Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

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2023 年邁阿密國際遊艇展


March 17, 2023 · Leave a Comment

The 4th Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 Toronto / 2022年第四屆多倫多年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈未來主義者大會

The 4th Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 Toronto / 2022年第四屆多倫多年度Blockchain Futurist Conference區塊鏈未來主義者大會

September 7, 2022 · Leave a Comment

jianzhushi jilupian Piece by Piece duolunduo zhanlan longzhong kaimu

建築師紀錄片「Piece by Piece – Inside the Renzo Piano Building Workshop」多倫多展覽隆重開幕展出中

August 1, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Fashion Art Toronto (FAT), Toronto’s Longest-running Annual Multi-arts and Fashion Event Returns 2022 as an Exciting in-person Event / Fashion Art Toronto (FAT),多倫多舉辦時間最長的年度多元藝術和時尚盛會2022年現場活動精彩回歸

Fashion Art Toronto (FAT), Toronto’s Longest-running Annual Multi-arts and Fashion Event Returns 2022as an Exciting in-person Event / Fashion Art Toronto (FAT),多倫多舉辦時間最長的年度多元藝術和時尚盛會2022年現場活動精彩回歸

June 11, 2022 · Leave a Comment

多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡(Casa Loma)戴安娜王妃展覽(Princess Diana Exhibition: Accredited Access)

多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡(Casa Loma)戴安娜王妃展覽(Princess Diana Exhibition: Accredited Access)

May 3, 2022 · Leave a Comment

Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 / 洛杉磯今年Kornit 2021時裝週(KFWLA)

Kornit Fashion Week LA 2021 really opened our eyes to the possibilities of how fashion can evolve / 今年的KFWLA洛杉磯 Kornit 2021時裝週真讓我們大開眼界,就連遠赴義大利就讀全球最有名的服裝設計碩士名校的殘編都看到時尚界前所未見、未來無限發展的可能性。

December 11, 2021 · Leave a Comment

多倫多的安大略美術館(The Art Gallery of Ontario /AGO) 安迪沃荷(安迪華荷 / 安迪沃霍爾)展

安大略美術館(AGO)的安迪沃荷展(Andy Warhol exhibition)是對這位傳奇人物及其廣泛職業生涯的深度而全面的回顧。 該展覽不僅追溯了他的職業生涯,也反映了時代的社會變遷。

August 12, 2021 · Leave a Comment