樓露天餐酒館慶祝成立一周年,時尚高潮受邀參加 2023 年 … Continue reading →
Don Alfonso 1890 Toronto named Best Italian Restaurant in World by 50 Top Italy / 多倫多的Don Alfonso 1890義大利餐廳榮獲 「50 Top Italy」 全球最佳義大利餐廳獎
An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章
How did Italian Cuisine influence French Cuisine? /義大利料理是如何影響法國料理的?
The start of the French course menu and its order / 法國料理多道菜套餐起源以及上菜順序
What is a Cordon Bleu? / • 什麼是法國料理中的「藍帶(Cordon Bleu)」?
Where does the word “Restaurant” come from? /「Restaurant」(餐廳)一詞是怎麼來的?
Who Discovered the Soup? / 是誰發明「湯」(SOUP)?
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